Isn't it funny how we want what WE want in this world?
I was reading about Rachel this week & her relationship with her love, Jacob & the other wife, who he was tricked into marrying, who happened to be Rachel's sister, Leah. (Jerry Springer has nothing on the stories of the Bible) Leah was having babies for her husband, which at the time made you an awesome wife if you could pop out those children - especially boys! Rachel was getting so frustrated & even lashed out at Jacob & said, "Give me children or I'll die!" (Genesis 30:1)
First, I love Jacob's reaction - he says to her - in a summed up version - "Woman, I'm not God!" Good answer! But after some time, Rachel does have a son, Joseph, but she's still behind on the baby count. Can you imagine the competition of the day? Today, women fight over having the best purse, or the smallest waist, or the perfect house - how times have changed. But Rachel did get pregnant again & ironically, the woman who once said she would die unless she had children - died giving birth to a child.
How many times does God just shake his head at us when we sit & cry & moan about things we want? Do you think God was like, "You want a child - OK - but here's what happens when its what you want & not what I want" ?? - or was it as God wanted - for her to die giving birth? There's another question I'll have when I get to Heaven! And I'll ask Rachel to - do you wish you didn't say you'd die without a baby? Would you do it again? Would you have tried so hard to have a baby if you knew the outcome? I'm going to need all eternity to get all my questions answered!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Mission Knitters!
I've talked many times about Debbie Macomber and how much I just love reading her books, & keeping up with her life - she seems like such a neat, Christian woman.
I got an email today from being on Debbie's email list of updates & I was thrilled to see what's going on. She will be coming out with a new line of Knitting Products in March - but the cool thing about them - all the proceeds for them will be going to Knitting Charities & to World Vision! How cool is that?! I love to see someone take their hobby or passion & turn it into the Glory of God! I guess you can do it with anything. So, for all those knitters out there - keep an eye out in March - let's support this so we can support other missions!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Some Knitting updates
So here are my socks that I finished last weekend. If you notice under my links - there is one called "Sock A Month" - & the goal is knit a pair of socks each month & then you get a cool letter by your name representing that month you do make socks. You dont HAVE to make one each month - but its a goal. Last year - I think I had 2 letters next to my name - how sad! So this year - my goal is at LEAST 6 - striving for 10. I already have the "J" for January! And I'm already working on my February pair - thank goodness its got a Leap Day in it - another knitting day for the month!
These socks were the first I bought that had Aloe & Jojoba Oil in them - AAHHH - I can't believe the difference in knitting with them. I've always been a fan of the Opal just because of the patterns that work up in that - but the feel of this & the colors are amazing! And then to put it on my foot - a little slice of Heaven on Earth! My next pair I'm working on - Yep - the same yarn brand. I'm liking the Aloe - I like it - A LOT!
And here is a picture of my poor Shrug that I was so looking forward to. For those have seen it in person - I always get that stare of HUH? That's suppose to be a 1X - exactly my thoughts! Here's Lindsay - who I mentioned before is like a size 3 - & it just fits her. It really looks cute on her too. I dont think I could diet every day of my life - no, forget diet - starve myself - never eat again & get down to a size 3. So needless to say, this shrug will be a give away. That's alright though - I like giving my stuff away as long as I know it'll be worn. Nothing worse than putting a lot of time & work & hand pain into something that someone's not going to appreciate. All those fellow knitters & crocheter's - you know what I'm saying!
Hopefully, I'll have my February socks done soon - & I've got to start looking at new Baby patterns for the new Rollins Baby - this baby is going to be swamped in knitted things from friends - That baby will never be cold - that's for sure!
I had to post this picture of my shrug too - it shows the fit a little bit better - but doesn't poor Lindsay look scared? Maybe because she thinks Sydney is going to eat her hand off? No - not my baby - she's just wanting Lindsay to pet her! (Lindsay's going to kill me for putting all her pics on here - but that's what she gets for being such a cute size 3 model!)
Monday, January 28, 2008
We're ROCKIN'!!!!
OK - I find it sort of appropriate to follow the last blog that is named "How old am I?" with a blog entry like this!
We got Guitar Hero yesterday - OH YEAH! I've heard so much about this game from all the kids - & even adults & have always wanted to play it. Well, at Christmas time, I surprised Ricky with an Xbox 360 - & I got it mainly for "family" purposes. The purpose being - Julie & Steve have an Xbox 360 themselves & showed us while we were down there how the camera feature & Xbox LIVE works - so we will be able to see Isaac when we want & talk to him & see him actually moving - & he can see us as well - remember who Nanny & Pappy are! See - this "toy" has a higher purpose than just gaming for us.
So - off to the store to get the router we need to get the LIVE going so we can see that cute red-headed baby when I saw Guitar Hero & knew today was the day - we would be official rockers! We decided it would be our Valentine's gifts to each other - afterall, it will be promoting togetherness - & after so many years together, this is about how romantic we get (joking - you heard about my birthday & the cupcake & singing when I woke up). So we got it.
