Friday, July 30, 2010

Friday Fragments

Mommy's Idea
Its Friday... you know what that means... joining in with Mrs4444 & fragging away....

This morning was rough!  It couldnt have been planned or it couldnt happen again if we tried.... I turned the alarm off & ended up dozing back asleep. Ricky didnt realize I wasnt up & I hear him yelling, "GET UP"... oh dang, so I go to jump out of the bed & right at the exact time I turn my head to lean up, Zoe, one of our dogs, comes FLYING on the bed to jump on it.  Again, I say - the EXACT SAME TIME!  Her nose goes straight into my eyeball!  OWWWWWWW.... My eye is still blurry... I wonder if it scratched it or something.  And then Zoe was sitting on the bed rubbing her nose with her paw & Ricky just kept petting her saying "Are you ok little girl?" ... um, honey - I'm the one who's eye ball is hanging out... thanks...

Dont... DO NOT... DONT Google "injury to eye" & look at the pictures... I'm a little faint now... who takes pictures of surgeries with eye balls hanging out?  I'm a little dizzy now...

Who knew you could be addicted to a pedometer... but I am!  My battery went dead on my pedometer Wednesday & yesterday & today, I feel like a part of me is missing!  I love my pedometer.  It is digital & can hook up to your computer & it keep charts on the distance you go for the day.  When I run, I need the "Distance" part of this gadget... & I really do try to get in my 10,000 steps a day when its not a running day.  Its motivation to look down & see how many steps I still need... & now, I'm just lost.  I'm heading out right after work to get a new battery....

All you "So you think you can dance" fans... are you practicing your Nap-Tab dance for National Dance Day?  Its on YouTube... I'm good with it in slow motion & in parts... putting it together, it looks something like a crazy person jumping around... but its all the name of dance!  So even if I have to do the routine in my room in my house on August 1st, I'll be dancing!  That's for you Nigel!

Hotmail changed their look & the way some things are ran... its aggravating me...

Anyone else geared up for the mess that will be called the "Bachlorette Finale"?  I know the rumors are she walks away with no one ... if that's true, I think Roberto & Chris now have a following where you shouldnt feel bad for them.  They're gonna snag up on love quick - no doubts.  I know many of you have even volunteered for that position.  I just cant wait for the "After the Final Rose" because I wanna see Frank & all that craziness.  Wonder if they'll bring Kasey back for one more song or advice on Guarding & Protecting a heart... (that man needs some serious help!) 

Are you all going to be watching "The Bachlor Pad"?  That looks like its going to be the mess of all messes... & yeah, I'll be watching!  In previews it looks like Tenley & Kiptyn pair up... ahh - that's a good match up!  I approve...
Because it wouldnt be Friday without Twin Niece pictures...

(Their faces in this crack me up...)

(They love glasses... here they are in their new room that was done over at their grandparents house... so perfect for them - complete with a desk & Disney movies.  )

Hope you all have a Fantastic Friday!!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

My family is gorgeous....

Since yesterday was about a photo shoot, I gotta show some pictures from where Julie took her gang down to the beach for a photo shoot!  Here are just a few samples.... The photographer is & I just wanna hug her for taking such amazing pictures of my beautiful family!!! But now, I cant decide which picture is my favorite... can they ALL be my favorite?

Look at the brothers together...

Isaac cant ever take a bad picture... he just screams "Surfer", doesnt he?

And look how big our giggly boy, Luke is getting!  Sitting up on his own!  (Julie had a video of him actually getting around in a walker now!  He's getting ready to turn 7 months old!  He just cant miss out on his big brother's playing...)

A family shot... I love this... Isnt Julie just beautiful?  She has the best smile...

I got to see the rest of the pictures this morning & just cant even make a choice on which ones to get.... I think I'm gonna have to get one of each & have Ricky build a new room so I can cover the wall in pictures...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Baby Blaise

I have to say, I need my knitting to be in a photo shoot all the time... it makes it look so good... or is it just that adorable baby that's laying on top of, or wrapped up inside of the blanket? 

This is Blaise - and he is my friend Stephanie's newest grandbaby... & I couldnt let any grandchild of Steph's go without a hand knitted blanket... because she wouldnt have let that happen... But when Precious, Blaise's momma, sent me a message & told me to check out the pictures they had taken because they used the blanket I made in it, I was so excited... I'm just excited to see that beautiful, precious little boy all wrapped up in knitted love....

Congratulations Rollie & Precious on your new addition... I had no doubts that this child was going to be nothing less then gorgeous!!!

(Being a lover of photographs anyways - I've had the best time looking at the other shots at - so if you love that too - go check out some great pics!)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The other side...

