Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Letter "B"

I gave in - I had to join the fun. Jen from Following the Footsteps gave me a letter - & that letter is "B". Now I have to name 10 things that start with that letter that I love.... This should be fun! If you want a letter to play along - leave a comment & I'll give you one too... If you're nice, I wont give you a "Q"!!!!

1. Obviously - I have to start it off saying I love BEAUTY & THE BEAST!!! That's a no brainer! Been collecting B&B stuff for 17 years now... WOW - that long? Yeah, guess so! Gotta love a story where the girl loves the guy for what's on the inside - & the love turns him into a Prince.... aaahh - pure romance at its best! And STILL the only animiated movie to be nominated at the Academy Awards for Best Picture!!! (Oh, a pair of knitted socks snuck in that picture... how'd that happen?)

2. Buffy! My Yellow Lab. She is our second dog we got & she is ALL lab! She is full of fun & wants to play anytime anyone moves. She's the best thing to an electric blanket in the winter too because she loves to snuggle.... love our yellow dog.

3. Luckily - we have another "B" dog - BRUNO! This is my baby. Out of the four dogs - he is my little boy. Maybe because he just wants to be held & Ricky cant hold him while playing X-Box. Me, he can lay just find in between me & the arm rest of the couch while I knit - everyone's happy!

4. BOOKS!!!! Love everything about books - the way they smell, the feel of the pages, the stories that are in them...We even turned our dining room into a "reading room" when we moved in our house because since I dont cook, what the heck use is a dining room? But a reading room - something I can use. My dad made the most beautiful book shelves & now, they're almost all full.... trying to figure out what to do next with the books I have.... hmmm.. Dad? Suggestions?

5. The best book in the world - the BIBLE!!!!!! I love the Bible - for the wisdom that is in it & the guidance that it gives & the hope it offers. I really love all kinds of Bibles too - I love the covers of them - love the different translations - love Study Bibles- love the slim line Bibles to carry along - love OLD Bibles too - to think how long its been around, all the hands its been in - & yet, its still the same words that have always been around & WILL always be around!

6. BIG RED!!! I do love Big Red - even though my heart doctor has taken it away from me... I'll still have one every now & then. I was drinking like a 2 liter a day - GASP! No wonder my heart was pounding out of my chest.... but I still do love it

7. Berets!!! I love Berets & the way they fit on a head. I particularly love my pink one I knitted... I can wear it & it not give me the dreaded "hat hair" & I love that!!! This hat has a life of its own....

8. Bread! Oh my goodness... I LOVE bread!! Everything about it... I could make that my main food group. Fresh bread, French bread, bread sticks, Raisin Bread, Banana Bread, Zuchini Bread (Lynn - are you hearing any of this? hehe!) .... nothing better than bread....Stomach is growling now!

9. Blankets!! I love everything about blankets! I love to knit them & watch them come together! Baby blankets are the best because you dont have to make them as big & you can make cute little patterns in them. After all - I dont think my husband wants to snuggle in a blanket that has baby chicks all over it.... This one in the picture is still my favorite all time blanket I got to make for Ryan.... holds a place in my heart!
10. BLOGS!!! of course I love BLOGS!! All the BUDDIES I have met through them, all the things I've learned, all the thoughts that are shared... its a wonderful world that I am BLESSED to be in.... its a BEAUTIFUL place! (Trying to sneak in more B words - noticed?)

Wanna play?


  1. My daughter, Faith, tagged me with this same tag and I have the letter "B", too! I have my post all ready to go and plan to post it tomorrow. We share some "B" favorites in common! (-:

    Hope you have a blessed weekend, sweet friend!

  2. We have some B things in common too.

  3. Those are all good ones! You got a great letter!

    LOL--that beret looks like it gets around!

  4. Something weird just happened to my comment!! It vanished...

    Anyway--good job w/ you b list! That was a fun letter to work w/ and you came up w/ some good ones!

    That beret made me LOL--it really makes the rounds!

  5. Glad you joined in the fun! I love your cool!

  6. I love all of your "B" words and pictures. I had a yellow lab growing up that looks looks just like your Buffy. She was a sweetheart. Your beret pics are fun! They don't give you had hair huh? I'll have to try that. I like hats, but hate hat hair!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Today was my first time using the WiiFit. It was actually fun. I did the Yoga and Aerobics for about forty-five minutes. It was a light workout, just my speed!

  7. Yes! I would love to play!
    You got a great letter. I love how your dogs just happen to fit in. :-) Love the beret, too.

  8. Oh Yeah... give me a letter... this is too much like scrabble to pass up!!!!!

  9. that was fun to read!
    your dogs are adorable and i love your hat!

  10. Wow! "B" was a good letter for you! how about your fur babies with 2 letter B's! That's fun! Love your beret too! AND the Bible of course!! MOST AWESOME!

  11. Love all of your B things. I really like Beauty and the beast!

  12. What a fun post! Thanks for sharing!

  13. I love Beauty and the Beast, bread and books. That's like my perfect day.

  14. I love almost everything on your "B" list, too! I can never have too many books or blankets for sure!! =)


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