Thursday, March 31, 2022

Thankful Thursday #351


This week I am Thankful for:

Good start
Since my TIA, I've been on a mission to get healthier & kicking in menopause, its just been a crazy ride with how my body feels & the struggle with weight. Well, I have focused in lately & have lost 14 lbs - which I'm proud of. But honestly, please dont congratulate me on that or give any sort of acknowledgement because I have a LONG way to go - so that doesnt really feel like an accomplishment yet.  I'm glad to get the ball rolling though.  

Water in stores
You never know how much you use water until you cant get to it. Just the little things of brushing your teeth - or rinsing your hands.  I'm so thankful we live in a country where water is so easily available.  I went & bought up so many packages of bottled water & even got the big gallon containers & used those for my dog's bowls.  I was very aware that I am buying good clean water for my dogs in a world where people have to walk miles to get water - & its dirty & can cause sickness.  We are a blessed nation.

New Lunch Option
A coworker asked if I wanted to go try a new place around the corner for lunch & I am so excited she did. This Thai place was awesome! I got a vegetable stir fry that had the biggest chunks of peppers & onions - & some cauliflower & broccoli.  You could add tofu in it too if you wanted!  There was so much that it lasted 2 days of lunches for me. They have a bell pepper stir fry that I think I'm going to have to try next too. YUM!!!!

Best place for a leak
We were so nervous about the leak coming out of SOMEWHERE last week. Hearing all the rushing water, but none leaking in the house, we knew it was goin somewhere between the house & the road where the water main line was.  We had visions of them tearing up our yard & having to dig up our whole driveway & we were just seeing all the dollar bills flying out of our wallet.  When we found the leak was right next to the house - in between the house & the drive, we felt like we hit the lottery!  When you can find good news in the middle of bad news, do it!


I'll say it for the 549th time - I'm sure I'm up to that count by now.  We had one neighbor come over & help dig into our yard finding the leak.  Getting all dirty & muddy - but he is the one who found where our leak was!! WHOO HOO!!! ... & then our neighbor on the other side is the one who built our home & has contacts doing that sort of career - so he was able to reach out to the plumbers & get them out first thing in the morning & get the pipe fixed.  It just warms my heart that we have such good people who are willing to help us - especially in times of crisis. I wish everyone had such a good community around them as we do!

Let me tell you - when you can flush a toilet without thinking about it - you know its a good day!  So thankful we're back to some good pipes!

3 months
I am now officially 3 months out from my TIA.  When I had the scare, they told me that the first 3 days were critical - then the next 3 months are to be watched - & then we're shooting for a year.  Each day / month that goes by & no instance of another TIA or serious stroke, it gives better chances of never having another episode.  So each month on the 27th, I honestly & truly celebrate every day of living.  

Tell me something good about your week!
Or your MONTH!  Goodbye March!!!

Linking up with Jen & Leslie

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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

What's Up Wednesday


What We're Eating This Week

Still loving my Hello Fresh
& this week, we're having one of my favorite dishes.
Brussel Sprout & hot honey flatbread.... SO GOOOD!!!

What I'm Reminiscing About
Since we went roller skating - I'm thinking back on all the days on wheels.
I really wish there was a rink close by so we could skate more often.

Maybe I need to get some outdoor wheels & just make my own rink out in a parking lot.

What I'm Loving
I got this thing off of Amazon that I keep seeing on Instagram.

Oh my goodness - it works SO well!
This gives my hair the best curls & waves... & I love giving my hair a break from heat products & it doesnt tangle my hair like when I use rollers.
Its so fast to put in my hair & it isnt uncomfortable sleeping in it like rollers.
I am in LOVE with this baby.

Here's an example of what it does to my hair.

Click HERE for the link

What We've Been Up To
Dealing with all the water issues.

We had a busted pipe from our basement to outside.

& then Hubby put on a new faucet & it caused some issues with a water leak that exploded in our kitchen. 

I'm over water.

