Wednesday, June 08, 2011

"...never think you are alone..."

Korea's Got Talent?  Does every country have one of these shows?  Well at least they dont have our awesome Howie Mandell... America rocks only because of that!  Seriously - I love Howie Mandell.  I dont think there is anything better then a funny guy.

My brother sent this video to me yesterday.  I think I've watched it like 10 times already. 

I know its long - but its worth it....

remember Susan Boyle?  We love to root for an underdog... but "underdog" doesnt even really apply to this young man.  Your heart will break for his story.  How he's survived... how he's made it through life...

...& how humble he is...he says repeatedly that "I dont think I'm very good"... can you imagine how throughout life he has felt like he's not good enough?

But the end of the video is what gets me... even through all the tears... when everyone is cheering for him... & hosts tell him that everyone is rooting for him... that thousands & millions are ROOTING FOR HIM!  On his side...

& then they say, "Never think you are alone" ...

those words alone to this young man probably meant the world to him...

isnt that an awesome thought?  Something we all need to be reminded of? 

If you get a few minutes, watch the video... you'll get chills... you'll probably tear up if you're like me... & know that life can hold HOPE.....

Korea's Got Talent - Watch more Funny Videos


  1. wow..
    these shows seem to be every place..

    My friend is hosting a swap you may like to join in. Stop by my blog and you will see it. If you do let her know I sent you..

  2. WOW ~ WOW ~~ WOW ~~~ WOW ~~~~ WOW ~~~~~ What a humble and talented young man. When I said he couldn't sing well, but just liked to and then started singing.... What a talent!!!

    Thank you for sharing this. Between this and Meredith Viera leaving the Today Show today, I am a mess =)

    Love you friend ~~ have a Blessed day, Dawn

  3. Oops...when HE said he couldn't sing well..... well you know =)

  4. I just saw this on fb; it made me cry. Wonder how he did in the next round?

  5. lump in my throat! What an amazing young man!

  6. Oh girl ... you leave me tearing and my heart swelling.

  7. Dangit I couldn't get the video to play...I'll have to try again when I get home.

    However, I bring GREAT news for you!

    You won the $50 Target Gift Card!!

    You are being blessed for your generosity girl!

  8. I'm so glad you shared that!

    It seems like every country does have one of these. A few months ago I was watching a video on facebook from Ukraine


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