We get it home & pull out this guitar & it feels fun already just holding it! We put the video in & can I say - I was a natural! There's Ricky in his long-haired rock look & I'm kicking his butt! Me, in khacki's & a button down shirt & loafers! But, I ended up running my mouth - I'm a great trash talker - & soon the tides were changed. By the end of the night (3 hrs later) I was going downhill & Ricky was becoming a "Rock God" - no seriously, that's what the game called him at the end. He loved rubbing that in my face!
I have to say - whoever invented that game - kudo's! What a way to make adults feel like a kid again - all the while, playing music that we remember growing up! And I WILL beat him again - even if that means sneaking & getting practice in while he's away doing something - shoot, I bet he'll be doing the same thing! AHHH - Valentine love!
And today, all I have in my head is Cheap Trick's "Surrender" - I feel like I could almost pick up a real guitar & play it now! Watch out Rock World - here I come!
And hopefully, by tonight, we'll see Isaac on that TV screen grinning & waving at Nanny & Pappy - we'll just need to get him a little Xbox guitar now so he can play along! He already resembles his red headed Pappy! (yes, Ricky got him that shirt - & in case you can't see it - it says "Born to be Loud" - Ricky's training him even across the miles to be a little rocker!)
Friday, January 25, 2008
How old am I?
I finally broke down yesterday - I went to the doctor about my ears. It only took 2 months & a trip to the Urgent Care Center to see I needed some more medical intervention. After all this time, after the meds they gave me at the UCC - they are STILL hurting. More irritating - they're still CLOGGED - I'm getting a little freaked out - feeling like I'm stuck in a tunnel or something. Closed spaces freak me out so I'm like stuck in my own "closed space" area in my head. I'm constantly chewing gum (which will probably lead me to the dentist for a cavity because I do like my gum with sugar), stretching my jaws to pop those ears or holding my nose & blowing - I've had some pretty attractive looks going on doing that all day long!
So needless to say, I see the doctor - he's going to try me on one more medicine - a 30 day supply of something - don't ask me - I'm not good at listening at doctor's appointments. I normally will even take a tape recorder because they could tell me, "Rebecca, you have 1 week to live" - & I'd walk out & think, "What did they just tell me?" - I'm bad, I know. But I did remember this - if these meds don't help after 30 days - we may be looking at getting tubes in my ears???? Tubes in MY ears - hold on - I'm an adult! I told Ricky - can you imagine all the kids lined up in the surgery prep area - 4 year olds, 5 year olds - & then me! I'm up for it if I can get a Disney Princess surgery gown. I wonder if they make those in adult sizes - its bad enough you butt hangs out of them - a child's size on me - SCARY!
Anyways - going to my Bible Study group last night, I found another ADULT women who had the same thing - she had tubes put in her ears a few years ago! She said her doctor told her that more & more adults are needing them! Who would have known? I'm still hoping if it happens - I want to be at Kosair with all the kids!
Ricky had to remind me : when we went to Disney World last - Belle was out signing autographs. All these little girls were in line to get her autograph - and right in the middle of that line - Yep, me jumping up & down with excitement! Ricky wouldn't even stand in line with me - he was a little embarassed. That was some of the best conversations I had with kids. I kept asking them, "Do you see Belle?" "Are we going to meet Belle?" "Are you so excited?" - the kids didn't see me as a grown up - just another fan! And I did make Ricky come over & take my picture with Belle. She was adorable too - she looked at me & laughed (I had Belle pins all over me - a Beauty & The Beast hat on) - I told her I loved her (it was all so much fun) & she just stayed in such good character - no matter how hard I tried to break her!
How old am I really? Next thing - I'll probably need my tonsils out!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Got their attention!
I have to say how amazing our night with the Jr. High Youth was last night! We wanted to get their attention to start our lesson out. The topic - "The Bible". Why did we choose this topic? Because we've seen too many of the kids not give the Bible any respect. They'll throw them on the floor, throw them at each other, tear through the pages not caring if they get ripped - just complete disrespect of what The Bible actually is - the Word of God.
We got together early & planned the evening. We hid all the Bibles in the room (you'll see why in a minute) & we hid the candy that the kids get for winning games. Most importantly, we prayed asking the Holy Spirit to be in that room with us & lead the discussion & the events that would come up.
The night started off - the kids were piling in & they all had their cell phones, MP3 Players, new hats, things that were important to them. But not once did they notice the Bibles were gone. So after the game, we told the winners to go get their candy - but it was missing - where's the candy? Then we asked to take up all the cell phones & MP3 players & all the things they loved - after much arguments, they handed them over - then we told them the parents had to come get them. (Not true - but all following with the lesson) - we knew what their response would be - it got a little chaotic to say the least. These kids got angry & wanted their things that they cared about.
