Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Show us your Books - March 2017

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Another month of books - I'm on a roll lately.  

My rating is the same as Goodreads & if you dont know about Goodreads, you probably dont even care about this post - & that's OK :) 

But here's another month of reads for me

The Beau & the Belle
**** / 4 stars

Quick Summary: Beau rents a room in a New Orleans home while he goes to law school while the owner's daughter, Lauren is 17 & has a crush on him. What happens when its 10 years later & they meet up again back in New Orleans as accomplished adults.

I saw so many bloggy & Instagram friends talking about this & for 99 cents, & the name "Belle" in it, I had to see what this book was about.
& I just loved it.

I honestly laughed in so many part of it - swooned over parts of it & how much of a gentleman Beau is - & pined at how crushes when I was a teenager felt so real like Lauren was feeling.

It really is a light, easy & fast read, full of humor, a cute little love story & falling in love with two characters that you really are rooting for.

I really do want to check out more books by R.S. Grey now.  Especially if they just make me laugh.

"Feelings don't have expiration dates"

25883848The Hating Game
**** / 4 stars

Quick Summary: two people, each working for Co-CEO's of a company have everyone convinced they hate one another. As they each vie for the same position, they end up learning more about one another & discover if what they really feel for one another is truly hate.

I dont know if its because I picked this one up right after my last book but the characters really reminded me of one another.  The couple where the guy wants to take it slow & the girl who is goofy & always stumbling over herself.  What was different was this couple is great at taking jabs at one another with their words & they can take it & even laugh about it.  I really liked this couple & was rooting them on & trying to figure out how it would end when they both are going for the same job promotion in the publishing company they work in.

Another book that I had a goofy grin on laughing at the characters & swooning over their romance & yep, this one is a blusher...

Another great easy & fun weekend or beach read.

"How someone can't recognize their own eyes, I'll never know"

33982178Dear Martin
***** / 5 stars

Quick Summary: A young man gets caught up in an incident with a police officer, sparking a series of unfortunate events that play out. To try & make sense of it all, Justyce writes letters to Dr. Martin Luther King to figure out what he would do in the situation.

I kept seeing this book popping up on some reviews & then saw it on sale on Amazon & snagged it up. I am so glad I did.

It is a really fast read, but it doesnt take away from the importance of the story of Justyce's struggle & seeing what prejudice looks likes from all sorts of different views.

It really was a thought provoking read & I'm so glad I picked this one up. I keep wondering how close a story this is to The Hate U Give that I hear everyone talk about - but I enjoyed this one so much, I really am going to have to check out the other story if its even half as enjoyable.

"Its like I'm trying to climb a mountain, but I've got one food trying to shove me down so I wont be on his level & another fool tugging at my leg, trying to pull me to the ground he refuses to leave...."

28449270Today Will Be Different
** / 2 stars

Quick Summary: Eleanor's day gets turned upside down when her son needs to come home from school not feeling well & they discover Joe, (husband/dad) has told his work he's on vacation for the week. Eleanor comes face to face with her past and her future all in this one day.

So this is the same author that wrote Where Did You Go Bernadette? ... & I really liked that book. Whoooo - this one was tough for me. I almost quit it at 1/3 in but decided since its a short one, I'd toughen it out. It wasn't as awful as I thought it was going to be (all the talks of poems & poetry did me in at the beginning) - but it still wasn't something that gripped me in.

I thought the book was scattered & long.  Details about things that really didnt make a different. To me, it just felt like there was a word goal that had to be met.

& the point of the story? I dont even know - the span of the book is just one day in a life, but man, what a "throw in all you can" in the story for the day.  & I'm not even sure how the ending came about. Like, no real conclusion for me.

I will say, I did give it 2 stars because I did laugh at parts more than once throughout the book - so I'll give it that. I just wish the whole book kept that lighter tone instead of trying to light AND throw in a lot of words that I had to look up because I'm not a walking dictionary.

Glad I got this one through library & I didnt pay for it.  It wasn't awful.... just wasn't gripping to me.

