Monday, October 29, 2007

What a weekend!

Here's some pictures of the weekend. I forgot the camera at Amber's birthday party & I wish I did have it because those kids were adorable! And a picture of Rollie holding the pinata would have been priceless - but I learned my lesson & had it with me the rest of the weekend!

The scavenger hunt was full of fun! Lindsay must have got off early because when we did our annual "Lindsay picture" - she was already out of Cracker Barrell - darn it! Me & Ryan got to drive the church van & join our team so there was us two plus 10 kids - a total of 12 - that equals tons of fun! Loading in & out of that van with that many kids was a sight in itself - those kids were fast! The highlight of the night - when the police pulled us over! Oh yeah - dont think the worst, I wasnt driving - it was Ryan! And everyone knew immediately it wasn't for speeding - that van has NO pick up at all to even REACH the speed limit. We just didnt have our lights on & the van door was open - it was in the process of being shut. We had the routine of driving, slamming the brakes & the door would automatically shut - saving time for our hunt. Well, we lost all that time waiting for the cop to check out everything - we lost 20 minutes - not good! The police was very nice, understanding & told us to stay safe. He did see we had all the kids in seat belts & believe me, we were very careful with that van load of kiddos! The funniest part - all the kids were too busy taking pictures of the policeman & the flashing lights! It will surely be a memory they will NEVER forget! I'm just glad it was Ryan driving & not me! And we seriously didnt even realize we didnt have the lights on - we were just concentrating on the next clue & the next stop - we were into the game! We came in 3rd place - not the first I had hoped for - but still, a medal position! Hey - there were 6 or 7 teams (never got that straight) - so I told the kids - we are better than most! Find the positive! I think our night was the 1st place in fun though!

The next day - we had our Making Strides walk. I was so grateful for the people who came out & walked. It ended up being such a beautiful day & I was excited because the walk took us over the 2nd street bridge - what a view! I saw in the paper that there were over 10,000 people - I believe it! It was an amazing thing to see so many people come together for a cause. You could see so many signs for support & signs for people in memory of, & you realize how many people "cancer" has touched! As mentioned before - our team was "TEAM VICTORY" in honor of 2 things - 1st, our dear friend Vicki Meredith who is an awesome SURVIVOR! What a woman she is! Her faith in God, the way she handles herself in daily life & the way she handled her fight with breast cancer - she's just amazing! 2nd - we named it that because we claim Victory over everything in Christ's name! It couldnt have been a better name! The cutest part of the day for me - I'd look & Vicki & Steve (her husband) were walking holding hands - aahhh, they are just the cutest couple in the world! What a supportive husband! I just can't say enough about those two - and their whole family!

Of course, the walk couldnt just be a walk for us GCC'ers - we had a game of TAG going on - & before you know it - it became some serious stuff! We were scattered out - chasing, running - laughing the whole walk! People were staring wondering what the heck we were running from! It was great fun! But we all crossed the finish line together - even running through the end! It couldnt have been a more perfect day - especially for us to celebrate our anniversary!

Then me & Ricky got to end our day with another AWESOME "God-talk" with Ryan. We can get into some DEEP conversations that lead to topic after topic. This one started with my fear of flying & ended with the topic being "Is there free will or is life pre-destined?" - I'll have to mention highlights from that talk at another date - I know this is getting pretty long! It was some good stuff! I was in tears sitting between Ricky & Ryan, so you know it was some good God-talking going on! What an awesome God we serve!

Enjoy the pictures & thanks again for all the people who walked Sunday - you are all amazing to come out & support a great cause! Next year, we need to double our numbers - get a GREAT game of TAG going on!

1 comment:

  1. Ya, the scavenger hunt was awesome...and WE GOT SECOND PLACE!! Considering I had one of the smallest teams in the race, I think that was a pretty amazing thing. It was all fun though, the race, the fellowship, the food....good times.........


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