Finally (remember this was all STAGED) - Ryan BLEW UP! He said he was tired of these kids coming in, only caring about the candy, the socializing, the gathering just to be together, not caring about learning about God - did they even notice the Bibles were missing? It proved they weren't important to them. Now, I can't even tell you how Ryan acted - it was an Academy Award performance. He threw the candy in the floor - & even went & threw the Bibles in the garbage (which we did get a new, clean bag for this purpose) - just to see if they cared about the Bibles or the candy - then he told them to come get their players, the candy - whatever they wanted - whatever was important to them - and then he stormed out (again - staged!) The room sat silent - the kids didn't know what to think. Finally someone asked if they could get a Bible - & the kids ALL dashed to get a Bible - out of the Garbage, out of the file cabinets - they held them, sat & listened to what was coming up.
Ryan came back in & we asked the kids what was going through their minds. They were still just speechless. We finally told them the point we were making - we KNEW the Bibles wouldnt be the most important thing to them - we KNEW the things that mean "so much" to them would just kill them to be taken away. They understood our point. We were then able to go into talking about the importantance of the Bible & how we are to take it & how it is God's way of communicating to us - the Holy Spirit was truly with us, moving through the room. I've never seen the kids that attentive on a Wednesday night - even the "talkers" sat, listened, watched - & didn't talk! It was an amazing night!
The thing I love the most - these kids will never forget the "Drama" of the lesson - they'll remember next time they hold that Bible how important it is - the very Word of God wanting to talk to them - lead them to an everlasting life. Praise the Lord!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I just read the saddest thing today! CCM Magazine will be putting out their last issue in April 2008! It has been out for the past 30 years & has always kept the latest reviews, interviews, awards for Contemporary Christian Music - & now its going away! That's amazing! I can remember loving this magazine when I was younger & Christian Music wasn't all that popular - not in today's standards anyways. There wasn't the radio stations that are out today, the CD selections that are out - the Podcasts that there are today - to find out information about new Christian Artist - you had to look to CCM & their cover's especially. I was always a fan of all the Steven Curtis Chapman covers - of course! But I can remember reading about Stryper & Mylon LeFevre, Petra, Amy Grant, DC Talk, Michael W. Smith & groups of old. Its pretty cool that they're still going after all this time - giving the latest on Casting Crowns, Skillet, Barlow Girl, Hawk Nelson, Toby Mac, Natalie Grant - and all the new alternative Christian Rock groups - so many choices now!
I guess with the advancement of technology - its just easier to look on the internet than to get the magazine in paper form. And as a huge recycler - I guess I can appreciate the saving of the paper - but its just the "good ole days" in me that will miss the magazine. I'll be anxious to see what the final cover has on it - me meeting Steven Curtis Chapman? I can dream!
I guess with the advancement of technology - its just easier to look on the internet than to get the magazine in paper form. And as a huge recycler - I guess I can appreciate the saving of the paper - but its just the "good ole days" in me that will miss the magazine. I'll be anxious to see what the final cover has on it - me meeting Steven Curtis Chapman? I can dream!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Women & Friends
I just finished another great book recommended to me by quite a few people - but Ryan was the one who pressed on me to really read it - the book was "Captivating". It really hit in so many places that felt like God speaking. One particular chapter that really got to me was talking about friends & how important friendships are to women & how seriously they take them.
..."Women friends become the face of God to one another - the face of grace, of delight, of mercy"
..."It is here, in the realm of relationship, that women receive the most joy & the profoundest sorrow"
As a woman who has had great friends in my life - those two sentences say so much. Women just have a way of getting together & really feeling each other's problems - not just hearing them, but listening, feeling the hurt with each other, and also feeling the joys with one another. As women, we share in each other's families & truly become concerned about what happens to each others family members. It really is a relationship like no other.
The book even referenced that even though it is quite often used in weddings, Ruth was speaking to a women when she said, "Where you go, I will go, & where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people & your God my God" (Ruth 1:16) Is that the perfect Biblical example of a fierce loyalty between friends?
Friendship is such a great gift - one to be prayed for & definately not to be taken for granted. I think when God gives us a friend, He really is entrusting us with the care of one another's heart. Women are so good at taking care of each other's hearts too - aren't we?
Do you remember your friends as you were growing up? Didn't you have that girlfriend that you swore you'd be "Best Friends Forever" (or in today's lingo - BFF) & you were going to grow up, get married together, have babies at the same time & then THEY too would be best friends. Oh - we love our friends ladies!
Now that I'm older, I find my friendships are such an array of people & I think God designs it like that. I really enjoy my friendships with younger ladies because they remind me where I've been - & I truly appreciate friendships with some of the women who have had more experience than me & can teach me as well. But its neat to see how women of all ages can truly connect with each other - there's our hearts working again - it's just a connection I think God gives us as a gift!
