Wednesday, August 11, 2021

10 on 10...Its School Time again!


Joining in with the always & ever lovely Leslie with her 10 on 10

1. How old were you when you started school?  Did you attend pre-kinder and/or kinder or go straight into first grade?
I was 6 years old... isnt that the usual age? for like 1st grade.  To me, that was "official school" but now, I guess all the pre-kinder is like required now ... but I did attend all the pre kinder things mainly because my great aunt owned a day care & Kindergarten.  My grandma was always there & sneaking me all the favors for being family.  It was great.  

2. Were you a good student? What was your favorite subject?

I was a good student. I was someone who actually liked school, enjoyed learning.  

My favorite subject?  Well, being that nerd, I tend to like everything - EXCEPT Geometry. I think because our football couch "taught" that class & never really "taught" a thing. Basically a "read your book" & that was it kinda of teaching. I think if someone explained it- I would have gotten it because I love math.  That was frustrating I never understood Geometry.  I did love all the Algebra classes.

3. As a child, did you take music lessons? Or play a sport? Do you still play an instrument now?

I did take piano lessons.  I really enjoyed it & just told someone the other day I want to try & get into it again. I think i can still remember how to do it. Read music anyways.... Sports? I played softball when I was in elementary school but after that, it was just just tennis.  I would play basketball & kickball with the neighborhood kids, but my main sport growing up was kung-fu. I was in that when I was 7 years old & got my black belt when I was 16 & stayed active in it till about 18.

Because this is the cutest thing 

Did you attend any kind of training or classes beyond high school? If so, what did you study?  Did you wind up working in a profession or job for which those classes or training prepared you?

I actually trained to be a pharmacy technician & really wanted to go to school to be a pharmacist.  The only pharmacy school near me was about 1.5 hours away & 2 issues. 1. I didnt want to leave my family & 2. We couldnt afford it.  So... pharmacy dreams dashed.  Oh well.

Have you taken any personal growth or adult education classes for fun? During the year that was Covid, did you home school, learn a new app to work from home, teach yourself to do something you might have paid someone else to do for you?

The biggest thing I learned was how to make bread - LOL ... but I wanted to do that for the longest time so I finally checked something off my bucket list.

What would you like to learn how to do that you don’t know how to do already?

I would love to learn how to groom dogs. I've always wanted to do that & have really thought about going to school to learn how to do it.

Name something that you learned easily. Then name something that was a struggle for you to learn to do.

Something learned easily - I want to say Knitting - but that's KINDA true. I tried to learn years before & I didnt get it - but then Julie taught me how to do it & I picked it up - I think it was the teaching that made all the different.

Struggle to learn? I'm going to go deep... I had a struggle with needing to speak out a lot - speak up - argue a point until I thought I could convince someone of something. It took me a long time to learn, that's a losing battle a lot of times. I've learned to listen more & keep my mouth shut. Make your words few but important - not many & empty.

What’s the last thing you remember learning? What kind of learner are you: visual, auditory, hands-on/kinesthetic, verbal, logical/mathematical?

I'm a total hand on person. Walk me through something, let me do it myself & I'll tuck it away.  

Last thing i learned?  My computer had so many issues & I reached  out to my Virus protection team & they  logged on & was trying to figure it out. I ended up staying up all night & looking online & found out the issue & then I fixed it myself - I honestly was so proud of myself. Computers & anything tech is so mind boggling to me so I felt like I was Bill Gates or someone genius with tech things.

Hard to teach an old dog new tricks, school of hard knocks, pass with flying colors, learn by heart, burn the midnight oil, pull an all-nighter, play hooky – which of these expression best fits your life lately? Why?

I'm going to go with PULL AN ALL -NIGHTER - only because my hormones are all a mess & they wake me up in the middle of the night - & I have been going into full blown panic attacks. So fun at 2am.  I have these horrible sensations that I'm dying.  I cant get back to sleep.  It's awful... & leaving me exhausted.

What is something you’ve learned from past mistakes?

Never leave your shoes on the ground. Not in this house.
Ozzie will have them outside & chewed on every time....You'd think after how many dogs? I'd learn that... but nope.  Still trying to learn from this one.... I was still out picking up shoes this morning from my back porch.

Bonus: Share your favorite learning/education quote.

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