Thursday, April 15, 2021

Shine Bright, sneeze a lot & how did I not know about these? {Thankful Thursday #307}


This week I am thankful for:

My Couch
Once again, it became my best friend after getting my vaccine.

Yummy Treats
When I was with mom at the grocery this past week, I happened to notice these little things in the cookie dough section in the cool section.  Little tiny Safe to Eat cookie dough in little containers.  This one is Vegan & is brownie batter - SO DELICIOUS!!! & they were like 99 cents!  They come with a little spoon in the top of the lid inside so cute to take for a little treat at work or to a game.  I just know they are DELISH! & I cant believe I didnt know about these before. 

OK - so it may be giving me allergies that are miserable - its so beautiful seeing all the flowering trees everywhere. All the pinks, purples & whites.  Just beautiful.  When it was blowing off our trees the other day, it looked like snow... the kind I dont mind.  Just makes me sneeze.

Reading Light
I saw this on Amazon & so excited to use it reading where I can get a good BRIGHT light covering all the pages of my book when it gets dark.  I'll let you know what I think about it on my next Prime Purchases post.

Book of the Month Club
I've been getting books from this now for a YEAR!!! I thought I'd join & just get some books during the few months we'd be home during lock down (Isnt that funny) & here we are a year later & I'm still in it & look forward to it.  They always have the best choice of books & I love that the binding is all the same height so perfect on the shelf - & the hard cover has the month & year you got it.  I dont know why that makes me happy, but it does.  (If you're interested - click HERE to check it out if interested. & if you have any questions, let me know)

Ozzie did good at the vet
We took the little guy for his front legs shaking. The vet really had no idea... we're just to watch him. Which its weird because some days, he shakes so bad, his chest & head shakes... & other days, nothing.  Its only when he's sitting up.  Its not when he stands - & I have noticed it a LITTLE bit when he lays down now, but nothing like when he sits up.  It doesnt stop him playing one bit - he doesnt ever act like he's in pain - he acts no different, except laying down when he shakes so bad.  He goes to the vet for his neuter in a few weeks so we'll talk more about it with the vet then.  We're trying to take videos so she'll see it in full force.  Poor little guy.... but anyways - he did so good at the vet. While you cant go in the office yet, they come & get the animals - & he loved just watching everyone else walking their dogs & all the in & out the door action.  For a good treat, we took him to Feeders Supply to pick out a toy & a treat. He didnt know what to think in there.  Doggie Paradise. & then he got to go see my mom & the horses.  He had a good day.

Tell me something good about your week!

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