And of course, reading this part of this book, I did feel sad that my dear friend is no longer with me. That part of my heart that she had is now aching as I think it always will. But I'm so grateful for friends that are still with me - those that are tending to my heart now.
I have been so blessed with some wonderful friendships - Thank you Lord!
Monday, January 21, 2008
The Day after...
Oh, it finally happened - the trip to Phantom of the Opera! It was AMAZING! I just sat in awe half of the time, watching the scenes & asking, "How did they do that?" & sat & listened to those voices & asked again' How do they do that?" - what a talent those voices are! It was a fantastic day.
Lindsay, myself & Lynn & Carly met up & first headed to the yarn store - they just opened on Sunday so I was thrilled to take everyone there. Of course, Lindsay finds the $32 skein & wanted it - I think its a girl thing to be drawn to the most expensive thing in the store! The funny thing about the store, there was a little red headed girl that just adored Lindsay. Now, we just got out of the car after having a conversation with Lindsay & how she just isn't a "kid person" - she's never really been drawn to them, doesn't care for them, just can't connect to them. She said she just can't get into the "kid talk" - hey, when she was 4 years old - she talked like a 30 year old so I can see what she's talking about. But then we walk into this store & this little girl was just drawn to Lindsay. Me, Lynn & Carly laughed the whole time as we watched this little girl hug Lindsay, hold her hand, making her dance with her through the aisles. In the end - Lindsay enjoyed her time with this little one & was laughing about it. How many times do we put up a wall against something, sure we made our mind up that we don't want something or want to experience it - but God puts things in your way to see if you'll change your mind, or at least experience new things. Maybe if things like this happen more & more, Lindsay will feel differently about being a "kid person" - It'll be what God wants for her though, of that, I'm sure!
The dinner at Rocky's was yummy, the play was amazing - the company for the evening was wonderful - the ingredients for the best night! But you know - after all the anticipation of an event you wait for for so long, its so sad at the end of the night when it's all over. What's next? What can I be excited for now? I can remember my wedding day - talk about a great build up - all the planning, all the ideas, & then the wonderful event - then the next day, its like something's missing - what do you do with your time? It's a weird feeling. I do have my Casting Crowns though - yipee!!!
But I also have to note how my morning went - HOLY COW! Look at this - my clock in my office - the temperature is 40 degrees! I opened my door & my lights wouldnt even come on full force because it was so cold. Then my monitor on my computer wouldnt work - it's been a typical Monday. At least now, the icicles have thawed from my file cabinet!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Biblical Thought for the Day
I'm going to back track from the beginning here & tell you - I have ALWAYS loved nose piercings! Weird? I don't know why - but I just think they are cute. Now, I'm NOT talking about the kind that have chains from your nose that drape to your ear or anything like a bull ring shooting through your nose - just a cute little diamond stud - I think its cute. I had a friend in high school that had one & it looked adorable - & even now, Amber has one that just looks so cute - just that cute little stud. I had that conversation with some friends just the other day that I would love to still get one - don't know how cute it would be anymore with a woman in her 30's - but I can still dream that I'm young.
Getting to the Biblical part....this week, my study is on Rebekah (love the name!) & I'm reading where the servant has found her to be the answer to the prayers he had given to find a wife for Isaac. To make a long story short - she's the one & what does he say to her in Genesis 24:47....none other than, "Then I put a ring in her nose & a bracelet on her arms..." - WHAT? They wore rings in their noses! Nose piercings even then!! I got looks talking to my friends about wanting a nose piercing! Now, I can tell them its Biblical! Where's the closest piercing palor? (Is that what they're even called? - I'm old!) And by the way, a nose piercing is again mentioned in Ezekial 16:12!
The study was pretty neat though because it talked about how men wore earrings & had long hair & of course I thought of my husband & thought he's on track with the men of the ole' Bible himself! I should join right along & get that piercing!
The study was much more than that though - it talked about how the importants of Jewels in God's eyes are & also how we enjoy the beauty of wearing such things - but its got to be more about the beauty on the inside, not the outside. When you clasp that necklace around your neck, you should also clasp a sweet spirit onto your attitiude. The jewels you wear wont truly make a difference in your attitude - the beauty in your spirit will.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Gratitude Campaign
I received this email this morning & I just loved it! First, it involes "signing" which I, of course, LOVE & Second, what a way to show the people who serve how much they are appreciated! When I've been in airports (UGG) you always see military people in various uniforms traveling & I have many times wanted to just say "Thank you" - just to let them know people care. If everyone did that - WOW - could you imagine the inspiration they get? I love this campaign because you dont even have to "say" anything - just a motion! I know for me - I could never do what these people do. I just get to take advantage of the freedom that I have & the comforts of home in the good ole USA while these people risk their live so we can continue to have these comforts. I am loving this campaign! Take a look!
