Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Tomorrow - I will be on a plane! For some, that is exciting & the thought of travel makes them happy. For me - I've literally been sick over it. I'm not a good traveler. I'm pertrified of flying! I've done it a few times & it just never gets easier for me. I think what really sparked it - in 1993 or 1994 (cant remember) - Ricky & I went to Disney flying on a USAir out of Pittsburg & vice versa going home. As we were packing to come home down in Florida, we had the TV on - & a USAir plane going to Pittsburg crashed - no survivors! I was completely freaked out! We were just hours away from getting on plane heading to the same place. People even thought it was our plane!!! I called my parents from Florida. Their reactions - completely different. My mom was telling us to get a rental car & drive home. My dad's reaction - "What are the odds of 2 planes crashing within 12 hrs time" - (I see me & Ricky in that - completely different reactions to things!)

Needless to say, we flew home. Over half of the flight had cancelled & the huge plane was very empty - almost ghostlike. The air traffic was so heavy with media going into Pittsburg, we couldnt land. We had to circle for hours before we could land - circling right near where the plane crashed. Our layover was crazy because of all the madness. We didnt know when we would get out. We ended up being 14 hrs late getting home. Ever since that experience - I just dont care to fly.

But tomorrow, I'll hopefully be getting on a plane heading to Texas to see our new grandson. I'm wanting to see this little baby - believe me, its the only reason I will be visiting the airport again. So I'm asking - please pray me through this.

I wish I was one of those people who enjoyed flying - someone who got excited - someone who found fun in getting on a plane in one part of the world & getting off in another part. My travel experience usually consists of nausea, dizziness, a least a dozen crying spells & a few trips to the bathroom! Sound like fun? No, not to me either. Oh well, we'll see how it goes! Isaac is waiting for his Nanny & Pappy! I just need to get that family up here - or at least closer driving distance!


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