Saturday, November 14, 2009

Six Word Saturday

Old school glasses making a comeback!!

I used to wear glasses since I was in kindergarden.  My vision is perfect, but I have a lazy eye & I had to wear the prescription glasses to pull my eye back into place.  So over the years, I've had various styles of glasses... all the way from small glasses of the 70's, up to Sally Jessee Raphel glasses of the 80's....

And the twins must have discovered my glasses at my parents house & they are having fun wearing them... I keep getting these pictures & it just makes my day.... look at these cute little faces in my glasses.....

When I see Sophia in glasses, I swear, its like I'm looking back at myself... my parents call her Rebecca all the time... she's used to it by saying "I know, I look like Aunt Bec"

Here's Madi with my "clear" glasses....hoping they just blend in  Do you think it worked?  HA!... these were in my early part of high school... Oh mercy!

I actually liked these glasses.  I loved the more bold glasses - even do today!  And to clarify, I have always had big ole' cheeks so I always wore big glasses to try & "hide" the cheeks... yeah, that probably worked as well as the clear glasses hiding....

I need to find my other glasses - particularly the ones in elementary school that had initial stickers in the corners & little puppy dog stickers.  Anyone remember those eye glass stickers back in the 70's?  I bet the twins will actually like those.  Bring back the old school style!


  1. How fun to see these old frames! My word, they really were HUGE! :)

    The girls are having so much fun. I love it!

  2. I love these pics!! Could they be any cuter???

    Hallie :)

  3. Is she wearing any glasses in the second picture??? ;-)

  4. Too funny. I had a pair of those "upside down" glasses as we used to call them. Sure hope those don't come back.

    Saw your comment on NCFs blog design. I'd love to help you out.

  5. I love the pictures! I had some of those frames myself!!! Too cute!

  6. Funny glasses, I like it.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    Stopping from Show My Face.

  7. Ahh yes, I was bold in my glasses wearing as well.

    Love the pics ~~ have a Blessed evening,

  8. The girls are adorable, and the glasses are hilarious. Wow.

    I would love to have a family member look like me in a way I could recognize. That's sweet.

  9. lol So funny! How cute to have the girls model them for us :)

  10. Hahaha! Ok, my favs are the clear glasses. i remember when my mom had a pair of those lol!

  11. I'm suprised the big frames aren't back. The huge sunglasses sure are! Cute pics!

    Stopped by from SITS.

  12. I love dark frames but it's interesting to me how HUGE they used to be! Cute pics.

    Thanks for playing 6WS - sorry I'm so late visiting this week.


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