A friend of mine from church sent this to me in an email ... I had never heard it before & I loved it. Maybe because I have 4 little examples of it that I see every day... it made me look at death a little differently - hope it does the same for you....

A sick man turned to his doctor as he was preparing to leave the examination room & said, "Doctor, I am afraid to die. Tell me what lies on the other side"

Very quietly, the doctor said, "I dont know"

"You dont know? You're a Christian man & dont know what's on the other side?"

The doctor was holding the handle of the door. On the other side came a sound of scratching & whining. As he opened the door, a dog sprang into the room & leaped on him with an eager show of gladness.

Turning to the patient, the doctor said, "Did you notice my dog? He's never been in this room before. He didnt know what was inside. He knew nothing except that his master was here & when the door opened, he sprang in without fear. I know little of what is on the other side of death, but I do know one thing......
I know my Master is there & that is enough"

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Project 365-24

Another busy week & I was good at keeping my camera at the ready... so let's see what I snapped...

Sunday - Happy Birthday Maggie!... we hung out with Ricky's family to celebrate my mother in laws birthday.  It was fun because she pulled out old pictures & its crazy looking back at everyone so young... kinda depressing too...
This is my niece, Lexi... she's also so much fun when I get the chance to see her... they call her "Little Ricky" because she's always into something... falling out of trees, busting her lip... this girl has no fear...

Monday - Hello Lov-ah!!!! .... Oh yes... a new vacuum... a PET HAIR vacuum at that!  ewww.... its so gross though when you get a new vacuum & you see the stuff that's been missing getting picked up with an old one.  But my carpets looks brand new now! 

Tuesday - Adding to the study... Yes, I said before with our On-Line Bible Study, I had to make sure my Diet Coke had to be there... well, add to that M&M Pretzels... I'm addicted.  it was just the perfect snack to "Chat" with fellow Ruth-lovers...

Wednesday - Great smiles makes the difference! ...I taught the lesson for the youth Wednesday night & yes, I still get nervous about it... but when I look out & see faces like this - that just have the best smiles - it helps take the nerves away.... I just love this girl....

Thursday - Bloom where you are planted .... (thats for you Auburnchick ... haha!!!)  My dad plants me some sunflowers every year & they are starting to bloom now.  I loved getting underneath it (which is easy as they are almost as tall as the house) & shooting upwards... such a sign of summer...

Friday - easiest snack ever!!!! ....I am in love with these "Chinese cookies" - just chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, chow mein noodles & dry roasted nuts... who knew it would make a little taste of sweetness...

Here's what they look like after they set up in the fridge... yummmmmm....

Saturday - So worth the run.... I knew we were having birthday cake for my daddy so I made sure to get a good 3 mile run in - just so I wouldnt have guilty feelings sucking on some good icing... mmmm... I felt SO guiltless about it, I had 2 pieces... ok, maybe I need to run another 3 miles... at least they were both small pieces!

I just noticed 3 of the days are about my sweet tooth too... oh mercy... But the Diet Coke balances out all the M&M's & Chinese cookes & birthday cake - right?  (please say yes!)

Hope everyone has some click worthy moments in the week ahead....

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Six Word Saturday

Happy Birthday to my wonderful Daddy!!!!

Yep - last week was their anniversary & this weekend is my dad's birthday!  Last weekend was also Ricky's mom's birthday - so its just a week of celebrating!

So for my dad... the man who is a true cowboy & has a way with horses...

...And has always been since a child... the man who helped me with my first garden & teaching the twins all about the finer things of growing fresh veggies... the man who loves a visit from a cute little blued eyed baby from Texas... a man who has great arms that make you feel safe enough to take a nap in... a man who listens with excitement to a 5 yr old's stories... the man who has always had a mischevious side to him...

... to the man who twirled me around the floor on my wedding day...

to the most most fantastic man in the world...
Happy Birthday to my Dad!!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday Fragments

Oh... its a "Thank God its Friday" kinda day... & I'm not talking about that ABC Friday night line of comedys with Suzanne Summer or Urkel... Just glad its Friday.  Glad to have my husband not have to work in this heat for 2 days.  Who knew I'd worry so much about him out in this stuff.... does that mean I love him?  Surely not... Let's frag, shall we?