What I'm Dreading
I have another Retina Specialist appointment coming up so I dread the dilation.
You'd think I'd be used to it by now. I've had my eyes dilated 3 times in the past few months... but it just is so irritating.

What I'm Working On
Me! ... I'm 3 months out from my TIA & still working on getting healthier.
Getting in workouts minimum 5 days a week - trying for 6.
Watching what I eat... trying to keep the odds of another stroke far away!

What I'm Excited About
Warmer days ahead!!!!!

What I'm Watching / Reading
I just finished the documentary on Hillsong on Discovery+... whew! That was rough.

& finished up Bad Vegan.

After watching Inventing Anna & The Tinder Swindler - I am at the point where I trust NO ONE.

What I'm Listening To
Speaking of not trusting anyone... I have been watching that show The Thing about Pam... & it made me want to go listen to the Podcast about her.
OH.MY.GOODNESS.... I didnt realize the whole story. I knew about the friend & the framing of the husband - but the rest of it?? I wont spoil it for anyone if you're watching the show or want to listen to the Podcast yourself - but I know I got through the entire series in one day because I was HOOKED!

What I'm Wearing
Sweaters... still in Sweaters.
I just know we're going to go from a chilly Spring straight into heat of Summer.
Not a lot of the nice 70 degree days.

What I'm doing this Weekend
I'm hoping to finish up a book I'm reading

& I need to get a box I'm sending into ThredUp for consignment to the post office.
Exciting stuff... I know.

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month
We dont have really any plans for next month - or any big celebrations
so I guess I'm just looking forward to making it through the month in one piece.

Friday, March 25, 2022

Friday Favorites


Click PIC for Link

Favorite Rain Boots

To be Ugg's - I dont think the price on these are bad at all!
Plus, they have red & yellow - I love me some bright rain boots!

Favorite Jumpsuit

This beautiful is $16.00! My goodness - my pajamas are more than that.
I may have to give this a try!

Favorite Hair Help

This is marketed for kids - but I wouldnt mind trying this on my hair to see if it could contain some of the frizz when my hair curls up. Plus, it has some good treatment natural ingredients.  

Favorite Spring Polish

What a fun colorful way to add pop to a manicure.
Even if you do just one or two nails in this - or do a tip french manicure with it - just add some BRIGHT & fun color to your nails!

Favorite Plant Pots

WHO is adorable? These pots are
(see what I did there?)
But seriously - how adorable are these little pots.
Cute all together or separate them out.

Favorite Bag

Confession - I'm not mad that the "fanny bag" is back - I can remember using one on vacation when we went to Disney (yearsss ago) & its just nice to not have to worry about a bag over your shoulder or across your body.
Plus, they make some of these really cute now too!!!!
& with summer where you're out & about - I just really like the idea of them again.

Favorite Tee

I'm obsessed with all the Inventing Anna things & the coo coo phrases she says.
What a crazy bird that girl is!

Favorite Funnies

Happy Weekend Y'all!!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Thankful Thursday #350


This week I am thankful for:

Pi Day
3.14 ... We had a coworker that made a peanut butter pie & brought in to celebrate Pie Day! I have never had a peanut butter pie before - oh my goodness. DELICIOUS. & perfect in the middle of a crazy work day!

Late Working
Who would think working late is a good thing to be thankful for? It happened to be a good thing though when I stayed for one issue & another one popped up.  I'm glad I was still in the office to help with some glitches that were happening. That was good timing.

Pharmacy Line
I had to stop & pick up my mom's medicine & lately, in our area, its been a total nightmare at pharmacies & trying to get your medicine. The wait is so long & if you do a drive thru, we've sat for nearly 30 minutes. How crazy is that?  Inside is just as bad.  So when I picked up my mom's meds & I was in & out in 15 minutes, I felt like I wont the lottery.

March Madness Kickoff
We had a kick off at work with pizza & basketball on all the tv's at work.  They had a pop-n-shot little basketball competition set up.  The only time I enjoyed March Madness - my bracket was literally DOA by the end of Thursday night. No joke - by the weekend, my final 4 were all knocked out - LOL.  Not my year.

