Thursday, March 29, 2018

I could basically be my work's ambassador....{Thankful Thursday #170}

Image result for thankful thursday knit by god's hand

This week I am Thankful For:
{numbers go with my One Thousand Gifts Journal - just ignore}

251 / Staring new workout program
... well, its not really new - but its new to start over again. I've read up where weight training is best for perimenopause/menopause women in their 40's or older so while I thought I was going to start running again, I think I need to start with this & get toned up first..So welcome back Hammer & Chisel program!

252 / Busy day at work
Dont you love a busy day sometimes? To me, it makes the day ZOOM by super fast.

253 / Art work break
My work place is amazing at working with charities & right now, they've been about supporting the Funds for the Arts. They've done the coolest things with it:  A competition with coworkers to bring in their art & everyone could vote on it, a contest for people to dress up like their favorite artist or painting & they even had an ice cream social & we were able to work on a piece of art ourselves.  Of course, when I got the paint brush in my hand to work on it - they virtually had to pry it from my hands. I could have done the whole thing myself. Me & modge podge are basically best friends.

255 / Hot Chocolate break
OK... y'all, I'm not even making this stuff up - my work IS indeed this awesome. So after the ice cream break the day before - we also got a bunch of snow dumped on us - so what does work do? They give us hot chocolate & bagels & muffins.  It was the BEST hot chocolate too.  Made the cold & snowy day entirely bearable.

256 / Sun out after snow
We had nearly 8 inches of snow dumped on us & the sun came out & started melting it quick. While I didnt care for the mud pit my back yard became, I also didnt mind for the white stuff to go away fast.

260 / Bible study at lunch
I've been taking my Bible Study with me to work & doing it during lunch & have really enjoyed knowing I have a full hour to dedicate my time to it.  I get distracted at home with dogs or chores or things I remember I need to do - but at work, I can really zone out & just focus on my bible study. It's been nice.

261 / Work celebration
OK.... SERIOUSLY... I didn't mean to have 3 things from work on here this time - it just is what it is.... but I loved that we had a coworker who had good results from a medical test & our department celebrated with Krispy Kreme donuts. He was so excited & thrilled & it was contagious to see the relief & joy on his face.

263 / Banker
I know most people dont really care for their banker, or may not even know their banker - but we have the best one. She's adorable - & so personable.  & she's a Disney addict & when she knew we had an appointment with her this past week, she wore Mickey Mouse leggings & said she wore them just for me. I told her if I knew that, I would have wore my Minnie Mouse leggings.

265 / Internet fixed.
Praise the Lord. Let's hope (fingers crossed) it sticks. I am always leery of such things.

266 / Movies at home
Honestly, I am almost happy just waiting for movies to come out so we can watch them on our TV ... they make them so nice with the HD & its just comfortable to be able to pause & start when you want & run to your own kitchen for a snack without paying $25.00 for a pretzel & drink.... just saying.

267 / 2nd round
I loved getting another week to talk about all things Bible Journaling with the middle school kids - & even more thrilled to see that some of it really clicked with some kids.  That makes me so excited to think that they just grow in this way of worshiping & studying God's word.

What are you thankful for this week?


  1. I'm just love hearing about all the good things happening at your work. It's so important that we feel happy there since its such a big part of our day. My work had an adult Easter egg hunt for us yesterday. The grand prize was an extra long lunch, which I did not win, but I was equally as happy with all the candy I won!

  2. I think if I lived closer, I’d retire from my job and try to get hired at your place. It sounds so wonderful.

    I made a post but couldn’t get your button or link to work. I'm doing this on my phone enroute to Chicago. I’ll try to connect it later.

    Have a great day!

  3. I can tell that you are so happy at your job! That just makes life easier when you love your job!

  4. Um... I love my job but can I come work for your company instead?? Dang! The art day and hot coco and celebrations are just too awesome!

  5. Good gracious, your workplace seems like the best place, ever. They need to give out lessons to other businesses then everyone would be happy workers! I've been lax on my strength training, which is something I need to fix too. Basically, I need to reset my whole get healthy journey, cuz I fell of the wagon. Sigh. I used to really love going to the movies and still enjoy going, but I'm starting to prefer watching them at home too. Plus, they come out so quickly too. We're .... errrr ... older so we remember when a movie took like a year before it was released on VHS!

  6. Um can I please come work with you??? It is nice to know that there is a company out there somewhere that cares about their employees!

  7. I cannot deal with how expensive movie snacks are.

    Love all the good work stuff!

  8. Being able to do your Bible study at work...priceless. Those movie snacks are ridiculous! It's like they think we don't know how cheap popcorn is. I only go to the theater 2 or 3 times a year, if that.

  9. Checking in and linking up, better late than never!! I love that you love your new job and company!! Do you even think about your previous position where they made life so miserable? I'm so happy for you!

  10. I'm really glad that your new office is so awesome! Hot Chocolate? Donuts? Art competitions..?! looove! I can't believe you guys had snow. It's been off and on cold and warm here. We have a call for snow on Easter though.. which funny enough we had Easter snow last year too. haha Have a great weekend! XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  11. Every time you post something else that your company has done for you guys, I smile. I know how much you struggled with the decision to leave your old place and even the decision as to which job offer to take. What wonderful affirmation from the Lord!


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