Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Proudness, Key chains & WINNER!!!

I have to beam with proudness! Why? One of the girls in our youth group was jamming with the boys this weekend! I'm always proud of our boys since they are what makes up our awesome band at church - but we got a girl in there! And not just any girl - my dear friend Lynn's daughter, Carly! She played the bass guitar! I told her I was going to take some pictures... I dont know if she thought I was joking - or if she expected it of me... but I was so proud! Ricky was too.... a girl who ROCKS - is there anything better? You go Carly!!!

And it was funny too because we have a new Pastor - who is A-MAZ-ING! - & he sports a moustache. Well, our Worship Minster, who is nothing but fantastic himself cut down his beard for May Moustache Month in honor of him. The rest of the band had to join along.... & with short notice, no time to grow it out, they just glued on some moustaches themselves... Carly wasnt into that side of it... but how funny is that!!!

I also wanted to share with you a key chain that I found on my awesome blog buddy Trina's site - they are key chains that fit around your wrist. She found them on Etsy for some gifts for teachers & I HAD to have one. They are $6.50... what a deal! I'm already thinking of Christmas presents too! Plus, she was just the nicest person to deal with too... Go visit & check out her goodies - http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5270203

And Finally.... I'm a WINNER!!!! Look what I got in the mail today!! A prize from ANOTHER blog buddy Tina - man, I am so blessed with so many blog friends... I wish I could meet everyone in person because I feel like I know you all anyways! But she had a giveaway & I was so excited to find out I won... I dont even know what the best part is! I am loving this t-shirt & have already reminded my husband like a dozen times I'm Jesus' favorite- the shirt says so! A Jeremy Camp CD (OH YES!) - tea, beautiful glass magnets - & if anyone has seen my frig, you KNOW its covered in pictures so these magnets will be getting pictures to hang by the end of the night! - & I also got a hand made crochet dish cloth! Being a fan of knit & crochet & anything fiber, this is awesome! Those are the BEST clothes EVER!! If you've never used one - you dont know what you are missing! So thank you so much Tina!! That was the coolest give away I could have won! And in case you all didnt know - Jesus Loves you, but I'm his Favorite!!! (I'm going to have fun with this shirt!!!!)


  1. Hey woman! Come on over to enter my giveaway it ends tonight :)
    ♥ HUGS ♥

  2. I covet that t-shirt! Is that a sin?

  3. I told me that I was his favorite... next to the minister in the mustache.

  4. I'm so glad you took a picture of Carly...she looks so cute jammin'!!

  5. You are the perfect person for that shirt!! I'm so glad you got everything and are enjoying it.

  6. Congrats on the win!!! Im so happy for you :-) And I love love love that shirt!

  7. I have one of those keychains and won't go without one now! It's so great when you are carrying a bunch of stuff too and from your car, you don't have to dig for your keys...

    Congrats on winning, you so deserve it!!

  8. I am still loving my keyfob! I hope you like yours too! Thanks for the link love blog buddy :)


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