My poor yellow lab woke up Thursday limping so bad, she could barely put her foot.... or paw... depends if you're an animal lover on how you think about it...but she couldnt put it down.  If you own a lab, you know they live, sleep & breath PLAYING.  So even though she was on 3 legs, she was still carrying around her ball in her mouth in case she had to do a tripod kinda limp to get to it... Ricky was able to move her leg around & press & feel on it without her freaking out - so we didnt think it was broke.  So we put all the toys away so she wouldnt want to get the urge to run after something & we came home from work & she's putting weight on it now.  This morning, she's still got a little limp, but getting much better. She musta pulled something.  That'll happen when you're like 120 lbs & leap in the air to catch frisbees... I know I pull something everytime I do it myself...

OK - I know, I know... Mel Gibson has a bit of craziness in him... & violence is NEVER a good thing.  But am I the only one who thinks this woman totally set him up to look even more crazy?  You know Mel's ex-wife is sitting back just shaking her head...

So I put in a load of whites in the washing machine - go get on the treadmill to run - finish & go to move everything to the dryer.  I open the lid & pull out my bra that I love to keep sparkly white & notice it looks GREY!!!  HUH?  Then I look in the washing machine & notice something... GREY... & DARK... What?  I calmly went in  & asked Ricky what was in the washing machine.  He said, "I saw you had a load going so I threw some stuff in".... he just randomly threw in like 5 t shirts - all different colors... mostly dark blues, dark greens... stuff with lots of DYE in them... Seriously?  I asked him did he seriously think he could just put whatever together... his words were, "The washing machine was on so I thought it was ok" ... he told me he'd buy me a new bra, but as any woman knows, once you find a good bra, you cant EVER find the same one again.....big grey bra sigh....

Proof my dad is a wonderful grandfather?  He lets the twins fix his hair.  He said Madi wanted to make him look like Woody from Toy Story ... Look at the intensity in Madi's face - not letting that phone get in her way of making a beautiful new look

while Sophia wanted to make him look like Jessie, Woody's girlfriend... complete with curlers & all...

Sorry dad - you know when you send me pictures - just consider that the world will see them.  Didnt you teach me that NOTHING IS SAFE on the computer?  Just saying...

My buddy Christy sent me this comic... I LOVE it!  I told her that some of these races, some of the shorts I've seen people wearing, I'm thinking it may come CLOSE to a thong... geez people - do a butt check before you leave the house...

Isnt this the coolest piece of art... that is food?!?!?  Made out of apples!!! I think the hair is actually apple seeds! 

This Disney Princess made me remember... we were at my Mother in Law's this weekend celebrating her birthday & my sister in law said, "Rebecca, you know what my husband said about you the other day?  He said, "I do kinda think Rebecca looks like a Disney character" .... Ahh- he's my favorite brother in law now.  Unless he means I look like some sorta villian or one of the goofy side kick characters that are always singing & dancing... that's a possibility... but I'm thinking he's meaning this one right here...

And to finish up the week - you gotta look at the video of our laughing grandbaby!  How adorable is his face ... & his laugh?  Oh mercy... why cant they live closer?  I think Ricky & I have watched this video 100 times....

Have a Fantastic Friday everyone!!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Missing an Eternal Impact

Who knew that 4 chapters in the book of Ruth could hold SOOO much to study?  But it has.  Thanks to my amazing friend Dawn - she got a group of ladies doing the study of "Ruth:  loss, love & legacy" via the cyber world.  Its been so great to get to know these women that dont even live in the same state as me...

But more importantly, its been great getting to know Ruth... & Naomi... & Boaz... & JESUS...

They have shown Jesus in all the examples of all the characters of Ruth & its been so eye opening...

But yesteray - I read two sentences that just have been like a 2x4 to my head... it was crazy too because it was the study for the day & the words fit so perfectly to the lesson I was going to present to the youth later that night... I totally used it... I just want to share the words here too ... for two reasons - I want you to think about them as well & I want to keep this on my blog for me to always be able to go back & see these words - to be reminded....

This may be one of the most tragic ways for a Christian to spend her life:  In the right place with all the right resources but without a willing heart. 

I so desperately do not want to get to the end of my life to find I've missed having an eternal impact because I made all of life's decisions based solely on what made sense for me & what was for MY benefit... unwilling to yield myself to the Lord.

It was crazy because the lesson last night to the youth was on Anger - & being ANGRY about the things that God is angry about... & I especially thought of that last sentence & thought about getting to Heaven & God being like,

"You were angry about the dumbest things Rebecca Jo (Because God would call me Rebecca Jo - we're on a first name basis)... why couldnt you have yielded to me & been angry about the IMPORTANT things... oh, the eternal impact that would have had"....

And not just anger - but in love, caring, giving .... I want to make an eternal impact ... & not based on things that make sense to me or for my benefit...

Cant wait to see what Ruth has in store for me today....