Thursday, March 22, 2018

Cheetos are life saving, iheart & is that a compliment? {Thankful Thursday

Image result for knit by god's hand thankful thursday

This week I am thankful for:
{The numbers go with my One Thousand Gifts Journal - just ignore}

227 / Birthdays at work
I am still so impressed how they take the time to celebrate everyone's birthday at work. With so many people, I didnt think it would be a big deal, but every single person's birthday, we've had time in the conference room to have donuts or bagels & just to chat. I have loved getting to know everyone's personality more through these things than anything else.

229 / Bruno drinking.
Our poor little blind man went through a bad spell there for a day or two where he didnt want to drink any water. Scared us to death.  His diet is so strict too with his skin allergies & I thought, if this is it, let him be happy & I fed him some cheetos. Do you know he gobbled them all up & went straight to the bowl of water (or ran into it eventually I should say) & drank up all sorts of water.  Cheetos for the win on this day!!! 

Image result for simply cheetos
Life Saver!!!

230 / iheart Radio back
No one listens to any music at their desks in my new office - mainly because everyone is so close together & it would be chaos.  But I'm in the front of the entire floor basically all by myself, so I keep the Christian radio station on super low on the iheart radio app & for a few days, it wouldnt work. I was in a panic.  But it finally came back - not sure what happened - sure it was some sort of computer issue that I have no idea how to figure out. Only thing I know, or care about - its back!

232 / Free Subway points
I have racked up the points at Subway - the place Ricky &I meet every Wednesday at lunch. & the workers there know us by name & what we get after all these years - so when they found out that Subway points system was changing & you couldnt get free food soon, they warned me to use up all my points I had. It covered over $16.00 of food on one trip & I went back later in the week to use the rest of my points up for another free lunch.  Score.

236 / Fresh hair
My gray is on a vengeance. & when I got home from the hair salon, Ricky said, "You look 10 years younger - like someone at least in their 30's".... I just stared at him. Is that REALLY a compliment?  Like, what did I look like before?  ... men.

243 / Celebrating 2 years 
Always love little ones birthday where there's nothing but good smiles on growing older. 

246 / Starbucks breakfast
I woke up late to get to church on Sunday when I remembered I was teaching at both services. So I pulled out my mobile ordering on my phone & ordered the Feta Spinach Egg sandwich from Starbucks & ran in & picked it up & man - was I impressed. It was surprisingly good! I'll totally get it again.

247 / Bible Journaling teaching
I really did enjoy getting to talk about Bible Journaling with middle schoolers & opening their eyes to a new way to look at the Bible.  A few of the girls even were like, "This is fun - I'm going to do this during the week"...anything to have them get in their Bible more.

What are you Thankful For this week?


  1. What??? I did not know subway was getting rid of their point system! They did that a few years ago and then they brought it back. What is going on with them? Do you know when the last day is?

  2. Love your hair and the fact that Bruno finally drank some water!

  3. LOL @ Ricky's hair comment.

    So glad Cheetos came to your rescue!

  4. Your hair looks great.. I did chuckle at Ricky's comment. Sometimes they just to think!! lol Enjoyed reading about all your 'thankfuls' this week.

  5. Yay for Cheetos! So glad Bruno ate and drank. The little guy likes to keep his Mama on her toes. :D My old team was small so our boss took us out for lunch to celebrate birthdays. We actually quite close-knit, which was awesome, so we actually bought each other gifts too (and actually wanted to do it versus felt like we had to). And it does make a huge difference when your company makes you valued. Men. Seriously. You love them but sometimes ... :D

  6. Lots of good things to be thankful for. Hey if Cheetos get him to drink, I'd give him some every day! I listen to Pandora at my work or a book. Love having an office of my own so I can do that. I'm truly blessed.

  7. Your hair is adorable, and I love how you used Cheetos to get Bruno to drink. That's ingenious! Also, little one's birthday parties are just soo fun! I love how celebratory they are.

  8. I feel like you always look so young but I agree that your hair looks marvelous!!
    Yay for Cheetos saving the day ;)
    I think celebrating birthdays at work is so special. We only have 7 full-time employees but we do that, too!!

  9. Your hair looks great. That is awesome that the Cheetos worked. Whatever works right? Hope you are having the by a good Thursday!

  10. Totally forgot to write an intro and link back on my post but just edited. Pregnancy brain and sick brain combined haha.

  11. Scout loves Cheetos! (uh, so do i)
    Jett spits them out.
    Glad you got Bruno to drink!

  12. Yay for cheetos! Poor Bruno. :( I know my husband is thankful that I recently told him I'd be up for discussing the idea of getting a dog. We had various dogs and cats for more than 25 years and when the last one was gone, I decided no more! So much work. But now after 3 years, I'm kind of coming around. I'm still not thrilled with all the clean up required with dogs but I miss having one around the house.

  13. Your hair looks fabulous! That SB sandwich sounds wonderful.

  14. Passing through, catching up! I always love your thankful posts!


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