Wednesday, March 04, 2009


I mentioned the weekend that we came back from with the youth a few weeks ago.... the focus on the weekend was on "SPEAK"... its so important for the youth of today to be bold & speak up, speak encouragement - speak everything God puts on their hearts....

And then I saw this video & thought wow - adults need to hear the same message.

Just the first few minutes say it all - we get comfortable in our own worlds - we dont frighten the devil if we aren't sharing anything.... if we share the Good News, then he's going to make our life harder - try to stop us.... is that what's holding you back? What is it that keeps you from sharing?

This is very insightful... hope you enjoy! And you're going to love the one lady - I believe her when she says she tells everyone these things!!!! Oh, that we would all be a little BOLDER in SPEAKING!!!!


  1. What an icredible video...and I love that lady at the end! She has it all figured out! Thank you for this blessing!

  2. this is GREAT! We all need to be bolder in sharing!!!!

  3. I cannot tell you how much I needed to see this.......

  4. Wow incredible video :)

    Stopping by from SITS :)

    Alexis @ Running Away

  5. If they would have asked those questions to Utahns the answer to whether they try to share their beliefs with others would be an overwhelming YES! Sometimes it's not always a good thing, but I appreciate the effort.

  6. Agreed! I would watch the video but my computer is ancient and takes F-O-R-E-V-E-R!!! to load.

  7. Sounds like an awesome message!!!


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