Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How I can mess up a game of Would you Rather

Image result for would you rather

I always love a good game of Would you Rather - forcing you into picking a choice/side... so I had to join in with Dara at Not in Jersey to play along!

Now, before going into this - know I'm a Centralist.
Through & through. I see both sides to most things - not all - but most things.
So watch me mess this game up. I'm good at that.

1. Would you rather start your day without coffee or start your day knowing you had to stay up until 3 AM?
So if I started my day without coffee, does that mean I still have to stay up to 3am?
Or does it just mean I dont start my day with coffee - because that happens all the time.

& if I had to stay up to 3am - could I still have coffee SOMEWHERE in my day, just not morning?
I have questions.

2. Would you rather spend the day at a nude beach where you don’t know anyone there or spend the day at your neighborhood beach (or pool I guess!) wearing a skimpy bikini?
So can I wear a cover up with this skimpy bikini in front of people I know?
If not - I'd do the nude beach.
I'll never see those people again - & let's face it, people at nude beaches give no cares what they look like - I'd fit right in.

3. Would you rather lead a glitter craft party for 6 year olds or put on a home fireworks display with 13 year olds?
This one, I can give a full on answer to
I'd totally do a glitter party. I'd be throwing it in the air alongside them.
& I'm 100% not a fan of fireworks!
This one was easy.
Image result for throwing glitter gif

4. Would you rather wake up and discover a new space in your house that you didn’t know about or discover a bank account that you didn’t know you had with $10,000 in it?
I'm on a roll - I have another answer!
Totally take the $10,000!!!! SO MUCH TO DO WITH IT.
The room would just be another room to clean. No thanks.

5. If you had one child permanently stuck at a certain age, would you rather have them stuck at 3 weeks, 18 months, or 3 years?
3 years old is a TOTAL no... & 3 weeks are the wake up every few hours
so 18 months is a no brainer.
PLUS - it'll keep you in total shape chasing those newly walking babies.

6. Would you rather change a poopy toddler diaper or clean up dog poop from a rug?
Oh please.
Cleaning up dog poop from a rug is like my daily life.

7. Would you rather have a huge surprise birthday party thrown for you or have everyone forget your birthday?
Who would turn down a party thrown for you?
Bring it on baby!!!
Another no brainer here!

... sorry - this made me start singing the song from The Breakfast Club

Image result for dont you forget about me meme

8. Would you rather take a job you are a little under qualified for or one that you are way over qualified for?
Is this game based  off my life - because once again, here we are.

I had to take an entry position after working at my last job for 25 years - but I had to do it to get a job with health insurance.
& I actually really liked it because you learn more I think when you start on the ground floor. See how things work from a different perspective.
& you can only go up from there, right?

Plus, who would want to live up to the pressure of a job that your under qualified  for?
That gives me anxiety just thinking of it.

Image result for underqualified for job meme


Image result for underqualified for job meme

9. Would you rather have a full house of guests for a week or be alone in your house for a week?
I love visitors, I love talking to people, I love conversation & laughter & games with loved ones... but y'all - a week in a full house?
All the panic is arising.
Give me a book & my coffee & dogs & I'm good in my house alone for a week.

Feel free to join in - or add any questions you come up with.
I have that card game of Would You Rather- I may start a new monthly question link up :)
See how weird we all think.


  1. Seems like we agreed on most of these! Pretty fun!

  2. I think I'm with you on most of these too! I had all the same questions about the first one as far as coffee and staying up until 3am. I can't answer without more info :)

  3. Cracking up at your answer to #1 & #2 because I would have answered the same way!

  4. I love this. I totally wish you'd start one up. I'd play along!

    Loved your answers. The first 2 cracked me up where you had all the questions???? lol

    God loves a tryer picture is hysterical! Actually so was the one above me. It took me a minute to realize that was a George Foreman type grill in the front. lol

    Totally fun post and just the right thing for me to read while eating lunch at work.

    Have a great day!

  5. I agree on all of your answers - except I don't drink coffee so I guess I'd just be SOL on that one.

  6. Cleaning up dog poop from a rug is also my daily life. LOL

    Is there anyone who would NOT take the $10,000 vs. a new space in the house? I mean, that's just an additional space to clean

  7. Would you rather is always fun! Ughhh glitter is not my favorite. My boys enjoy watching fireworks, and we set them off from time to time here, so I'll go with that :)

  8. Loved this! Answering all their questions with your own questions. :) I would choose the dirty diaper over the carpet, but I agree with you about the over-qualified for a job. Too much stress! To be alone in my house for a week?! Heaven!!


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