Wednesday, September 25, 2019

What's up Wednesday

Image result for whats up wednesday mix and match mama

Last Wednesday of the month - time to join in with Mix & Match Mama
Click the pic above to see all the bloggers who are joining in

What We're Eating This Week
Trying to dig into some of these ideas to bring some lunches from home.
I gotta car payment now ;)
( I have said that at least 3 dozen times the past week - LOL)

18 Vegetarian Lunch Ideas To Pack For Work | All Delish!
Click for link

What I'm Reminiscing About
A young Bruno.
His picture pops up on my Timehop all the time & to see the difference in him from 2 years ago to today - man, he's really an old man & its really taken its toll on him.

Still my baby boy - no matter what age.

What I'm Loving
My new pen case from JetPens
This thing is awesome. & super cute.
I have all my Mildliners in them & love I can just sit it up & reach all my colors in one easy to grab place.

Sun-Star Delde Slide Pen Pouch - Cool Light Pink - SUN-STAR S1409590
You actually unzip the top & pull it down & then it just sits up for you to use.

Sun-Star Delde Slide Pen Pouch - Cool Light Pink - SUN-STAR S1409590

So many cute colors too!
Click HERE to check it out.

What We've Been Up To
Of course  - car shopping.
So glad that's over with.
for me anyways - I think Ricky is still on the hunt.
... also still staining fences.
Ricky is about 75% done at this point - but its still a LONG 25% to go.
Bless his heart. This has been the "Summer of the fence"

What I'm Dreading
These early dark nights.
Cue the depression.

What I'm Working On
I was trying out the new Beachbody workout - Morning Meltdown 100
... it wasn't for me.
I thought it would be because it had music!! (YAY! - for some reason Beachbody has a hate for music lately) & they have TWO modifiers - which I really like & appreciate.
But ugh - the moves are the same each week it seems. & they are overkill.
Like, let's do one move - 75 times. It just feels weird to me.
I also dont care that it doesnt do abs except for one day a week.
... so I'm back to doing the LIIFT 4 program.

Image result for liift 4

Which actually works for me right now because its a 4 day a week work out plan so I can slide in a day or two of walking.

What I'm Excited About
The new Joker movie!!!
That looks incredible!!!
A little freaky - but man, I'm looking forward to it.
Image result for the joker joaquin phoenix movie poster

I think we learn a lot about seeing how villains are made.
Probably some powerful life lessons in these things.

Speaking of villains - also looking forward to this movie too!

Image result for maleficent 2

What I'm Watching / Reading
Total - this is a given - Dancing with the Stars!!!!
Big fan forever on that one!

I'm also watching Arrested Development

Image result for arrested development

I had never seen it before - my gosh - its funny!
I just love Jason Bateman anyways.
He's so talented... with humor & can do the drama too.

As for reading, I just ZOOMED through the 2 Class Mom books.
Again - super funny!

Image result for laurie gelman books
What I'm Listening To
I've been into Fatal Voyage:  The Mysterious Death of Natalie Wood
which has been really interesting...

Image result for fatal voyage podcast

That podcast has since moved onto the next subject - which is Princess Diana
Yes- you know I'll go straight into that with all the Royal obsession I have.

& also loving Bardstown

Image result for bardstown podcast
Click pic for podcast site

... which is super creepy because its VERY close to us.
Like all the stories on here were on our local news for months on end.
The ladies who are doing this podcast are from our local news station.

If you like real life murder/mystery type podcasts - check it out!!!

What I'm Wearing
So I've been trying out Stitch Fix lately
... & having some really good luck with it.
I'm not super thrilled with the prices - but I know everyone tells me to request for cheaper items.  I mean, I love these $90.00 jeans they send, but I aint paying $90.00 for a pair of jeans.
I have a car payment (HAHA- I had to)
OOOKKKK - so I did buy one of their pairs for $85.00 - but just because I bought the whole box & got the extra 25% discount.

