Thursday, January 22, 2009


What is a Clapotis you say? It's my latest knitting project! I really enjoyed this one. I found it on Knitty a long time ago & always wanted to try it. Just had to find some fun yarn & as you knitters know - sometimes it takes a few year for the combo to come together. Well, I found this yarn & wondered for the longest time what to do with it - BINGO - a match!

It is supposed to be fashioned from a French Scarf. Its really cool because it'll row up & you can wear it as a scarf around your neck - or it opens up to a really cool shawl.... (excuse the hair.. it had been a rough day at work... lots of fingers running through the hair day!!!)

Its really fun because you knit at an angle & drop a stitch every so often in a repeat & it just works out... like they say "trust the pattern"... I didn't trust it either. I thought for sure I was going to run out of yarn - found the yarn on line (because it had been so long since I originally bought it) & bought two more skeins.... well... yep, I had enough - so now, I have 2 and 1/2 skeins left over... so what to make with that yarn... hmmmm....


  1. beautiful work! Can I ask where you got your header from? I'm working on a blog make-over!

  2. Oh, that is so beautiful. your very talented. I dont knit, and seeing that makes me wish I did. I love the colors and love the pattern. Just gorgeous!

  3. Lovely! I just finished a clapotis too! It is a fun pattern!

  4. beautiful! it boogles my mind what you can do with yarn. go you!

  5. That's awesome!! I tell you, you are really something with that knitting! Great job!!

  6. Amazing... that is beautiful... and I LOVE the yarn... great job... you are truly gifted Sister Friend!!!!

  7. Simply stunning!

    Just dropping by from SITS to say Hey! The Loverboy reference caught my, love, love 80's music!

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Oh that is so pretty!!! I still want to learn to knit... I will.... it's a goal!!


  9. That is just too cool! I'm such a knitting slacker...although I am finally lacing those squares together!

  10. Oh that is just beautiful!
    And oh to have a talent like that :-)

  11. Oh gosh...that is GORGEOUS! I just love the color!!!!!

  12. Thanks for the kind words in regards to my Grandma.

    Love the... ummm. Clapotis? Is that it was called? I can't even imagine trying to create that. Whew!

  13. What to do with that yarn? Hmmmm . . . make Dawn a Clapotis!!! hahaha

    Beautiful work friend!!

    Have a Blessed weekend,

  14. It's beautiful and you look beautiful in it. Hair and all!! :)

  15. Rebecca Jo,

    That is absolutely gorgeous! I love how it is on a angle. What a pretty pattern and colors!

    You are so talented!

  16. Hey Rebecca! I am so glad you want to play! How about the Letter B! Have fun, I can't wait to read your post!

    OH and BTW your scarf/shawl is beautiful!! When I see your pretty work it really gives me the itch to keep knitting!

  17. That's so beautiful! I've never heard of the pattern but then again, I don't know much about knitting. I'm so very impressed with your abilities and talents. You are blessed to be so artistic and creative!


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