Monday, August 05, 2019

The weekend we're back to square one....

What a weekend... up & down kinda weekend.  It was a doozy.

Friday started off with me stopping at the library to pick  up some books. Gearing up for the next few weeks starting again my infusion treatments.  Yep - another 5 treatments. (Cue me on the ground throwing a 2 yr old tantrum)

The Library & Starbucks to the rescue for my whiny heart.

Did you all see Peach Green Tea Lemonade is back???? I've already had 3 just this past week.

Got home & Ricky had brought home some pizza. We love pizza nights on Friday.  You dont have to worry about cooking & we have left overs for Saturday's lunch. Its a win win.

Plus, you have happy dogs who love pizza nights too...

Look at those faces!  I was watching the news & looked down & saw this.  My goodness.  Calm down boys. You think they know they're going to get a piece of pizza crust or something?

I lived it up Friday evening though by getting into the Disney Channel - The Descendants 3! YAHOO!!! I just love these movies.  I love the idea of the children of the Disney characters living on. So fun!! I loved 1 & 2 & even last week, watched them again & again on repeat where they replayed them gearing up for the new one.

Image result for The Descendants 3

This one was just as good.  & just as sad - knowing that sweet Cameron Boyce just passed away.  You just never know how many days you have left in this world.

I may be a little biased that the King & Queen of the land is Belle & Adam & their son, Ben is the one who is now leading the kingdom.  I'll be a Beauty & the Beast nerd forever. ... I thought the addition of Hades in this one was pretty good too - I just wish he was a witty as the cartoon version. ... look at me being a critic for a kids movie! LOL

Saturday there was no sleeping in - a busy morning.

I had to go into work for about an hour - which actually, I didnt mind. I had to be downtown anyways to start the infusions.  It's just always really weird to see downtown & the building so empty.

But got my work done just in the hour I needed & headed off to my home sweet home...

I'm not even going to lie... I was so bummed out about driving back into this parking garage & walking back into this place.  I need to get checked in mentally - THANKFUL that this place is here to help me, right?  Maybe I'll feel that more when I walk out of my 5th infusion.  On day 1, I'm sorry, I was just in a slump. A little  bit of a pity party.

Most of you already saw on my instagram on how badly my first infusion started too.  What a nightmare.

I probably jinxed myself when the nurse came in & I told her, "I'm a good stick - no worries from me" - because 99% of the time, there has never been any issues with my veins & getting a needle in.  Well, lawdy me - not today.

The nurse got it in the first time... but it was burning & she just kept turning the needle in my arm (nurses - PLEASE tell me why this happens? You obviously can't see in there? Why put a sharp object inside the body & just poke around????) ... I did good. Just clenched up a little but was hanging tough.

She finally took it out & tried again in the same arm a little higher... still a no go.  I'm still toughing it out.  Needles dont really bother me too much. I mean, it doesnt feel good - but its something I know will be over quickly.

She says she doesnt like to stick more than 2 times so called in another nurse.  This lady loved the hands - so she went into my right hand.  OH MY GOSH... she got it in & it made me jump out of the chair I know an inch.  THAT HURT!

... that's what did  me in.  It was like all the stress of being there again, all the built up anxiety about starting this all again - all the dread - it was like that needle poked right into it.  Because when she took that needle out, I just started crying.  It hurt that bad... & my spirit was just hurting too.  They ran & got me kleenex & apologized & I told them I was fine - really - try again.  So she went to my left hand.... & nope - again - nope.  They kept saying my veins were "puffing up" - whatever that means. 

That was nurse #2 second go at it so she stopped... & nurse #1 tried again.  Back into my left hand, towards my THUMB!!! ... & that was a nope too....

Then she went up to my right arm & tried - & again - NOPE. A big nope.

So we're up to 6 sticks.... & in between each stick, they are rubbing my arms, making me hang my arms - putting heat on my arms... it was over an HOUR process.  I was just run down. I felt like this was some sort of torture device.  At this point, it was just the emotional side of it - the need to get this needle in so I could get this thing started.  So this 3 hour day just turned into a 4 hour day...

Finally, they called in a guy who was actually my nurse two times the last go around & he was wonderful. Why they didnt call him earlier, I have no idea.  But he came in & got the needle in my right hand .... it still felt awful. It burned so badly & the nurse turned the speed of the saline down & it helped - some.... but man, if I moved my hand at all, it just aches & burned so badly. I just sucked it up to get this show on the road.

Is this book title appropriate for the day?
I still had another 3 hours ahead of me.... geez.

It felt like a LONG 3 hours too ... I actually dozed off & slept for about an hour of it.

& once again, my face felt numb & tingly & swollen.  They had to keep me a little bit longer to watch vitals before I left.  So my 10:15 appointment - I ended up getting out of there well after 2pm. Geez.  Happy Saturday to me.

I got out & needed to get some puppy pads for Bruno so stopped into Sam's Club - Ricky had met me there & we just picked those up & a few others things & I knew I couldnt stay long. I was already starting to feel bad.

We ran over to McAlisters to eat some lunch ... Ricky is big about me eating lunch after the infusions- he for some reason feels like it helps me feel better.  How cute is that?  So I ate a potato & a veggie sandwich & then it was the LONGEST TRIP HOME ever. I just wanted to get in my bed.  I'm telling you - I was drained. It really does feel like the flu after these things. It hits hard where you just feel bad all over your entire body.  Weak, feverish, light headed, achy - just off.

It was so funny because I came in, threw my purse on the counter & went straight to bed.  As soon as I plunked down, the dogs all ran in & instantly curled around me. How cute is that?  Its like they know... really know... they stick next to me the entire evening.

Sunday, I woke up feeling SO MUCH better.   I think that's where the steroid they give me helps. I used to feel bad Saturday & Sunday. Now, I'm feeling back up on Sunday.

I went outside & just breathed in the cool summer air - before the humidity set in - & watched the blue skies & the sun rising... survived round 1.

Then it was an exciting day to get back to church - HSM IS BACK BABY!!!!! My girls are now sophomore's... making their way through high school.

It was just so nice to catch up on their summer adventures & fall right back into conversations with everyone.  Just love seeing all my HSM family!

We had one more girl there but she had to leave for work
I left from church & had to run to Target.  After the hard day I had before, I went ahead & did some retail therapy.  Good for the soul. Got some make up, some new bras & how can a girl pass up new notebooks when all the cute school supplies are out?  I can never pass up a few of these. & I was proud of myself. I had 4 in my cart but ended up putting 2 back.  Now, I only have 48 notebooks at home waiting to be used :) (that's probably very accurate)

I got home with some lunch for Ricky & I & then Ricky took some time to work on our agility homework with Ernie.

Except Harvey wanted in on the deal too - not sure what was happening, but he's game for anything that involves treats.

But look at that concentration on Ernie above... Harvey's looking around - Ernie is looking right at Ricky.

I was super impressed when Harvey couldnt handle it & would run to Ricky while Ernie was waiting for the RELEASE word.    He's gonna be good at this!

The rest of Sunday was full of going to my mom's - which we took Bruno for a ride. & doing some laundry - getting my planner ready for the week - balancing my check book (which I actually love doing every month - always have loved balancing a checkbook) & just doing all the last minute adulting to get ready for yet another week.

How was your weekend?

Have you ever had a dog in agility training?

Are your kids back in school yet?

Do you have issues with needles or finding a vein for IV's?

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