Monday, October 08, 2007

THRIVE Performance

WE DID IT!!! The skit was last night & it was completely amazing! It always blew me away to just watch the video, but actually performing it - it was something to experience. We had practices before & it was alot of work poured in it by alot of people - (thanks Jeremy & Andrew for all the work you put into setting up everything perfectly!) but the time of the actual performance, it took on just so much more seriousness - you could feel the emotion! The audience seemed to really feel the emotion too! At the end, seeing people with tears still in their eyes - it all felt worth it. I've put up some pictures that Lindsay took for me during our practice before - but I need to figure out the way to post the video - unless Barry posts the one they took on You Tube (hint, hint!)

It was great watching the video that Ricky took though afterwards because being on one end of the stage, I cant see the other end - & watching Joe play Jesus - oh, it was chilling! Of course, our little GCC star, Jordan, was excellent, as usual! I'm anxious to see once again if she is sore from being tossed around! Everyone seemed to do such a good job in their roles - & it just touched my heart to see Ryan up there - I could just imagine how proud Steph is of her son! Can you tell - the whole night was full of emotion!

And our Jr. High Leader, Cara - she was fantastic giving her message after the skit - she truly has a heart for these kids & it shows! The smile is still on my face from the whole thing - it was just truly an amazing night!! I feel so blessed to have been a part of it all!


  1. And we were all blessed to have been there to witness it live! You all did an amazing job!

  2. Thank you all so much for putting this together it was amazing I thing there were a lot of people touched in some way great job to all

  3. Yes. The video made me cry all three times I watched it. I wish SOMEONE would have told me that you all would be doing it at church!!! :) (Someone = mom :) )


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