Friday, October 11, 2019

Friday Favorites

Image result for knit by god's hand friday favorites
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Favorite Kitchen Item

So Ricky loathes - LOATHESSS - our Stainless Steel fridge.
The finger prints get to him so badly.
I spent at least 15 minutes a day trying to wipe them down
(they came out with the spotless one AFTER we bought ours)
But look at this - to pur around the handles so they dont get yucky
... AND you can wash these. Which makes me super happy during cold/flu season!

Favorite Battery Organizer

My life needs these.
We are forever buying the SAME battery when we're out of the other
AA ... AAA .... Why are you never in my house when I need you!!!

Favorite Car Fun

YEP!  Those blue eye shadow eyes will match my new blue car perfectly!

Favorite Feet Product

Mainly because these give me vibes from the 70's when toe socks were a thing
... also, they help your feet smooth out since these are moisturizing!

Favorite Coffee Mug

14 oz ceramic campfire mug with the cutest little pumpkin patch truck, on a Turquoise or Pumpkin Pink mug. Your mug is lettered using only the BEST, premium high quality outdoor vinyl. If cared for properly, it will not come off. If you would like to change any vinyl colors I would be happy to

Favorite Because I can never remember item

Always a 50/50 change... that I always 100% of the time get wrong

Favorite Pillow

A book a day... Throw Pillow
Favorite Funnies

Morning Funny Meme Dump 37 Pics

Morning Funny Meme Dump 37 Pics

Afternoon Funny Meme Dump 35 Pics

Afternoon Funny Meme Dump 36 Pics

Afternoon Funny Meme Dump 37 Pics

Morning Funny Meme Dump 37 Pics
Just doing a public service here

Morning Funny Meme Dump 37 Pics

Afternoon Funny Meme Dump 38 Pics

... when I'm trying to let my single friend know there's a cute guy beside us

GIPHY! ( October 19, 2018 at 11:26AM leaving Starbucks every day

GIPHY! ( September 5, 2019 at 12:28AM

... when people ask how much do I share about myself on my blog
GIPHY! ( September 22, 2019 at 07:42PM

... me at 4:30pm today

GIPHY! ( July 9, 2019 at 07:38PM

Happy Weekend Y'all!


  1. I NEEEEEEEED that battery organizer. I never have the A-size I need, but plenty of the other one. I could probably live without all the other sizes, though. Does anything in the world other than kids' toys use "D", "C", or 9volt? I'm pretty sure I have some of each that are left over from my kids' childhood.

    I also NEEEEEEEED that fall mug. So cute.

    And the pillow.

    Thank you for letting me know I'm not alone in the foggy window thing.

  2. The pillow is my favorite!! Thanks for the laughs this morning. I love to get a good laugh before starting work.

  3. that car with all the lights on...that's exactly how i felt after 2wks of not doing a damn thing because i was sick and then my trainer said "you're with me today". omfg i wanted to drive myself to the hospital after that session.

  4. Ok that fan / light pull is so smart! I've been looking for a mug like that, but I wanted one with a teal truck...I'm going to get lost on Etsy again! Great pillow too!

  5. That fridge thing is genius!! I hate streaks on my fridge! Also, all your GIFs are just too perfect too! Have a great weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  6. The thermometer pic is too funny.

    I, for one, am not bother by streaks on the fridge but by the freaking stickiness on the handles (Scott). I literally have to wipe the handles down multiple times a day if he's in the house. Any food he touches, he must immediately open the fridge. I don't understand it.

  7. That battery organizer would be a lifesaver. I sigh every time I open my junk drawer. Ugh, the finger prints drove me nuts! I made Eric get our same model but spotless and we sold our other one on Letgo. It's a game changer!

  8. I love those handle covers. Wouldn't work on my frig but what a great idea. Battery charger is a great idea and that's a nice item. Those socks would be nice for moisturizing. Love the mug, pillow and car eyes. Have a wonderful weekend.

  9. I feel like the car with the lights right now! The fingerprints on appliances drives me nuts too. As does the microwave that seems to get disgusting overnight, since I’m the only one who uses lids, paper towels or cleans up immediately upon opening. Grrr.

  10. Hey that thermometer even looks like mine! And the defogging issue is REAL.

  11. Ok, that thing about the lemon is crazy. I never knew that. But also, really great quote with it too!

  12. Those jokes had me laughing out loud! We have that battery organizer and it is wonderful. Have a super weekend!

  13. I absolutely love that coffee mug and that pillow. I could use both of them! :)

  14. Secrets in blogland... no way!! LOL Love that little girl waving goodbye! The fan pulls are my favorite thing today!!

  15. I have watched that video of the little baby girl heading backward down the slide over and over. She looks a lot like my Lucia. So cute.

    Well, thank you, my dear, for helping me start my Christmas shopping. Put those fan and light pulls and the battery case in my Amazon cart. Along with reusable ziplock bags and reusable straws.


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