Monday, March 26, 2018

The weekend we got a four legged visitor....

Didn't the calendar say it was Spring some time ago?

.... yeah... I'm not sure I believe it.

It was still cold in our parts & I dont think the sun exists anymore either.

SO MUCH RAIN... & it was so cold that it was even sleeting for the longest time on Saturday.

I'M SO OVER IT!!!!!!!  I NEED SPRING!!!!!!

OK - enough of my little fit. 

I think we're at least going to be in the 50's this week....still more rain... but I'll take anything over 30 degrees.

& I guess I should never complain about a weekend. Right? Weekends are glorious no matter what the weather. I'll stop my whining now.

Friday started off with my usual Click List & Mobile Starbucks order.  My exciting Friday.

Except this Friday, we did have some excitement. A visitor.  We have one of my brother's dogs for the week while they are Spring Breaking... & I'm a little jealous that people get Spring Break. I never realized how good I had it during those school years.

I wasn't sure how Charlie was going to do with Ernie - or more so, how Ernie was going to do with Charlie.  It's been going OK. Of course, we have to watch it because when any jealousy can happen - like sitting on the floor & loving one of the dogs, it can send everyone in a frenzy - so we're just playing NO FAVORITES this week... & hoping all the peace is kept that way.

Saturday, we woke up to our wireless repairman knocking on the door... Yep - we over slept. Or more so, Ricky went back to bed & I woke up when the knocking happened at 8am. Who ever expects a repairman to be on time that early? ... needless to say, he was our hero because he got all of our wireless running again smoothly (knocking on some major wood right now)

We had to run down to the bank to talk to our awesome banker & it was just so yucky out. The coldest rain.  UGHHHH - so we stopped afterwards to pick up some warm drinks & picked up a pizza so we didnt have to go back out for the rest of the day.

The weather was so un-motivating for anything. I needed to work out. I needed to clean. I needed to do laundry.  I just basically stayed out in my spot & watched some Directv Now. I figured it was doing a service to our household by me trying out our new wireless to the fullest extent.  That's the excuse I'm using for my laziness. 

We ended our night by having a movie night tucked in at home.  I can't believe we hadn't seen Justice League yet but we both really liked it. I mean, super hero movies have a bit of a corny side to them, but I am all about Superman... & we loved The Flash in it.  I actually really liked all the characters.


Sunday, I got to teach another week of bible study to some youth kiddos again.  The MOST PRECIOUS thing ever though - one of the girls that came to the class last week, she asked if she could show me something.  Of course. She pulled out all these cards that she bible journaled through the week.  SO STINKIN' CUTE!!! & she told me that she told her mom all about it & they went to the Dollar Store together to get stickers & some stencils & some markers & she said that they did it every day together.  OK - EVEN MORE ON THE CUTENESS!!!!! & she said that she looked so forward every night doing this with her mom.  I think I may have teared up at this.

My prayer in teaching this was honestly just to reach one kid ... to let one person maybe connect with God in a new way of spending time in God's word.  That this sweet girl shared this with me made my entire day.

I ended up having another great time though going through what Bible Journaling is & why you should do it.... though I will say, the 2nd service, I had more boys than girls & knew this would be a tough group to sell it too... guys can totally do it, but I dont think its cool to play with markers & stickers & washi tape.  Even if they wanted to, I dont think they would.  But you never know.  Maybe someone takes what they heard & do something with it one day.

I left from church & headed over for some Joyster time.  Our talk this week was on the Storms in our lives & how Jesus gets us to the other side of the storm. It's funny how, as women, we do all we can to just live in a denial world when it comes to storms. It's like we dont want to ask for help, because we're just used to living in chaos or turmoil & think that's the normal way of things.... which really, storms ARE always a normal part of life - but the way we handle them can always be worked on.
All that to say, it's always a great time laughing & crying with my wonderful Joyster gang.

