Wednesday, October 08, 2008


I have to say - lately, it feels like a heavy weight is looming around. It just feels like there is such an attack on my church family & our church in general & it just feels like its been coming to a volcanic eruption lately. What does that do to me - make me worry! I am a worrier. I know I'm not SUPPOSE to, but I can't help it.

What's going on? Well - let's name a few.....Our church just sadly lost our senior minister who resigned this past Sunday. It was hard to see an awesome man leave. My husband is fighting his panic attacks which has us visiting emergency rooms at a spur of a moment now because it feels like his life is ending. I have friends who are facing huge decisions in life right now, whether it be a career, or relationships or finances or where God is calling them - so many heavy things. There are kids in the youth that are being faced with major decisions and some of them are striving while others are failing & it just breaks my heart. Finances are becoming such a burden lately with the economy & the stress of finances alone can tear someone up. Our girls are spread out across the country & the closeness that was there is gone as they've grown up. I'm telling you - Satan will attack in any way possible right now.

But something keeps sticking out to me. Its funny because I love my blog buddies & there are some amazing Christian women out there with lots of wonderful things to say & I honestly kept running across the same scripture on many of the same blogs - & then in Bible Studies that I would read daily & this same verse, over & over again comes up.....God saying something?

John 13:7 "Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand"

WOW - that just hits me in every area where I don't understand what's going on. Talk about trust & faith. I can look at every situation that I mentioned above & even more that I didnt even put down & remember - GOD IS IN CONTROL! I dont have to understand right now because God is working out HIS plan & that's all that matters. And He never said it would be easy - just that we love & trust him through it all.

In the meantime - I think I need some luxurious yarn to knit away my worries.....hey - we all deal with it in different ways! :-)


  1. And thankfully we can lean on Christ and NOT our own understanding!!! Cause Sister Friend... right now I don't understand too much either!!!!!

  2. I wrote that scripture down. It hit like a ton of bricks this morning!! I feel like I'm walking blindfolded right now.

    I will say an extra prayer for Ricky. I know exactly what panic attacks feel like and they aren't fun. They are so hard to get through.

    These are the scriptures I hold dear to me that got me through a lot of panic.

    Do not be afraid for I am with you.
    Isaiah 43:5

    It is God who arms me with strength.
    Psalm 18:32

  3. Hang in there chica. Life throws some awful punches sometimes! Yur blog is such an inspiration, I hope you know that!!!

  4. Great verse! Just keep running that through your mind. I'll be praying for your husband. My husband started having those this year and it scared me to death.

  5. Amen, Sister!

    I think that this is a difficult time for everyone.

    My family is facing various issues, and it's hard right now. The one thing that keeps me halfway sane is the conviction that God IS in control...that nothing happens unless He allows it...and that everything is for our good and will be used to glorify Him.

    I truly do not understand how those who aren't Christians get through life without such assurances.

    Hang in there, my Christian friend. Let's never cease to pray for one another.


  6. I'm so sorry you're having to go thru one of those valleys. It is so comforting to know that God is there with us and will bring us thru stronger on the other side. My cling-to verse is Jeremiah 29:11
    "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord... plans to give you a hope and a future..."

  7. This is just what I needed to hear. Thank you for being so honest with where you are right now.

    We are certainly feeling the pinch too, but God is in control . . . we are facing a lot of things in our fam right now as well, but God is in control . . . He knows the plans He has for us . . . to prosper and not to harm. I'm so thankful I know the risen Savior!!

    Blessings to you friend,

    ps My computer just did a weird scroll down thing to the bottom of the page just as I was about to post this comment, and I saw the post by Lynda quoting Jer 29:11 ~~ so cool ~~ God is just so cool!!!!!


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