(By the way - the American Sign Language sign for "Thank You" is actually coming from your mouth in the same motion - not the chest)
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
The countdown is OFFICIALLY on for the Phantom of the Opera which is just this coming Sunday. I think the count started with like 95 days & now I'm down to 5 - amazing - can't wait!
But I also have another event I'm counting down to - the Casting Crowns concert! Ricky, myself, Ryan & whoever he chooses will be rocking it out - we always have fun at our Christian concerts! And then....I ran across this promo....Oh - can I tell you how much the anticipation level just rose! And then I noticed that during intermission, there is even going to be a youth leader meeting - how perfect is that!? Watch the promo & tell me you dont want to go to this yourself - its going to be full of the Holy Spirit - I can see that already!
But I also have another event I'm counting down to - the Casting Crowns concert! Ricky, myself, Ryan & whoever he chooses will be rocking it out - we always have fun at our Christian concerts! And then....I ran across this promo....Oh - can I tell you how much the anticipation level just rose! And then I noticed that during intermission, there is even going to be a youth leader meeting - how perfect is that!? Watch the promo & tell me you dont want to go to this yourself - its going to be full of the Holy Spirit - I can see that already!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Would you Rather?
We will play a game every now & then called "Would you Rather?" with the kids in the youth. The way it works, I ask a question & the kids try to figure out what I would choose. Some of the questions are pretty wacky, for instance - "Would you rather sweat from Humidity or exercise?" My response - always exercise! If you're going to sweat, it might as well be because you're doing something good. Humidity sweat is just horrible!.........Another example (& this is a weird one) - "Would you rather be executed by a firing squad or a guillotine?" My response - NEITHER! The boys always like the idea of a guillotine because they say you can probably still see for a few minutes after you're head is detached - leave it to boys to think of something like that. And that, by the way, is what swayed my answer to be firing squad.
One of the questions from last week was a question that got me & the girls talking. "Would you rather be slapped in the face or verbally abused by someone?"... When it we separated & it was just me & the girls alone, I asked them what they would have chosen - every one of them raised their hands for the same answer that I also gave - "To be slapped in the face" - WHY? I think as girls, we just are so sensitive to what people say & take it to heart. I gave them an example of why I chose that response since I have a few..ahem... years experience on them.
When I was about 17 years old, my best friend Stephanie (another Steph - I love my Stephanie's in my life!) & I were at a party. It was a great night - but by the end of the night, someone had started to make comments about me - I never even knew this person. My feelings got so hurt & I was ready to just get out of there. When all my friends heard what happened, they call came to my defense & that made me feel comforted & loved - but here we are, a few....ahem... years later, & I can still remember every word that person said about me.
A slap in the face - yeah, it stings - but its over with in a few minutes. Its something that is very forgettable - that sort of pain. Words - wow - the pain of them can sting & stick with you forever.
I think its interesting how the girls all choose the same thing - & these girls aren't "followers" - if they disagreed with someone - they would have said so. But when we were together as a group - the boys didn't even care - didn't even give it much thought as to what they would have chosen. It's just funny to see how we're wired differently.
So - be careful of the words you use - they can sting - they can hurt - they can stick with someone many years later & still sit in their mind & try to pry into their hearts. They can be a dangerous thing!
One of the questions from last week was a question that got me & the girls talking. "Would you rather be slapped in the face or verbally abused by someone?"... When it we separated & it was just me & the girls alone, I asked them what they would have chosen - every one of them raised their hands for the same answer that I also gave - "To be slapped in the face" - WHY? I think as girls, we just are so sensitive to what people say & take it to heart. I gave them an example of why I chose that response since I have a few..ahem... years experience on them.
When I was about 17 years old, my best friend Stephanie (another Steph - I love my Stephanie's in my life!) & I were at a party. It was a great night - but by the end of the night, someone had started to make comments about me - I never even knew this person. My feelings got so hurt & I was ready to just get out of there. When all my friends heard what happened, they call came to my defense & that made me feel comforted & loved - but here we are, a few....ahem... years later, & I can still remember every word that person said about me.
A slap in the face - yeah, it stings - but its over with in a few minutes. Its something that is very forgettable - that sort of pain. Words - wow - the pain of them can sting & stick with you forever.
I think its interesting how the girls all choose the same thing - & these girls aren't "followers" - if they disagreed with someone - they would have said so. But when we were together as a group - the boys didn't even care - didn't even give it much thought as to what they would have chosen. It's just funny to see how we're wired differently.
So - be careful of the words you use - they can sting - they can hurt - they can stick with someone many years later & still sit in their mind & try to pry into their hearts. They can be a dangerous thing!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Good with the Bad
Its been a rough couple of days! It all started on Wednesday.
GOOD- Church was starting back for our Wednesday night gathering & I was so excited. I miss seeing these kids throughout the week & we had a new schedule of events that we were excited about starting - I was pumped.