"That was happiness. Not the framed greatest hits, but the moments between"

So what good book should I pick up next?

Life According to Steph


  1. I hope to read Dear Martin soon. I actually DNFed The Hating Game. Maybe it was just the time I tried to read it, but I don't know...everyone else seems to love it too. haha


  2. The great book reviewer strikes again....thank you!

  3. Dear Martin was good but The Hate U Give is OUTSTANDING. Worth every accolade, award, and word of praise it's received.

  4. I hate when I pick up a new book and it's so similar to the one I just read! Great reading month!

  5. i am so glad you liked the beau and the belle, i hope you like her other books if you check them out. the hating game is one of my favourites, i just re-read it the other day lol. i did not like today will be different so i feel you there.

  6. I am hoping to read Dear Martin soon!

  7. I'm still reading the Mitford Series by Jan Karon and I'm in book #3. I'm also listening to some of the original Mary Poppins books by P.L. Travers and I'm surprised how much I enjoyed the first one. #4 came in next from the Library, so I'm not getting them in order, but so far I don't think that matters. I've got Wrinkle in Time up next to listen to or read. I'm not sure which I'm going to do yet.

  8. Yes!! I agree with your review of Today Will Be Different, it felt like the exact same story as Bernadette, but it never really went anywhere, or anywhere I wanted to go.

    I loved Dear Martin as much as I loved The Hate You Give, both very relevant books.

  9. Dear Martin and THUG are definitely different - I thought THUG was more palatable to me as an adult than Martin - I didn't like some of the writing style in that one but thought both stories are so important especially today.

  10. The Beau and Belle sounds cute. And I definitely remember being a teenager and having crushes on "older" guys. I'm adding it to my TBR for when I need something light and fun. Dear Martin is already on my TBR.

  11. Apparently I need to pick up "The Beau & the Belle" since everyone in the (blog)world loves it and ranks it a 4 or 5 star. Lol

  12. I always love your book reviews. It motivates me to get back to reading. I'm doing pretty good this week, I have two more chapters read in my book! It's the little things lol. Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  13. Ah, The Hating Game. One of my favorites!

  14. I read The Hate U Give, so I'm curious to see how close Dear Martin is to that one too! I don't think I'm ready to dive into it yet though, I still need some time. Today Will Be Different is also on my TBR, but I heard that it was really similar to Where'd You Go Bernadette? so that's on hold too. I appreciate your addition of quotes in your reviews- it always gives a better "feel" to the tone of the story and/or characters :)

  15. I thought Today Will be Different and The Hating Game were just okay reads. But I loved Dear Martin. Such an important read. I know it gets compared to The Hate U Give but I think they are different enough to enjoy both.

  16. The Beau & the Belle sounds like a fun read!

  17. I always enjoy your book reviews! I do have a Good Reads account but I don't pay attention to it at all. :(

  18. I returned Today Will Be Different to Audible last year. I adored Bernadette and then this follow-up was just too try-hard and too similar, while still being way too different.

  19. I hated Today Will Be Different. It was too similar to Bernadette in some ways and then just a huge let down in every way. Poorly executed and I quit it and am nearly ruined from the author I think lol. I loved Beau and the Belle and I have Hating Game on my TBR but my library doesn't have it. Going to have to purchase that one! I loved Hate U Give, might have to check out Dear Martin.

  20. The Hating Game is on my spring TBR. Hopefully I can get to it as I have heard alot of great reviews including yours! Pam :)

  21. I liked the Beau and the Belle. Really cute and a little steamy toward the end. No issues with that hehe. :) I think I would like her other books too. I want to read Dear Martin. I *just* got the notification that The Hate U Give is at the library for me (for the 3rd time...) LOL. I am such a mood reader, but I want to make it happen this time. I've heard both books are so timely and important to read. I did NOT like Bernadette... so I am not planning on reading this other one, but I have also heard that it is MUCH worse. LOL I'm sorry you didn't like it! I want to read The Hating Game soon as well! XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things


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