Tuesday, February 25, 2020


Image result for knit by gods hand confessions

*I AM OFFICIALLY OLD.  This is our last week with our Supervisor at work. She's retiring #jealous ... & her replacement started a few weeks ago. We are all really liking her & Lord knows I've been praying about this replacement ever since we were told our Supervisor was retiring.  But we got talking about something & she mentioned her age.  & I discovered I am 5 years older than her. MY GOODNESS. This is the first time at a job that my supervisor is younger than me. It was hard enough to swallow when all my doctors have been younger, but now its flowing into the work place. Where's my AARP? ... I'm sure its coming any day now.

*WHAT THE HECK IS TIK-TOK?  I mean, we just established above that I'm old now - but I dont get it.  Is it just using music to go with videos like Snaps or Instagram Stories?  ... & I say "Snaps" like I know about Snapchat - funny. I never signed up for that one too.  Too many social media things... not signing up for all of them. Who has the time to keep up with it all?

*Back in my day (Lord, that sentence officially makes me old) I honestly dont remember the flu being that big of a deal. Like I dont remember it being on the news every night, or the push to get a shot so in your face like it is today.  Has it changed? Why the crazy push to cause fear about it every year?

*I love all the pics I see of the tier trays. Such cute ideas & love when people do them seasonally.  But in my mind, I just see it as a reason to buy more STUFF that I have to store for 11 months out of a year. Ugh. I'm so torn on whether to get one or not.

* So its weird.  The words "flotsam & jetsam" have been haunting me. Seriously. It was the center of one of the books I was reading & they actually sort of defined it when a plane crash happened & someone found the remains in the ocean.  OK - nice to know... didnt think it would apply to anything else in life. But then, its crazy because it has literally popped up in at least 6 other things I've seen/read lately.  I didnt even realize that Ursula's pet eels - that's their names.  When these words blend into my Disney world, you know its just weird.

* I must flop like a fish in my sleep because when I wake up, my clothes are always like I've been in a tornado. They are wrapped around me like I have just rolled & rolled & rolled over & over & over while I'm dreaming the night away.  Honestly, it's like strangling when I get up & stand out of bed.

* I love my Spotify. I pay the extra to get commercial free & man, it just makes my life so nice. I constantly play music - at home, in the car, at work, working out. Give me all the playlists with no interruption. I've gotten in the habit of listening to it on my way to work & any time in the car because I cant deal with commercials anymore. Dont like 'me on the TV - dont like 'em in my car.

What do you need to get off your chest today?

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