Wednesday, May 27, 2020


From this Side of the Pond
Thanks Joyce for the link up today
Click the banner above to join her or see everyone else hopping in!

1. The US of A celebrated Memorial Day this past Monday. Does your family have any military ties? If so, tell us about them.

My grandfather on my dad's side was in the Army.
He served in World War 2 & I wish I would have asked about the stories.
He kept it really private & didnt really talk much about it until he was older. He was never an emotional man, but when he was in his late 80's - he seemed to have a lot of haunting memories of it all - which is so sad to think about all the trauma that he carried through his life with it.

Image may contain: 2 people, people standing
Tennie & Papaw

2. Cole slaw, potato salad, baked beans, potato chips, mac and cheese, macaroni salad...your favorite BBQ side? How many of these do you make from scratch vs. buying from the deli?

From scratch? What's that?
Do I look like I have a cooking show on Food Network?
Sam's Club is my favorite place for a cookout!

3.  I enjoyed asking this question back when the Hodgepodge was a regular thing...Lake Superior State University posts a list each year of words they think should be banished from the Queen's English for misuse, overuse, and/or general uselessness. The 2020 list includes-quid pro quo, artisanal, curated, influencer, literally, I mean, living my best life, mouthful (word used by foodies to describe texture of food in their mouth), chirp (basically an insult, you can read more on the website), jelly (short for jealous), totes (short for totally), vibe, and OK Boomer (internet response from millenial to older generation).

Of the words/phrases listed which would you most like to see 'banned'?

That just gags me.
That people can make a living from it?  
I think it  just disturbs me more how "sheep like" we can be as people - I'm including myself in that - 
Give me some good recommendations from people that really use items & are sincere - but doing it just to make a few dollars... no, just no.

Her Lam Photographer Writer Instagram Model and Influencer Himiam ...

4. I'm sure next year's list will be filled with words springing out of this weird season we're all in currently. What word or phrase associated with the Corona would you be happy to hear less often?

I will typically search Covidiots just to see the latest ridiculous things.
I'll be glad to hear it less often HOPING there will be few of these idiotic actions.
...doubting that will happen any time soon.....

5.  The month of May wraps up in just a few days. Bid her adieu in ten words or less.

It was May?

6. Insert your own random thought here.
So I did a TREAT YO SELF things & signed up for the Book of the Month.
I've been eyeing it for awhile & thought, why not do it during summer.
I'm excited to see how it works & if I stick with it after the summer & working from home months.
Anyone else use it?  Any tips or things I should know about it?

Book of the Month | Read more, research less, save money

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