Monday, March 02, 2009

Photo Tag

OK - I've never done this before so this is going to be interesting.... my blog buddy Carolina Girl tagged me for a photo tag... I have to go to the 6th folder & then the 6th picture & write about it... my love of taking pictures, this should be interesting....

AAHH - I remember this... we went with the youth bowling one day!!! This is me with my buddy Carly & Kayla!!! This was right after Carly did the wonderful throw the bowling ball backwards... I think I even have a picture of it... yes, the one before....oopsie...

At least the 6th picture wasn't the one of Ricky bowling with a pink bowling ball... I took a picture of him & threatened to show it to everyone... he was so embarassed he had to use pink... I guess he doesnt get the shirt that says "Real Men wear pink"... oh, what the heck -its my blog... I can show my manly man bowling with a pink ball!!!

Just dont tell him I have it on here... hehe!! That means you Chandra (LOL!)

OK - who to tag....I know alot of you have done this already, but let me think
1. Lynn - I know you have pictures of family & grands
2. Chandra - I know you are a picture taker too... we sport the same camera!
3. Rachel - I'm hoping its a picture of Emma!!!!
4. Julie - just because I'm hoping to get any picture of Isaac that I can
5. Dawn - anxious to see if its a picture of Dak or that cute grandbaby!!!
6. AuburnChick - could it be the green hat???

Put up those pictures ladies!!!


  1. Oh, I love to go bowling! Sure looks like everyone had a fun time!

  2. I dig the pink ball!!! :) Hope you have a fabulous week!

  3. hahahahahhha!! he totally needs a "real men wear pink" shirt! :) heehee

    This makes me wanna go bowling!

  4. Well, I'm a loser. I've had this new lap top since Christmas and haven't put a single picture on it yet! I'll see what I can do.

  5. I haven't been bowling in a really long time. Now I want to go! :)

  6. Somehow I knew you would throw me in telling Ricky!!!

  7. I want to go bowling now!! How fun. Hope you're feeling better!

  8. Too fun! LOL @ throwing it backwards. Oops.

    Pink bowling ball. heehee

  9. What a fun way to see pics we might otherwise never see.

  10. Looks like fun. Love the pink bowling ball!

  11. Nope...not a picture of the famous green hat!! heehee


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