Sunday, October 07, 2007

More pics!

Tell me this little boy isn't the cutest thing in the world! Look at that hair! Dont ask me what those heart shaped things are or what they are for - I dont have any idea - I'll have to ask Julie that - to keep his side burns down? To know he's loved? A baby band-aid? No wonder I'm not a nurse!


  1. gotta love that hair! What a cutie!

  2. Oh! you grand mothers do go on about your grand children.

    Does this mean that your mom is a great grand mother?

    Love Ya Dad

  3. Tons of hair! So did she have a lot of heartburn? Old wives tale, but I did with mine and they had tons of hair too!

  4. He's gorgeous.....sorry, handsome. I know you both can't wait to get your hands on him. God just keeps blessing us with children and grandchildren and what an amazing opportunity for kisses, kisses, kisses! You're about to have the time of your life!


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