This morning was rough! It couldnt have been planned or it couldnt happen again if we tried.... I turned the alarm off & ended up dozing back asleep. Ricky didnt realize I wasnt up & I hear him yelling, "GET UP"... oh dang, so I go to jump out of the bed & right at the exact time I turn my head to lean up, Zoe, one of our dogs, comes FLYING on the bed to jump on it. Again, I say - the EXACT SAME TIME! Her nose goes straight into my eyeball! OWWWWWWW.... My eye is still blurry... I wonder if it scratched it or something. And then Zoe was sitting on the bed rubbing her nose with her paw & Ricky just kept petting her saying "Are you ok little girl?" ... um, honey - I'm the one who's eye ball is hanging out... thanks...******
Dont... DO NOT... DONT Google "injury to eye" & look at the pictures... I'm a little faint now... who takes pictures of surgeries with eye balls hanging out? I'm a little dizzy now...*******
Who knew you could be addicted to a pedometer... but I am! My battery went dead on my pedometer Wednesday & yesterday & today, I feel like a part of me is missing! I love my pedometer. It is digital & can hook up to your computer & it keep charts on the distance you go for the day. When I run, I need the "Distance" part of this gadget... & I really do try to get in my 10,000 steps a day when its not a running day. Its motivation to look down & see how many steps I still need... & now, I'm just lost. I'm heading out right after work to get a new battery.... *******
All you "So you think you can dance" fans... are you practicing your Nap-Tab dance for National Dance Day? Its on YouTube... I'm good with it in slow motion & in parts... putting it together, it looks something like a crazy person jumping around... but its all the name of dance! So even if I have to do the routine in my room in my house on August 1st, I'll be dancing! That's for you Nigel!*******
Hotmail changed their look & the way some things are ran... its aggravating me... *******
Anyone else geared up for the mess that will be called the "Bachlorette Finale"? I know the rumors are she walks away with no one ... if that's true, I think Roberto & Chris now have a following where you shouldnt feel bad for them. They're gonna snag up on love quick - no doubts. I know many of you have even volunteered for that position. I just cant wait for the "After the Final Rose" because I wanna see Frank & all that craziness. Wonder if they'll bring Kasey back for one more song or advice on Guarding & Protecting a heart... (that man needs some serious help!) *******
Are you all going to be watching "The Bachlor Pad"? That looks like its going to be the mess of all messes... & yeah, I'll be watching! In previews it looks like Tenley & Kiptyn pair up... ahh - that's a good match up! I approve...
Because it wouldnt be Friday without Twin Niece pictures...(Their faces in this crack me up...)
(They love glasses... here they are in their new room that was done over at their grandparents house... so perfect for them - complete with a desk & Disney movies. )
Hope you all have a Fantastic Friday!!!