BAD- I got so dizzy at lunch time. It'll happen all the time to me (no blond comments - even though I'm now red headed....another story) but this time, the dizziness would NOT quit & by the time I left work - I was having a hard time even standing. I ended up making it home & thinking if I could just lay down for a bit, things would get better. I got home, hid my head under the covers & feel asleep for about 15 minutes. I started to get up to go to church when, WHOOO - the room was out of control! I have not felt that bad in a LONG time. It was making me ready to faint, & nauseated & just the worst you could feel. I couldnt stand it - I got Ricky & he took me to the Urgent care center - which leads me to the....
GOOD - We pull in & there are no cars. Ricky thought they were closed. Nope, they were open & not one person was there!!! I went straight back & was out of there within 20 minutes - Yes, there is a God who watches over me!
BAD - I found out I have sinusitis, rhinositis (who knew that existed) & my ears were full of fluid which was causing the dizziness. At least I got meds to make me not want to barf so easily.
GOOD - I get home to have some friends stop by to give me the best news - they are expecting a baby!!! It's been something that's been prayed over for awhile so it was news that really perked me up. I was actually laying on the couch when they came over & when I heard, I bounced up so fast, I thought I was going to go back down in a fainted, black out heap. All was well though & I had to give hugs - OHHH, new baby, how fun!
Another GOOD - The next day, 2008 is fresh with sick days so I decided to go ahead & take one & lay around on Thursday - especially since I was taking antihistames which is never a good match with me. I'm so sensitive to meds. The medicine did take away the dizziness - not completely, but I was not at the level I was at before. I found out if I concentrated on something without moving my head, I was good - which brings me to another good - I COULD KNIT! The only thing moving there is my hands so my head was stable & I was on a mission to finish a shrug I had started on Christmas night. This leads me to...
BAD - UGGGG!!! I was so excited about this project - found the perfect yarn, waited until the perfect moment to make it - was so thrilled to see the finished project - & its too small! Now, I made the largest size on the pattern, which is actually one size larger than I normally wear, but since it was a shrug, I knew it would be over shirts so I went larger. Well, this thing will be good to fit a young teen - what the heck? I even checked my gauge & its exact! I don't know what happened - I'll get a small, tiny person to try it on so you can see it - its beautiful but I wont be wearing it...sniff....
Here's the picture of what it SHOULD look like. Me in it? Looks like a piece of spandex where I can't lower my arms....that's frustrating!
Here's some other odds & ends Good/Bads over the past few days:
Good - my parents came over for awhile - my mom can always make me laugh no matter how bad I'm feeling & my dad finished up my awesome shelves in my Beauty & the Beast room - (I'll post pics later)
Bad - I've got to wear ear plugs now when I shower - that's irritating - try it!
Good - There's nothing like being in your pajama's until 6:00 pm - when you just take a bath & get in new, fresh PJ's - aahhh
Bad - Antibiotics - let me rephrase that - STRONG antibiotics - my stomach ain't a fan!
Good - There's nothing like being sick & having 4 dogs cuddle with you keeping you warm
Bad - My sweet, darling husband knew I was dizzy so he kept spinning in circles in front of me to see if it bothered me - I should have thrown up on him - teach him a lesson or two!
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Biblical Thought for the Day
Why doesn't the Bible ever give Lot's wife's name? The story of her life, & what she represents - looking back & not being able to give up what she had which resulted in her turning into a pillar of salt - its a huge story in the Bible - alot of people know it without even know much about the Bible. But, she doesn't have a name. She's just referred to as 'Lot's wife'. Even Jesus talked about her saying:
30"It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed. 31On that day no one who is on the roof of his house, with his goods inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything. 32Remember Lot's wife! 33Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it. (Luke 17:30-33)
Now, we know that Jesus knows everything - He had to know her name, yet he didn't use it - just the same thing we always read - "Lot's Wife"....there must be a reason we don't get her name. I'll be anxious to see what it is once I get to Heaven!
30"It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed. 31On that day no one who is on the roof of his house, with his goods inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything. 32Remember Lot's wife! 33Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it. (Luke 17:30-33)
Now, we know that Jesus knows everything - He had to know her name, yet he didn't use it - just the same thing we always read - "Lot's Wife"....there must be a reason we don't get her name. I'll be anxious to see what it is once I get to Heaven!
Monday, January 07, 2008
Fearing God
We heard a message from
Pastor Chad yesterday that started us on a road of "Fearing God". It was funny because I've had this conversation with many people, especially in small group conversations or really good Biblical talks. I've always said, "I don't like the God of the Old Testatment - He scares me" - & I get the same reaction every time from people."He's the same God then as He is today"
Its funny to hear everyone say the same thing - & then, there is my Pastor saying it again. The greatest comment was, "People think once you hit New Testament, He becomes God 2.0" - If you are like me, you understand what he's saying. When Chad mentioned that - I got an elbow to my ribs (thanks Christy) & a glare down the aisle from Ryan, & I'm sure many eyes beaming in the back of my head.
