Thursday, October 09, 2008


October is a busy birthday month for our family - & today, it continues. Today is my twin nieces 4th birthday! I can't believe it! It just seems like yesterday we were sitting in the waiting room waiting for my brother to come tell us they were here. Sophia was first with Madi following 2 minutes later.

It was so funny because we got to go back & sit with Juli (my sister in law) & hold the babies & check on everyone - well, Ricky & I were the ones back in the room at the time they were ready to move Juli & the twins up to the baby floor. Policy states that the mom is supposed to carry the baby in her arms for the "ride" to the elevator & up to their rooms. On the way, the medicine hit Julie & she got sick.....really sick.....My brother grabbed Madi & yelled at me to take Sophia away from her & the funniest part was Ricky - he started running down the halls like a mad man trying to find help, towels, anything.....Julie still laughs about it. She said she was sicker than a dog & all she could focus on was Ricky's hair flying up the hallway & then down the hallway....he was definitely entertaining to watch. Needless to say, she felt too weak to carry the babies so the nurse told my brother to keep carrying Madi & I could carry Sophia. We rounded the corner to where all the family was sitting & my mother saw me carrying a baby. Her face cracked me up - she instantly thought I took the baby & WOULDN'T hand her back over.....would I do that???? Possibly....anyways - it was all with permission.

It made me very nervous to know I was holding this person who was all of 15 minutes old & so tiny & just so beautiful. I tell Sophia all the time I took her on her first elevator ride & she makes me carry her - even now at 4 yrs old - to re-enact the moment. How cute is that!

And they are CLOSE to each other but so different from each other. Its so funny to see how two babies born 2 minutes apart can be so different in personalities & things they like. God made us all unique - didn't he!

So - another year has gone by -& these girls are still the light in my eyes & so many others! And I'm excited because I get to go on a twin-date with the girls tomorrow to let them pick out toys & take them out to dinner. I'm looking so forward to that.....nothing like having conversations with 4 yr olds that can make someone's day. I'm sure I'll have a story or two, along with pictures, from the evening

Happy Birthday Sophia & Madilynn! Aunt Bec Loves YOU!!! (I taught them that sign language before they were old enough to talk!!!!)

Look how big they are now.....pumpkin painting time!

Pumpkin Masterpieces complete!!!!


  1. Just wait till they start dating! My mom and her twin sister have ALL KINDS of stories! These girls are simply adorable!

  2. These little girls are so cute..
    What a fun story.. and that look your Mom gave you.. It cracked me up.. I can't wait to see the pictures from your Twin Date..

  3. Happy Birthday Girls!
    That is a great story. Have fun on your outing.

  4. Oh they are adorable... I have a soft spot for 4 year old little girls... ; ) Have fun on your date!

  5. OH they are cute! Yay for them! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TWINS!!! How fun to be their aunt too! I am getting ready to be an aunt for the first time, and I am pretty pumped! Can't wait to meet her! Yep. It's a girl!!

  6. Love these pictures and the story behind them. I am so gonna take your idea of painting the pumpkins. Then, closer to Halloween, we'll carve them. It'll be interesting to see what they look like painted and carved. Too cool!

  7. By the way, I forgot to say thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. I hope to see you back again soon.

  8. They are adorable! Happy B-day to them! What a sweet story!

  9. so cute!
    I've never painted pumpkins, what a great idea!!


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