Wednesday, September 08, 2021



Havent joined in with Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond in awhile & happy to get some blogging inspiration... click the pic or HERE & go visit and/or join in.

1. Something you've done recently that required you giving 110% ?

Living... basically just living through a day.

Between the stress of everything & it just ramping my anxiety up to the 110% level, my blood issues bottoming out, it honestly is taking everything in me to get through the most basic of activities.  Something has to give.

2. What task-sport-chore-hobby-activity have you participated in or completed, that if judged, would land you a perfect 10?  

Why is this so hard for me to think about? I'm someone who always sees faults in everything I do. Even in my knitting, I always say you can count on at least one missed stich in there...heck, I cant even SLEEP well enough to get a perfect 10.

I'm going to say Buying Planner supplies - that's a perfect 10 - LOL. 

3. What are ten of your favorite things right now? 

10??? TEN???? Let's see what I can come up with

1. My Passion Planner Daily - (I've added a link at the top of my blog & its my reference link so be sure to check it out through that tab)
2. Dog snuggles
3. ColorStreet nails - I've been hooked again on them & they're making my nails so long
4. Cooler weather - at least not scorching humid days
5. My Library
6. Pentel EnerGel .7 pens
7. Maybelline Eye Brow Pencil
8. My heating pad
9. Wireless Earbuds - I've been using these on walks & didnt know what I was missing.
10. Mom is doing so well being home.

4. Nine times out of ten I _________________________.

... have a book within arms length of me.

5. Where were you when the world stopped turning, twenty years ago this week? 

Oh my gosh - I still feel all the emotions of that day. & cant believe its been 20 years. I was at my job & we heard of the first plane & went to watch the TV for the latest news & ended up seeing the 2nd plane go in the other building LIVE.  That feeling of "What did I just watch" has never been more surreal than in that moment.  We all sat in that reception area all day long watching it all unfold. My manager/friend has text me every year since I left that job & gives me a note reminding us being together through that day. She recently passed away & this will be the first year I wont get her text on that day - making it even sadder for me.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

I think I'm doing it - going to do a kitchen renovation.  & probably not a full gut renovation - y'all that do that are CRAZY! Would I love to do that - have a whole new design? Absolutely... do I think my anxiety & check book could handle it - not for a second. But I have no idea what to do.  We have oak cabinets that were special made - everyone that has seen them tells us not to change them because they are worth some bucks & it would be a shame to mess them up. I'm not opposed to keeping them but I dont know what goes with oak.  All the cabinets - the pantry - our trim - even the trim inside of our door frames are the same oak.  I want a wood floor but think it would be too much grain if it was on the floor & also in the cabinets.  I need help y'all!!! I know some of you are so good at design ... give me some ideas on what works well. I'm looking for new floors & counter top colors I should be looking for.   

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