Thursday, March 08, 2018

Open doors, upside down & its only 8 more months ... why bother? {Thankful Thursday

Image result for thankful thursday knit by god's hand
This week I am thankful for:
{Numbers go with One Thousand Gifts Journal}

176 / Learning new things
I love learning new things at my job still. It just builds my base larger & larger to learn more & more things.

179 / New coffee shop
I had never been to this coffee shop & its actually closer to me than some of the others I visit. The front of it that raises up - I'm going to make note to go to this one every beautiful day!

180 / Joysters!!!
I was sick on the last meet up so I was so glad to see some of them this week!

181 / Meet new babies
We've had a burst of babies in our group & 3 new newborns were there & I was super excited to meet one little fella. He's the son of one of my youth kiddos.  It just is crazy to me that these kids grow up & get married & have families of their own.... while I stay the exact same age ;)

184 / New Umbrella
My brother got me for Christmas one of those umbrellas that are like an upside down umbrella. Let me tell you, its awesome to use & go in a building &  not have water dripping everywhere or getting all over your hands.

Image result for upside down umbrella

188 / Being asked to sit on a panel
You'll hear me talk more about this next week I'm sure - but I was asked to sit on a panel at our main church campus & speak to a huge group of Middle School girls for a "Girls Night Out" event that they're hosting. I'm a nervous wreck but feel so honored to even be asked to be a part of this.

189 / Walk at work
I loved that it was nice weather to walk around & see the flooding that's been going on around town.

191 / Christmas tree down
FINALLY.... even though I was like, "You know we're just going to put it up in 8 months, right?"

192 / Lunch with friend
I love meeting old friends & spending time catching up & feeling like no time has passed at all from the last time you saw them.

195 / Goodbyes
I'm so glad I got another chance to say goodbye to our youth pastor.  I missed his last sermon message because I was not about to miss Ryan's first time preaching - & thought I wouldnt get the chance to say a final goodbye.  I'm so glad I was able to give him & his sweet wife a hug & wish them well on their new adventures.

197 / Best neighbors.
I say this all the time - & its deserved every time. Our neighbors have been the best & so helpful to Ricky on getting our area cleaned out in the back with their tractor & their man power on lifting & pulling things.  I know Ricky is so appreciative of it.  ... & I love that they just keep our egg stash always full.  Fresh eggs - nothing like it.

What are you Thankful For this week?


  1. What sweet neighbors. Work and eggs...can’t beat that. Hope the flooding wasn’t too bad in your town. I can’t believe all the rain last week and then there’s snow on the ground this morning. Have a blessed day.

    I’ll link up when your linky opens. It says it will open at 5:00pm.

    1. It appears to be opened now. I’ll go try to link up now.

  2. I am thankful this week is almost over and no school for kids on Friday..haha

    So, those pictures above, where do those stairs lead? Is that a river or is that part of the flooding?

  3. Since getting rid of my chickens, I have really missed truly fresh eggs. Bought some from an Amish booth this weekend and we had to have breakfast for supper just to celebrate. :)

  4. Nothing like holding a new baby. I'm in Florida visiting my dad and tonight I get to see my great niece who is pregnant. Can't wait to see her. That umbrella sounds awesome. Glad you got your tree down. You are very lucky to have fresh eggs!

  5. Love farm fresh eggs! I used to have a friend that delivered fresh eggs to my door and the price was still less than what I would pay for grocery store eggs. I miss that.

  6. LOL! "while I stay the exact same age" ... I feel the same way when my Mom points out kids that I used to teach Sunday School to and are now grown up with kids of their own. Not possible because I'm still a kid myself! Fresh eggs. So insanely jealous.

  7. Must be nice to have nice neighbors! I am so not a fan of mot of ours. One of the reasons we are moving! I have to laugh at staying the exact same age, I always feel younger than I am. Except when I get out of bed in the morning. Or look too closely in the mirror. Yikes! That coffee shop looks amazing!!!!

  8. There's NOTHING like fresh eggs.

    You go girl! You will be great on that panel.

  9. Ha! The Christmas tree still cracks me up! Happy Thankful Thursday!

  10. Fresh eggs are awesome!

    You're going to be amazing on the panel!

  11. What a great coffee shop! Oh umbrellas how I love and loathe at the same time. Yep, eight months on Christmas tree - move it to a corner, right!? LOL

  12. You had a great week!! I've wondered about those newfangled umbrellas! I had lunch at a downtown coffee shop today. Always great!

  13. There comes a point when it's just easier to leave the tree up :)

  14. Lol, that is hilarious about the took us until almost February to put ours down this year, and it WAS kinda tempting to just swap out the decorations for other seasonal ones and just leave it up, ha ha.

    Also, fresh eggs are amazing---I wish we had neighbors who could keep us well-supplied!

  15. I would not want to work downtown here because of the traffic, but seeing all of your fun places to walk to and snap pics of I get star struck and wish I wanted to work downtown, lol. Yay for your neighbors helping out and filling up your eggs!

  16. That flooding looks pretty serious. I'm thankful for sunshine. It looks like Spring has come a little early to Seattle and the weather is gorgeous! Even sat outside for a while today soakin' up some rays!


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