Monday, April 06, 2020

The weekend Joe Exotic got me through quarantine

Here we are.... Monday... right?

Do weekends even matter anymore?
Actually yes, yes they do. I work so hard from home, I really did enjoy the weekend to sleep in - which I did. I slept in on Saturday till after 8am. GLORIOUS.

& I took Saturday as a pure lazy day.  LAZZZZYYYY.
I stayed in bed & got caught up on Survivor (Sandra, what a disappointment you were this season) & made some coffee & started working on some crafting projects.

Then I made the big transition to straighten up the kitchen some & grab my Bible study to take outside & work in the back yard.... except it was WARM. So I finished up one day of it &came inside & did the smart thing you do when its warm out - turned on the oven.  Its desperate times - what can I say. I ended up making some cookies - which was fun since I havent baked in the longest.  The Hubs was sure to let me know I needed to let him know when they came right out of the oven so he could eat them while they were gooey.

After those were done, I ended up going back outside because the sun ended up hiding behind the clouds & it didnt feel as bad.  I ended up finishing another book & then had to figure out what to start next.

Me & Harvey Dent social distancing from my front porch

Except, I thought I need to turn on Netflix & see what everyone was talking about with Tiger King.
OH ... MY.... WORD. Is this real life?  This was a mix between comical because who really lives their lives like this - to just sad, because who really lives their lives like this?  In the end, I had so many questions... & thoughts... & did what I usually do when I have that feeling - I went to Twitter. People are the funniest on Twitter.

Allow All The 'Tiger King' Memes To Help You Process What The Shit ...

Tweets That Prove Everyone Is Obsessed With 'Tiger King ...

I came to the conclusion in the end that if you know anything that owns a large cat... run... as fast as you can. Dont look back.

Sunday, I woke up fairly early & just hung out in bed again.  Because I checked with Alexa & it was indeed Sunday (I'm still not sure what day it is) & got up to go to church.... in the living room.  Because that's how we do it now.

I finished my church's online web streaming & then found out my heart-church was on YouTube LIVE & got to enjoy another great message... & seeing my precious friends share their amazing God given talents.

Then I did the worst thing possible during this crazy season - I turned on CNN &watched awhile.  Which lead me to going onto YouTube to find out how to make masks. I dont know why - I havent left the house in .... ummm... I have no idea anymore. But the news makes me feel like I need to put on a mask & sit in a bubble anytime I'm somewhere I can see other people. I see my neighbors taking their dog out to the bathroom - where's that mask? ... but it really does make me nervous for Ricky still working around people & let's face it - most truck drivers & warehouse people, they're not taking this very seriously.  The Hubs even said at lunch on Friday, they were all sitting at the same table, nearly shoulder to shoulder, laughing & eating all together.  NOOOPPPPEEE - I dont like it one bit - not for my husband.  His lungs arent the best for someone who survived a horrific house fire years ago.  I do get really worried for him.  So I ended up finding a pattern online on how to make a mask.

Now, let's be clear - I can do some crafts - sewing is NOT one of them.  I have a sewing machine & I have no idea how to even thread it so I thought back to my elementary school Home-Economics class where we had to sew a pillow together & I think my work here was equally on par.  But it worked. It turned out better than I thought it would.

This has inspired me to pull out my sewing machine & see if I can get it going. I mean, what else is there to do right now?  Maybe at the end of this, I'll know how to sew a straight line without wanting to throw my sewing machine down the steps.  One can wish.

In the meantime, I also did the bandanna trick to see how it worked & that seems to do fairly well too in a pinch.  Again - like I'm going anywhere.... but its good to know how to do this.

God Bless Ameria
.. & forgive the quarantine hair. It gives no cares at this point

The rest of my Sunday was pretty laid back - watching more news (GAHHHH - WHYYY???)  - getting the old man up & moving.  Bruno y'all.. not The Hubs... geez. ... got in my 6TH WORKOUT for the week! (look at me!!!)  & doing more ZOOM with my HSM girls. 

& now, we're back at it.  Week 3 of working from home.  The new normal I guess for a bit. 

What strange times we are living in my friend... such strange times.

Have you watched Tiger King?... PLEASE - lets talk about it

Are you making masks or wearing them?

Are you doing something new while spending all your time at home?

Tell me something exciting you did on your quarantine weekend!

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