But, let me explain - I had a good time explaining myself again in conversations with Ryan last night too & it got me thinking more about how & why I feel this way. When you think of the God of the Old Testament - Isn't He kinda scary? Be honest! He's a jealous God - a God of wrath (admittedly) a God that people were afraid to tick off - I understand that - I don't want to tick off God - who does?
And then, when you do turn the page & hit the New Testament - it immediately starts off with Jesus - it's not necessarily the stories of the anger, wrath, lightening bolts (exaggerating) - but its a story of a baby, the story of our Savior raising from the dead - the promises of a new life - the hope of a future. It just seems like two different stories.
I do know & realize that God is the same - but that's the difference I realize - we now have Jesus! Would I be afraid of standing in front of God on my own - HECK YES! But that's what makes me so thankful for my Savior - I don't have to - Jesus will be the one who goes to God on my behalf! I don't have to be afraid! And I do thank God that He sent Jesus so I don't have to.
So when I say my comment - its not that I'm questioning that God changes - I'm just thinking of what COULD have been if we didn't have that gift of Jesus - tell me you wouldn't be scared too!
And do I have "Fear the Lord"? I feel I do - but learning more during our message, it involves more than "fear" - it entails being in awe of His work - Respecting him - standing in Reverence of Him. I will admit - I am in Awe of His works every day - but I want to stand more in awe every day - see things through new eyes - see more of Him in the world & more importantly through me.
This is going to be some good learning....
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Sparks flying!
WOW! Talk about excitement in my office today - sparks were flying - literally! I am on the same air/heat unit as another woman who is constantly hot, while I'm sitting with icicles hanging off of my nose. I keep a little heater by my desk that is on usually all 9 hrs I'm at work trying to defrost enough where at least my fingers can type & write & calculate. Well, the sun was shining in my window for just a bit & it warmed up some so I decided to turn off my heater - give it a well deserved break. That lasted only 30 minutes - my body is freezing up again so I go to turn on good "ole faithful". AHH - warmth - then...what's that noise, it sounded like hair getting sucked into the end of a hair dryer - isn't that a horrible noise? The sound of hair burning & coiling & sizzling - I just assume some of my hair has floated down into the motor. I only thought that for about 10 seconds because next thing, I'm seeing sparks flying out of this thing - sparks shooting up like the 4th of July fireworks display. Flames start shooting out & I just start screaming! Its funny now - not at the time - but I just sat right next to it screaming - I couldn't leave....I was too busy trying to figure out how to get my knitting away from it which was sitting right next to the burning heap of ceramic heater that was left. I'm screaming while calculating my risks - all for this yarn (if you felt it, you'd understand the risk too!) Finally people come running - put out the fire & I can check my yarn to see all is well! After realizing my legs were shaking, I saw my yarn, needles & patterns were all safe - who cares if my carpet is scorched or my desk has burn marks now!
With my yarn OK - the next thing on my mind - how the heck am I going to stay warm tomorrow?
With my yarn OK - the next thing on my mind - how the heck am I going to stay warm tomorrow?
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Biblical Thought for the Day
In my devotional for the day, its in Genesis about the story of Noah - but something hit me.... It said Noah was 600 years old when they loaded up the boat. He had his wife, his sons & his sons wives with him & of course the animal load. WHOOO - if Noah is 600 - how old are his sons? And his sons dont have children of their own yet? It didn't mention anything about his son's sons or next time anyone has problems with parents pestering about when they'll get grandchildren - remind them about Noah!
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Here we go into a new year. Why does January 1st always bring on such thoughts of new beginnings? Shouldnt' every day be like that? I guess its the number 1 seen twice (01/01/whatever) that might strike a cord.
We got to ring in the new year with friends, playing games, laughing & enjoying each other - can I note - I LOVE to win! Thanks Lynn & Mickey for letting us come over to celebrate the new year!
Now - resolutions. How many people do the same one of "I want to loose blah-blah pounds" - yeah, that would be nice - but more importantly, I want to get healthy. I hit 161 classes at Jazzercise this past year - I want to strive to hit 200 classes! I want to be able to get more in shape. With that in mind - I want to eat healthier too & that starts with drinking less soft drinks & drinking more water. I love my diet soft drinks - Diet Big Red especially & Diet Coke is my morning coffee. But have you seen the reports of all the things you can do with Diet Coke - including cleaning the toilet? You know that's not good stuff in your gut if it can clean porclein & gunk off of it. Water is going to be more my choice. I cant give up soft drinks 100% because I do need my caffeine, but I will cut back major!
And on the eating healthy - my biggest resolution is to cook more! For those of you that know me - you are probably gasping as you read that! And to start it off - I cooked breakfast (Awesome breakfast burritos & hash browns - it was really good! - And I'm getting ready to cook dinner - some chili! - Look at me!) Its always been hard to cook since its mainly just me & Ricky at home & to cook for two people has always just not made sense. But now, with Ricky & his new job - he needs leftovers so it works out well. I'm even getting a receipe a day sent to my email for ideas! If anyone has any great recipes that are quick & EASY - please, let me know!
