Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Remember my closet clean out for the Spring/Summer? Yeah... I thought I had it all worked out - nothing but clothes in there that would be what I would want to wear. Then a morning like this morning happened.

I could not find ANYTHING to wear!

I put on a pair of pants, they felt funny around the waist. Put on a skirt that I wear all the time, but no shirts were looking right - they were clinging in the wrong places today! I put on a outfit I have worn MANY times - a tried & true outfit... I walk past the mirror - WHAT? It looked horrible!

Needless to say, I just threw 5 different outfits I tried on in a pile in my bathroom! Went for my always comfy, always pratical khaki's... & I'm STILL feeling uncomfortable.

That set the tone for the morning..... my hair is having an EXTREMELY bad hair day - my make up didnt go on right - my Diet Coke got stuck in my coke holder in the car (WHAT? How did that even happen?) splashing Diet Coke up on me... then it caused me to be late for work - that's what happens with 5 outfit changes... & the rest of the day has been just "off"... like nothing is going the way it should.

Think about it... how many times do we think we have it all cleaned out - ready to go - like my closet... only to find out that there is still more to do? More things that need to be thrown out? And I'm not talking pants that fit funny around your butt (but those pants are goners when I get home!) - I'm talking about our lives...

Have you ever thought you worked on your problem or issue or situation & thought, "Its taken care of"... only to find that its not? There's more work to do - more things you need to take care of? More things that need to be dug into deeper.... more things that God needs to reveal to you...

Because, lets face it, when you dont take care of a problem, just like the "off" feelings have just kept going through the rest of my day... problems, issues, situations - they can affect the rest of your day - the rest of your life - if not taken care of....

May my heart be open always for anything that God needs to work on or change...

May I be willing to change....


  1. I hate mornings like this. Thankfully, I don't have them too often, since my outfit choices revolve around scrubs :-) But I do know what it's like to feel like you've gotten a problem taken care of, only to discover that there's still more to do. It's always discouraging :-(

  2. That is a bad morning! It has happened to me many a time, including the "I took care of that" issues. It really stinks!

  3. I am with you! "Off days" can have an impact on everything you do!

  4. Sorry you had such a tough morning! They can really drag you down...only if you let them! Keep your chin up, my friend!

  5. I have those days too and lately its more than not. I still need to clean out my closet and get my maternity clothes out and bring up my spring/summer clothes. I never can find anything to wear.

    Hope your day goes better.

  6. Oh girl I've been having the same problem at home. My bench in our room has become a HUGE dumping ground of sadly displaced articles of clothing ... :(

    Feeling ya girlie :)

  7. Oh I hate days like that!! Great job looking at the deeper meaning behind it -- i love this!!

  8. I totally understand. I've been late getting into work for the very same reason. I do plan ahead but after many mind changes, I stil end up being "off" all day long. Hang in there!

  9. Tomorrow is another day, Scarlett, and thankfully with each day with get a "do over"!

  10. oh I can relate!!! I hate those kind of mornings for sure!!! But what a great perspective you have!

  11. Ugh! Days like that are SO frustrating!! I hope your day eventually got better!


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