Saturday, March 28, 2009

Cooking FOOL!!!

It was Spring Break around here for us. Now, while I didnt get off work & had a normal DAY schedule - my nights were freed up. Usually, I'm running to meetings, youth events, Bible studies - lots of stuff always during the evening. I only had one quick event Wednesday, but the other days - FREE!

So guess what I did... I cooked! GASP... I KNOW!!! I cooked three meals during the Monday - Friday week!!!!!

I got the new "Kraft Food & Family" magazine - anyone else get it? I love it - its quarterly, & its FREE! I scanned through - found some ideas - actually wrote down ingredients that I needed & went to the grocery on Monday. Now, remember - I dont do this..... it felt so productive to me!

The first night - I made "Cheeseburger Joes" .... mmmm... it was like a home made sloppy joe thing with BBQ sauce & extras added in. It was soooo good - but all the BBQ sauce gave Ricky reflux so he enjoyed it while he ate it, but that night & the next day - not soo much!

Then, I made something called "Mac Chicken Cacciatore"... SO simple & so yummy! Ricky is so weird about cheese & it calls for a Mac & Cheese part of it - so I ended up making him a side of something different. Luckily for me - I got to chow down & even had extras for lunch the next day!

Then last night, I made the Piece-de-resist-ance! (Is that how you say it?) In my world - I can say, I made the Mac-Daddy Dinner!!! It was called "Weekend Lasagna Toss"... Oh my word... I feel like a true Rachel Ray when I say it was YUM-O!!!! And it as so simple!

Here is where Sydney sits while I cook... not fun since she's right in the line of the sink & the oven... she's prime for any droppings of anything. I make myself a gymnist straddling over her & balancing on one leg.... doesnt it look like she's getting ready to say something?

And I didnt think to take pictures of my other "feats"... but this one - I'm telling you - it was awesome! (& SOOOO easy & fast!)

After my meal - we got to see Isaac on our Xbox live... I cried like a baby... he's getting so big! We havent got to see him walk like he does now until last night... I just teared up!!! WOW - its amazing how big he's getting & we're missing it... sigh... He was confused how we were waving to him on the TV. I told Julie that when he watches Elmo now, he's going to think "Is he looking at me like those other people on TV?"

But after a night of a big meal & seeing his grandson - this is the after effects... Ricky knows how to PARTY on a Friday night! Bruno was happy... any reason to snuggle!

Hope you all are having a great weekend!


  1. Yay congrats on ALL the yummy meals you made! You go girl! How nice that you can see the little one live, we keep talking about getting Skype to talk to others who live far away! =)

  2. LOVE Kraft Food & Family! I'v ebeen getting it for over 3 years now. Search their website for more recipes...but apparently you only need about 6 of them to get you through the summer (:

  3. I love that magazine! I get it too, I also get the weekly recipes from Kraft. Now you know where all my Make Something Mondays come from ... LOL ;)

    Sounds like a wonderful week for you! Yeah!

  4. I used to get Kraft Food & Family, but I haven't gotten it in several years. It always had good things in it, though! Maybe I need to re-subscribe!

    I am so proud of how "domestic" you have been! Sounds like you made some yummy dishes.

    I have the same problem in my kitchen! I just made the statement this morning that every where I step I have to step over an animal!

    Hope you're having a great weekend!

  5. I get that Kraft magazine and I am going to try a couple of those recipes! Have a great rest of the weekend!

  6. I love that magazine too. They had a few things I wanted to try.
    So glad you had a good week

    Enjoy the weekend!!

  7. Oooh, those dinners all sound so good! My husband would love the lasagna one, I never make lasagna of any kind lol

  8. OMG What time can I come over to eat??? That looks DELISH! Love the doggies =)

  9. That looks delicious!! I also get the Kraft magazine. They have great recipes!

  10. all those dinners sound so yummy. i signed up to receive that magazine and it has never come. i'll have to go and sign up again b/c it sounds like it has some good stuff!


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