On the knitting side - I want to try new projects - sweaters, more elaborate socks, things I've been afraid to try - LACE! That's my biggest thing I want to do (Kristen, I may be getting ahold of you for help!) So many possiblites can come with 2 needles & a skein of yarn - its amazing! I'm anxious to see what is created off of my needles - you may see me so excited, I may be wearing a sweater in the middle of summer!
I also want to get back into my reading more. I was usually getting through a book a week & lately, its been about a book a month. I need to pick it up. I did just get a whole series of Debbie Macomber books too so I'm ready to kick off my reading.
And then, speaking of reading - I'm also resolving to do my devotionals. I am not going to read through the Bible again in a year - I've done it a few times & I just am not getting anything out of it like I should. So I found a great devotional Bible that has 12 30-month plans. For instance - one month is a devotional on Psalms, another month on Proverbs - another on the teachings of Jesus - it breaks it up to different catagories so each month is something new but it also takes you through the Bible - I'm excited about it!
And that bring me to a resolution that takes me back to the beginning - to get closer to God - to learn more & to be more like Jesus. Just like I said - why cant new beginnings start each day? When it comes to the relationship between God & yourself - we have that opportunity to start fresh each day (Praise the Lord!) I'm excited to see where God leads me this year & the opportunites He gives me to share more of Him - that's what its all about anyways. No other resolution compares. After all, weight, cooking, fitness, reading, even kniting - none of that stuff truly matters in the end - the relationship you have with God - its all counts!
So I pray that everyone seeks & finds what they need in their relationship with God - to know His love for them & to see where God takes them in the next year! HAPPY 2008 EVERYONE!
We got to ring in the new year with friends, playing games, laughing & enjoying each other - can I note - I LOVE to win! Thanks Lynn & Mickey for letting us come over to celebrate the new year!
Now - resolutions. How many people do the same one of "I want to loose blah-blah pounds" - yeah, that would be nice - but more importantly, I want to get healthy. I hit 161 classes at Jazzercise this past year - I want to strive to hit 200 classes! I want to be able to get more in shape. With that in mind - I want to eat healthier too & that starts with drinking less soft drinks & drinking more water. I love my diet soft drinks - Diet Big Red especially & Diet Coke is my morning coffee. But have you seen the reports of all the things you can do with Diet Coke - including cleaning the toilet? You know that's not good stuff in your gut if it can clean porclein & gunk off of it. Water is going to be more my choice. I cant give up soft drinks 100% because I do need my caffeine, but I will cut back major!
And on the eating healthy - my biggest resolution is to cook more! For those of you that know me - you are probably gasping as you read that! And to start it off - I cooked breakfast (Awesome breakfast burritos & hash browns - it was really good! - And I'm getting ready to cook dinner - some chili! - Look at me!) Its always been hard to cook since its mainly just me & Ricky at home & to cook for two people has always just not made sense. But now, with Ricky & his new job - he needs leftovers so it works out well. I'm even getting a receipe a day sent to my email for ideas! If anyone has any great recipes that are quick & EASY - please, let me know!
On the knitting side - I want to try new projects - sweaters, more elaborate socks, things I've been afraid to try - LACE! That's my biggest thing I want to do (Kristen, I may be getting ahold of you for help!) So many possiblites can come with 2 needles & a skein of yarn - its amazing! I'm anxious to see what is created off of my needles - you may see me so excited, I may be wearing a sweater in the middle of summer!
I also want to get back into my reading more. I was usually getting through a book a week & lately, its been about a book a month. I need to pick it up. I did just get a whole series of Debbie Macomber books too so I'm ready to kick off my reading.
And then, speaking of reading - I'm also resolving to do my devotionals. I am not going to read through the Bible again in a year - I've done it a few times & I just am not getting anything out of it like I should. So I found a great devotional Bible that has 12 30-month plans. For instance - one month is a devotional on Psalms, another month on Proverbs - another on the teachings of Jesus - it breaks it up to different catagories so each month is something new but it also takes you through the Bible - I'm excited about it!
And that bring me to a resolution that takes me back to the beginning - to get closer to God - to learn more & to be more like Jesus. Just like I said - why cant new beginnings start each day? When it comes to the relationship between God & yourself - we have that opportunity to start fresh each day (Praise the Lord!) I'm excited to see where God leads me this year & the opportunites He gives me to share more of Him - that's what its all about anyways. No other resolution compares. After all, weight, cooking, fitness, reading, even kniting - none of that stuff truly matters in the end - the relationship you have with God - its all counts!
So I pray that everyone seeks & finds what they need in their relationship with God - to know His love for them & to see where God takes them in the next year! HAPPY 2008 EVERYONE!