Sunday, October 28, 2007

Happy Anniversary

Today has been 12 years of marriage for me & Ricky. That blows me away to think of 12 years - we've been together 15 years. Where does the time go? I have to say - its always an adventure! I hope you enjoy some pictures from our big day. It was truly a day I'll always remember - the perfect wedding day! 12 years down - a lifetime to go!

(Look how little the girls are...that just shows how much time has passed!)

(Me & my dad dancing)


  1. Congratulations! I hope it just gets sweeter and sweeter for you guys. Thanks for sharing the pics!

  2. kool i love old pics of friends that i didn't know back in the day(which by the way was a wednesday) it's funy to see hao much or how little they have changed keep it together yall 24 years is just round the corner

  3. How cool!!!! You guys are still just as cute as you were then! I am so happy for you both...and a lifetime? Well, it just might be enough!!!

  4. Congratulations! Happy Anniversary! And I think you'll have more than a lifetime together! That's one the perks of eternity!

  5. You were such a beautiful bride! I just wish I could have been there. I hope you guys had a fabulous anniversary. I love you and can't wait to see you.


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