I left from there to pick up some things for my parents & to pick up some dinner for Ricky & I & ended up getting home after a long day.  But what a great day it was ....

& I had just a few hours before it was time to get ready for the week ahead so it was a lot of loving on doggies .... & picking up dog poop in the back yard. The life of having 5 dogs in your home at once.  Good times.

How was your weekend?

Have you seen Justice League yet?

Are you into Spring or still dealing with Winter?


  1. It's starting to be spring like here. No snow but no rain either which is unusual. Isn't rain a sign of spring???

    I just love your story about the young girl bible Journaling with her mom. Just think, you started that! You are such a good influence on those young girls!

  2. i saw justice league on the plane to panama and i loved it! like you, i dont expect much re: dialog but the action was good.

  3. Here’s to doggie cousins living it up, getting along and having fun this week!

  4. Aww... the dogs are so cute! Glad they got along ok for the most part :) I'm sure that would have made your weekend crazier if they hadn't.

  5. Whew- what a weekend. Bummer it's so chilly! Hopefully your weekends will have less rain and more sunshine soon!!
    Five dogs sounds nuts! I'd really love a third dog but the deal when we got Enzo was that I'd pick up the poo... and I don't. So I'm not doing great on the three dog argument. Lol

  6. Yes, I too am taking those school breaks and holidays for granted!

  7. Even with the rain, it sounds like a great weekend - just seeing the impact you made not just on the girl from last week, but also her mom and the memories they'll continue making together. All the warm fuzzies right there. :)

  8. I remember so badly wanting to be a "grown up" when I was a kid and now I can say with all honesty - they way oversold it! LOL! 3 month summer vacation, spring break, Christmas vacation, etc ... I miss you! Our weekend was sunny and the forecast calls for warmer weather this week, so I think Spring is finally coming (knock on wood). I can't believe how big Ernie is getting!

  9. Pup sitting! So fun! :) Nothing wrong with pizza and coffees. :) We caught up on three episodes of Riverdale last night, but I think still have 4 or 5 left. It's just so gosh darn dramatic. I love it. XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  10. Is Charlie a puggle?? He looks a lot like my sweet sweet Gracie. Oh, how I miss her!!!

  11. Oh, I can relate to keeping things fair and balanced when you have a guest fur baby. We host my daughter's cat quite often which sets things upside down around here for my kitties. Took my kitties to her house last week for a visit. Everyone did very well.

    We are having wind like you are having rain. So loud and obnoxious that it wakes me in the night. And it is gray and cool again. What???

    I really want to add Bible journaling to my hobbies. I have some supplies and have tried a very meek attempt at journaling but want to branch out and do better. Need to schedule that into one of my days.

  12. Haven't seen Justice League. Maybe. You had a busy but wonderful weekend. It is just great that one of your girls found a project to do with her mom that is so meaningful for her (and mom) in so many ways. Awesomeness. And you were the catalyst. Even more awesomeness.

  13. Our weekend was cold, but it's better today. Yesterday was beautiful sunshine and blue skies, but the wind was brutally cold. Tried to walk the dog a couple times, but it was just too cold to go to far. Today is warmer but cloudy and then I think we're having rain until Friday. But at least it's warmer. haha

  14. It's soo sweet to me to see you sharing your knowledge of Bible journaling and walking with Jesus with younger women; that's got to be such a HUGE gift to them.

    And I saw the other dog; he's really cute! I'm glad it's going well so far.

  15. My old youth leader heart is singing and dancing with joy over all those Bible journalers!

  16. Dog-sitting can always be hit or miss. Good for Ernie, getting that type of socialization in though.

    Colorado was super warm last week but now I'm in Wyoming and it's frigid, so "spring break" is allll relative :)

  17. I'm hoping spring peeks its head around the corner here soon. I will take a rainy warmer day too than having it be really cold. I hope things are going well with all of the dogs and I loved your encouragement about the storms in our lives.


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