I also got a shirt from there that is my all time favorite shirt!
It fits me just perfectly in length! I need a longer torso shirt.
They find some cute styles & brands I've never heard of before!
What I'm doing this Weekend
It's supposed to be in the mid 90's this weekend - so not cool.
No big plans though - the usual:  Cleaning, laundry, church, horses

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month
October is so super busy for us - lots to celebrate
but the end of October, we get to take our week long time off during our anniversary.
Last year was our first time since being married that we werent able to do it since all my vacation time was eaten up with surgeries (sooo not a vacation!)
At least our anniversary was on a Sunday so it worked out OK for that side of it.
This year? We're back to taking that week off.
Who has 2 thumbs & is counting down? THIS GIRL

What Else is New
My car!


  1. Car payments?! LOL. I love that pen case! Is Bruno a Westie?

  2. Oh - I'd probably use my colored pens/markers more with a case like that. The pouch ones are handy, but I use what I can see. If I have to dig for a color, it doesn't get used. Yay for LIIFT4! I'll be glad to get back to that after MM100 is over. I might need to watch Arrested Development again - I need to see Jason Bateman in something funny after Ozark! And Bruno is such a cutie :)

  3. Wait... as in Bardstown KY??? I STAYED THERE! We stayed in an AirBNB there a few years ago when we did the KY Bourbon Trail! I'm not really a fan of podcasts but I'll have to check that out! Also really looking forward to most of those shows and Joker. Yay for vacation- glad you get to enjoy it this year!

  4. Its definitely heartbreaking seeing our fur babies age.
    So how did you get out of helping Ricky stain the fence? Scott would have made sure I was right there with him staining too. You need to share your tips with me!
    I did stitch Fix once and I just couldn't do the $90 Jean's either. I sent everything back. I did like my haul from Golden tote though and wear most of the items regularly ( with in the season).

  5. Yay to a week of vacation coming up! I'm sure that will be nice. For some reason, lunch feels like the hardest meal to plan for me too. The chickpea salad thing is a nice go to for me because I can prep it all on the weekend and all I have to do in the mornings is grab the tupperware along with some toast so that I can eat it as a sandwich at lunch time. That pasta salad on the link you shared looks really good. I may have to give that a try next.

  6. What a great tradition taking a week off for your anniversary! I'm glad you'll get to do it again this year. I was really hit or miss with Stitch Fix. I got a few things that I absolutely love (and still do) but stopped because of the misses and the price. Have a happy hump day!

  7. I watched some of AD a few years ago but Scott never got into it so we moved onto something else for our TV time together.
    I'm 99% sure you'd have to physically remove me from hugging Bruno. He's such a sweetheart. It's heartbreaking to watch dogs get old. My FIL just got a dog that looks a lot like Bruno (his owners abandoned him...rage). I can't wait to give him a big hug :)

  8. I just love your spirit!! How bout that new car, too? Do you have a car payment now?? Tee hee!
    Love your Stitch Fix top. The print is really pretty with lots of colors to mix and match with. Glad you found something you loved. Ain't nobody with a car or car payment got money for $90 jeans. At least, I sure don't!! Half of that price is too much in my book!!

    Need to check out the podcasts you mentioned. Going to do that right now because if I don't -abra cadabra - the thought will be gone forever.

    Poor Ricky and that fence. Looks like it may be the summer and fall of the fence.

  9. That blouse your got is SO cute. Enjoyed your post!! Glad you are getting an anniversary vacation this year!

  10. You know what I would love to know - your favorite pens!! I'm always on the hunt for new ones :) xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  11. I really like that blouse! And now I'm tempted to get that pen case for my 50 gel pens. It's so cute!

  12. How long are the Lift workouts? Just curios. I used to love T25 and Body Beast and I think I need to get back on a scheduled program instead of free flying like I do right now with no direction. I always like the idea of Stitch Fix, but I feel like every post I have seen on it I am always like oh that is cute but no way would I pay that for that. You know?

  13. Oh you should do Stitch Fix try on posts! I've never used it, but I love those posts for some reason!


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