Saturday, January 15, 2011

Siesta Verse #2

Having 15 days to memorize is going to make the months fly by because I cant believe we're into the 2nd verse.

My first verse was so appropriate for the time in my life... "DONT PANIC... I AM WITH YOU...."
It was the best scripture I could possible keep in my heart.

The one I'm picking this round, I think will be another one that will be great for me as I am a talker ... & a lot of times, I say things without thinking.  I am working on being more aware of my words & once again, scripture is a great learning tool to learn God's ways on a subject...

So here is my Scripture for round 2:

Reckless words pierce like a sword,
but the tongue of the wise brings healing
-Proverbs 12:18

Ever have someone say the perfect words to you?  Maybe they were simple words... but they helped you... they soothed the pain... they comforted?

Ever have someone say words that tear the heart into two... break down your spirit... punch you in the gut?  Yeah... I dont ever want those words to come out of my mouth...

Words... a powerful thing...


  1. Great words. I'm participating in the Siesta Memory verse too. Think I'll copy you and make a post about it too. Who knows, maybe it will encourage someone to hide some scripture in their heart.

  2. Our words (tongue) can quickly build up and tear down in the same amount of time. That is a great verse to remind us to use our tongue and our words to edify and uplift others rather than hurt and cut them down. Love your verse this time RJ!

  3. Wow. Wow. Wow. That is a good verse. I could definitely use some wisdom in my words sometimes.

    Have a Blessed weekend,

  4. GREAT Scripture!! I need to put mine up on my blog. I can't believe we are in round 2 either! Loving it!

  5. Great verse, Rebecca! I have been in the book of James recently and the Holy Spirit has been dealing with me about the "tongue". Praying that my tongue would bring healing...

  6. Excellent. Something we all need to remember.


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