Storms Missed Us
Y'all know I love me some storms - but we had some really bad ones come through that were producing tornado activity.  It was funny because I didnt even know they were near.  A friend text me & asked if we were in the storms path. HUH? I was outside reading & knew storms were coming & was just staying outside until the rain came. It had gotten dark & windy, but no rain ever happened.  I looked up the radar - & the big storms were just miles up the road. I could see the clouds & lightning. It was really something to see... & we stayed dry the whole time. Nuts.

I love this online store. Its like a consignment store where you can find new or gently used items.  Their goal is to help the environment - keep clothes out of dumpsters - & who doesnt love a good deal on clothes? I have gotten brand new items with tags still on them for more than half off what it would cost in a store.  I need some new blouses with Spring coming & just got 4 more for around $50.00.... $50.00 FOR 4 BLOUSES!!!! & they are all so cute.  You can look for a specific brand you like of clothes, or purses, or shoes & you can even focus on brand new things.  I am all about this store. & you can even send in some things & they'll sell for you too. I'm ready to clean out my closet & send a big ole box.

Daughter Visit
Our youngest, Lindsay was in town this past week & we were so glad to see her. Last time she was in town was Christmas 2020 - when COVID was in high gear & they recommended not being around people. We saw her in a driveway & kept our distance - so this time, it was great to be able to hug her & spent time catching up.

It was awesome that Lindsay was in town this weekend too because they had a skating event to raise money for MS for our friend that just passed away.  Hubby & I hadnt had on our skates in 10 years - a whole DECADE. I thought for sure I was going to bust my face.... but look at me - I stayed up the whole night. Now, I wasn't as smooth or carefree on the skates. Old bones break more easily, right?   but we had fun putting our skates on & more than anything - we were happy there was a celebration of life for Tony.  Its like the Hubby said - it was like he was there. We had skated so many years where Tony was running around doing his job - running the session - working in the office - taking care of issues. So in our minds, he was busy running around the place. & in spirit, we think he definitely was there.

There's Lindsay on the right... she has the skating gene

The good ole Champ's jacket... only the guards got them
Hubby still has his too in our closet

Tell us something good in your week!

Joining with Jennifer & Leslie

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Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Hodgepodge Time


Joining in with Joyce
Click the pic above to join in

1. What's something you never seem to have enough time for? 

I never seem to be able to have time to get my car clean. The inside floor board is full of hay & barn dirt & I drive by car washes with nice vacuums every single day - but I either forget, or I am headed somewhere & dont have time to stop.  Maybe the next warm day on a weekend, I just need to schedule it in. There's just something nice about a clean car!

2. If you could turn back time and relive just one day in your life, which day would you choose and why? 

My mind goes to a few things....

Would I like to do something fun, like my wedding day & feel all that excitement?

Would I like go back to the last time I saw my dad & tell him to get to the doctor to prevent his passing 48 hours later?

Would I go back to high school & change my trajectory a totally different way?

... I've seen too many time travel movies that make this question way deeper than it probably should be.

3. Something you enjoy making that takes a long time to prepare/cook? 

First thing that came to mind is knitting a blanket.  Some of them have taken me MONTHSSSSS.  Especially a queen size or king size one.  All the yarn - all the wrist turns... but how beautiful & accomplished it feels in the end.

4. A time recently where you needed/gave yourself a 'time out'? How do you do that? 

... .I call that "Every Saturday" LOL

5. Something you've done recently that you'd describe as a 'good time'? 

I've loved recently playing Pickelball.  That's a good time to me.  It keeps me moving - its a fun sport - competitive & something Hubby & I can do together.  I need to try & find a local club to join in & play with others.

6. Insert your own random thought here

As you can see, i'm still just struggling lately with blogging. I feel like my life has just gone to such a usual & typical day, it would be a copy, paste, repeat situation on here.  I need to find some inspiration. I need to pull out my camera & start sharing the hundred pictures of my dogs again because we all know everyone loves cute dogs.  

