It's that time of the month again where I am sharing my planner spreads that I've been using my Erin Condren for.
If you're new to this - I always love my planner. Have carried one around for years - but really have enjoyed lately giving it a little personality ... but keeping it functional too.
This has become a good, calm outlet for me lately.
Just like knitting calms me, I enjoy working on my planner - in a scrapbook sort of way.
& it is fun to keep up my daily activities in it as well.
It'll be great to look back at it down the road too - as a sort of memory book.
So planners have a lot of purposes for me. Fun, Function & ... what's a F word for memories or remembering? ... you get the point.
Let's dive into my October spreads
This spread was the first one I started to dig into some fall stickers & colors.
October brings that on.
I love the lettering for the So Long Summer - Hello Fall.
Those are from the Fall Sticker books for Happy Planners.
So many cute lettering for Fall goals... I wish I used more of those!
They actually have one for Winter too - with Winter Bucket List things in beautiful lettering as well
.. like Drink Hot Cocoa ... Wrap Presents ... Watch Christmas Movies...
Here's the link for that sticker book
I never realized how pretty orange & a light teal was together.
I took my Mildliners & helped draw in my hand drawn flowers to match the pumpkin sticker.
Good match, I think.
This week may be one of my favorite spreads with the purple.
I dont know why, but I think it just came together well & looks so pretty to me.
Planning is totally subjective - what makes it fun
I was so obsessed with that lady on the couch. I felt like she just completed the spread for me.
... more of the beautiful purple on the 2nd page...
Here's my Halloween week spread.
I love me some Halloween - & this was the week we were on vacation.
We actually were really busy with appointments & my mom was in the hospital & rehab for a little bit - so I didnt think these pages were going to be filled in at all... so I'm glad I at least got to have a little bit of fun with the orange & black
Hello little witch!
I also love my little hand drawn knit ball :)
So this past month I ended up buying some new stickers that I had not seen before.
This is from the Agenda 52 line. They have different kinda of planners & papers.
The planners are a little smaller than I like, so I wouldnt use the actual planners, but these stickers are beautiful!.... Here's the displace from Hobby Lobby.
Here's what I ended up walking away when they were 40% off.
They normally are $9.99 for a sticker book so with that sale - I had to snag some of these up!
The ladies in the stickers above - in the purple & the Halloween witch - they came out of these.
Caffeine Queen - YESSS!!!
& I love the Laundry lady - she's so beautiful.
I'm never that pretty doing laundry :)
Arent these art work ladies so beautiful?
On one of the sticker pages, there a bunch of them in smaller forms - they'll be fun to decorate with.
But come on man.... a set of roller skates? I'd buy this sticker book just for those!
I think its pretty cool how they have some unique colors for the holidays too
Thanksgiving & Christmas - a lot of pink in there.
Makes for some fun looks!
I'm pretty sure I found my sticker doppelganger on that sticker on the right.
I may have to use her on my birthday week!
I just need to color in some glasses on her...Hey, I could actually do that.
Here's the link for the Christian planner stickers - its called Sunday Funday
Love these stickers!

So next month, you're actually going to see something new!!!
I made the switch to The Happy Planner!!!
I've just been a few weeks into it myself at this point - but I am LOVING IT!!!
I cant wait to tell more on what I'm really enjoying about it.
& of course, nothing is perfect, so I'll talk about my downfalls too
So make sure to come back next month when we talk all things planners!

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