Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

I have to say - Black Friday has been great today. I normally am out doing the shopping thing with but Ricky working & my dental bills eating up my checking account - it was a no go for me to hit the stores. I was thinking I was going to be dreading it, thinking "everyone is getting all the deals" - but I ended up having the best day!
I woke up when Hubs got ready for work - & THOUGHT I would stay up & get a start on cleaning the house. Heck no - I fell right back to sleep & slept till 11:00 - something I can NEVER do when Ricky is home. He panics if I "sleep in" past 8:00!!!!

I got up & started opening ornaments to the tree & my friend Lynn called & asked me to come over for some lunch.... egg noodles were calling my name... YUMMY! I just love Lynn's family - they are all incredible - so I completely enjoyed my afternoon with friends...
Coming home - I got the tree up & got all the boxes up - the only thing left now are our big Disney figures that are scattered around on the tables... much too heavy for me to lift... I got to put in my Beauty & the Beast DVD & sing my heart out while I was finishing up - ain't a better way to put up a Disney Christmas tree.

(Here's a picture with the lights on - I took without the flash & it just makes it blurry....)
But going back - Thanksgiving was great - got to spend time with my family - my nieces - love hanging out with little girls, playing make up games as you go along... what a way to run off sausage balls!!!
Here's a picture of the girls doing "model poses".... the two older ones know what its about - my nieces - I guess their ideal of "posing" is raising their shoulders up.... its cute regardless... The olders ones - one told me "When you model - you can't smile - models dont smile - they suck their cheeks in".... oh how they pick things up quickly!

And of course, Madi (aka Spider Girl) had to find a tree to climb - this child is climbing up EVERYTHING!!!! And I have to tell you - my slow cooker turkey - UNBELIEVABLE!!! Ricky even told me - "This is the best meal I have EVER have....And I can't believe YOU made it".... I could have got offended - but I totally agreed!!! And while waiting for the turkey to cook - I had doggies following me everywhere - the smell must have been getting to them. Here's one picture I took of them - if you look close enough - you'll probably see drool hanging from their mouth!

So hope everyone enjoyed their Black Friday - if it was in stories shopping - or just relaxing or decorating for Christmas!


  1. Rebecca,
    Your tree is so pretty. We may be putting ours up tomorrow.

    So glad you had a fun and relaxful Thanksgiving.

    Love you friend,

  2. Sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving and wonderful day today! I wasn't out shopping either this year, and it was nice!

  3. I was a total bum today after all of yesterday's festivities. My aunt and her family came over for leftovers on the way out of town but other than that I was a total slug. No shopping or anything. Feeling guilty now but there's still plenty of time for all that craziness. Glad you had a nice time and your turkey turned out so well. YUM!

  4. So glad to hear that your turkey breast turned out good! I'm curious what you did to it! You'll have to share.

    I love all the pictures --especially the precious little "fur babies"! Too cute!

    Glad you had a great Thanksgiving and Black Friday!

  5. Beautiful tree! Glad you had a good Black Friday, even without the shopping!

  6. Those "model" pics are too funny! Thanks for the know, onthe "wife Swap" the grass is always greener and then you get back home and everyone is all "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize how good i had it!" Yeah, that's what I was needing...

  7. Your tree is gorgeous!

    I just found your blog and wanted to say hi.

  8. Your tree looks great!

    Wow--slow cooker turkey--that had to be GREAT!

    Glad you had a good Thanksgiving!

  9. love how the models don't smile but suck int heir cheeks! ha! stinking kids...that cracks me up! i guess i need to remember that in my pics!

  10. Your tree is gorgeous! I love it!

    And great pictures - the one of the girls is precious! (o:

    I didn't shop for black friday. The idea of it intimidates me for some reason.

  11. What a wonderful way to spend the day. And you'll get to enjoy your beautiful tree for a longer time.
    And I can see why you like hanging out with your nieces. Cute kiddos.

  12. Look at those precious puppies! I missed Black Friday this year, too! But there's always next year! :) I love your new blog look!!!


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