I'm going to admit - the world has just worn me OUT.  It was the start of COVID - the masks, then the political issues, then vaccines & more COVID, all the opinions & rudeness & offensiveness  & now we're facing a world war.  Not to mention a health scare that still has me feeling like the Grim Reaper is tapping me on the shoulder every day. ... yep, the world - life -  has worn me out.

I feel like this gif has been me more than anything the past year...

Just retreating into my own little corner of the world & steering clear of everything & every one.

I need to start looking for the joy & good in the world - in my life.  It's there - & I need to share & focus on others doing the same.  We are in some crazy times & we need some light to shine.  Hopefully, soon enough, I'll feel my own light spark & I'll be back more often here to start shining away.

... or at least get out of the shrubs.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

3 Things


So excited to see Steph do a new 3 Things...
I'm always having fun with these

Three things that make me feel free
1. Weekends
2. Driving with the windows down
3. Paying off credit cards each month

Three things I am inclined to forget when leaving the house
1. Taking my medicine
2. Lunch
3. A coat

Three nail things I recommend
1. Chobani Coffee Creamer
2. Rescue an animal
3. Cutting meat out of your diet - even if its a few days a week

Three things I keep saying I should do and continue to not do
1. Yoga
2. Start taking pictures again - use my good camera
3. Clean out / organize my closet & drawers

Three reading related things I don't do that you might 
1. Read in bed
2. Read at night (indoor lighting)
3. Read a lot of sci-fi books - they just confuse me.

Three places I am dying to go 
1. New York City
2. Disney World
3. Harry Potter World 
(I'm a simple gal)

Three things I do every day by noon
1. Have 2 cups of coffee
2. Bible Study
3. Listened to at least one or two podcasts

Three fashion trends I can confidently say I will never do again
1. Body Suits
2. Thin eyebrows
3. Shorts under 7 inches - at least in public

Three things I'm over
1. People who think they have all the answers in thanks to Google/Facebook
2. Winter
3. Anything Trump related

Three things I'm looking forward to
1. Warmth!
2. Sandals
3. Sitting outside to read till late / when the sun goes down

Friday, March 11, 2022

Friday Favorites

Click on PIC for link

Favorite Lap Desk

This seriously is going in my cart.
I love a lap desk - I use one every night with my planners - & I had been putting my new laptop on it - but there is not a space for the mouse. I have been putting it on a magazine on the bed - it feels so off. This is just what I need!

Favorite Mug

Its a big thing to go Mushroom hunting around these parts so this would be a great gift for all the friends who love to do that.
Plus, it'd just be a cute mug for camping. All those wilderness vibes.

Favorite Curious/Want to try

Sitting at a desk all day & getting older - I feel like I am slumping more than ever.
I try to break the habit but I find myself slumping more & more as the day goes on.  This is something I'm interested in checking out to see if it works.
Can you train an old dog new tricks?

Favorite Lights

I dont have the best light in my bathroom & I am thinking these would give some great light on my mirror. They have good reviews & apparently they stay on for years too.  Cheaper than buying a new lighted mirror!

Favorite Earrings

I love a subtle pair of earrings to wear every day.
The rose gold on these are so pretty too!

Favorite Travel Help

I'm not a big traveler so I'm probably late to the game on these - but how smart.
Little containers that you can put your creams, serums, shampoos, even medicine - things to take on a trip so you dont need bottles.  & they are magnetic so they stick together too so you dont have cases flying around everywhere! 
So smart!

Favorite Bookshelf

I am really digging this corner shelf.
A fun way to add personality to a room & add extra storage too for some pictures, or a few books - or little plants!  Cute in a bathroom too to put little holders for q-tips or cotton balls or a candle!
It comes in a gray wood (my fav) & a white one which would be so cute in a baby's room!

Favorite Funnies

Happy Weekend Y'all!!!