Wednesday, April 11, 2018

3 things (April 2018)

I love how creative Jana is with these every month... 
So here's just a fun way to learn a little more about one another...

Image result for 3 things knit by god's hand
The 3 things....

*Movies I quote often
1.  "You go Glen Coco" from Mean Girls
2.  "Things will be alright in the end, you'll see".. Mrs. Potts from Beauty & the Beast. Come on - you know that had to be in there!
3. The scene from Talladega Nights... I say this one every time I'm stuck in traffic & want to just get out & run!!!

Related image
“Help me Jesus! Help me Jewish God! Help me Allah! Help me Tom Cruise! Tom Cruise use your witchcraft on me to get the fire off me! Help me Oprah Winfrey!” — Ricky Bobby

*Podcasts I can't stop recommending
1. Homecoming
2. That Sounds Fun  / Annie Downs
3. Modern Mrs. Darcy

*Apps I use everyday
1. Instagram
2. My Fitness Pal
3. Facebook
(I'm totally BASIC in this area)

Image result for so basic meme

*Words I hate
1. Cereal ... I'm literally gagging right now
2. Fat
3. Cancer

*Most recent Amazon purchases
1. Gymboss Interval timer
2. Neutrogena Naturals face wipes (these are so hard to find in stores!!!)
3. Garnier Skinactive Tinted Eye Roller

*Weird foods I eat (or stuff that most people find disgusting)
1. Peanut Butter & Banana (this grosses Ricky out - I think its fairly normal)
2. Tofu - again, a lot of people think that's awful.
3. ....
(Y'all - I get so grossed out so easily by foods myself, I dont feel really adventurous in that area)

*Things I'm excited for in April
1. Our youngest girl is coming in for a weekend
2. Another Readathon is coming up on April 28
3. The Greatest Showman coming out on DVD

Image result for the greatest showman

Feel free to grab the questions & join in!


  1. What an interesting word to hate - I wont even type it since it was your #1! LOL xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. That Ricky Bobby quote totally cracked me up!! I remember that!! You hate the word cereal but eat tofu! Girl, you crack me up!!

  3. What great fun!
    Words I hate: HATE and ditto on fat and cancer
    Most recent Amazon purchases: hook for my purse that hangs over the headrest in the car, a journal to document the things I do out of my comfort zone, bilingual Mother Goose book for my granddaughter
    Apps I use everyday: What's App, WeightWatchers, Instagram

    Love this post. Love your memes that kick up a notch!

  4. The last thing I got on Amazon is a Mac desk top computer (actually hubby's waiting at home right now for it to be delivered, as they require a signature). Hubby actually placed the order, but it's for me. That counts, right? lol

    I hate the word cancer too and I really hate all the commercials on TV about it. I guess I just don't like daily reminders about it (as if I don't think about it enough on my own.). But on the positive side, it does remind me to be thankful for how God brought me through! That's good!

    My favorite podcast is "That Sounds Fun", I wonder if I heard about it from you. Annie doesn't know it, but she's my favorite walking partner.

    Hope you have a great day!!

  5. I keep meaning to do this some time but always forget. It's amazing how many times 'you go, Glen Coco' can be worked into real life conversations.

  6. I have this post coming next week. I don’t like tofu. Ha. I always quote the glen coco quote too.

  7. These were fun to read! I'm not sure I could answer all of them, though. I am less than basic in some areas of my life! LOL

  8. What I'm most excited about for April is that I think it's going to be a quick month! How are we almost halfway thru it already?

    My most recent Amazon purchase was Shoes! You know I've been struggling with finding closed toe dress shoes, well I finally bough 4 pair. Out of the 4 I am hoping that at least one pair will fit!

  9. Hahaha you always crack me up with your aversion to the "c word." I forgot about that part in Talladega Nights. Hilarious!

  10. I'm so basic with my apps too. I am cracking up how much your number one words bothers you :) Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  11. So good, so good! April is going to be so good and just maybe the snow will be gone by the end of the month!

  12. Why such an aversion to the breakfast food word?! That's a new one! I'm curious about this eye roller. Let us know how you like it! I like peanut butter and banana, and I didn't think it was that uncommon? I like peanut butter and marshmallow fluff too, which is weird because I don't really like marshmallows. And I'm happy about the Greatest Showman coming to DVD as well, so I can finally watch it!

  13. yes to the Greatest Showman, I already bought my copy, hoping it gets here by Thursday!

  14. Ooo this is fun! I want to do it too.

  15. I love this concept and I need to make note and do it next month. Your foods are funny and I LOVE to talk in movie quotes.

  16. Whoa whoa whoa... tell me about this next readathon!!
    Giiiiiirl, I am ALWAYS quoting Talladega Nights. Hahahahahaha! I LOVE that film!
    I HATE the word fat, too. When people call themselves fat I always say, "You aren't fat; you HAVE fat. Everyone does. You'd be dead without it."

  17. I am LOLing at your least favorite words! Mine is ripe. Ugh. It makes my skin crawl. Do you have a favorite word? Mine's cavalier!

  18. Most people eat pb and banana? For me, I don't because it's a texture thing. I like crunchy things.

    That readathon sounds like something I'd like to try. I'm forcing myself to slow down on the weekends so that may be a good way!

  19. One of the words I hate the most is idiot. It sounds degrading, it IS degrading. Did you buy Greatest Showman yet?! Beth and I bought our copies on Tuesday and we watched it last night. I cried again!


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