Thursday, June 09, 2011

Siesta Scripture: YOUR God

Ever feel like the world is falling apart on you?  That's its too much to take sometimes?  That you're alone in the world?  That people who you thought would be there for you, suddenly arent & they let you down?   Well then - tuck this little verse in your heart.... cause its GOOD!!!!...

Be strong.  Take courage.  Dont be intimated.  Dont give them a second thought because God, YOUR GOD, is striding ahead of you.  He's right there with you.  He wont let you down;  he wont leave you.
-Deuteronomy 31:6 (The Message)

Isnt that an awesome visual?  God, right there with you... even when no one else is...

I love the idea that He's "striding ahead of you"... almost like a guard.  Someone who's watching your path - someone who's testing the waters before you jump in.  Someone who's trying to make the path easier for you as you go down it...

"Dont be intimidated"... we can let so much push us back in fear... so much make us feel weak & that we cant handle it.  What a cool reminder that we dont need to feel that way - we can be strong & have courage!  ... I feel like standing up & giving a good muscle flex pose on that one! :)

My favorite part of this verse is the emphasis on who God is.. we're reminded that he's YOUR GOD....  I like to say it as "MY GOD" ... makes it even more personal, doesnt it?  Do it one step further - for every "you", change it to "me" .... MY GOD... He's striding ahead of ME... He's right there with ME... He wont let ME down... He wont leave ME...

Tell me that doesnt pump you up about God & how much he loves you?

So there's my memory verse for the first part of June.  Good stuff, huh?  The Bible is full of it....


  1. I knew this already. How do you think I make it through each and everyday.
    Your Friend, m.

  2. I love it. Your posts reminds me of Psalm 63 ...

    O God, you are MY God,
    earnestly I seek you;
    my soul thirsts for you,
    my body longs for you,
    in a dry and weary land
    where there is no water.

    Love you! Praying for you always.

  3. What a great verse and one that I really needed to read this morning. A couple of weeks ago, I had a job interview. I didn't get the job, but I had the opportunity to go back and talk to the administrator who had interviewed get feedback on things that I could improve. The second meeting did not go very well.

    Quite honestly, one reason why I did not do well on that interview was because this woman intimates me. She always has. I lack confidence, and I always let people or situations intimidate me.

    This verse is such a wonderful reminder that God is with me, and I have no reason to shrink back.

    Thanks for sharing it, my friend.

  4. I love it! I especially love how you encourage your readers to change the words to make it more personal for them for us.

    You are a blessing to many my friend. I thank God for you and the lessons you share/teach here.

  5. Wonderful! Love it in that version. So simple but why do I forget and get afraid sometimes. As christians we really have nothing to fear. He is greater than any problem! Thanks for the great reminder.

  6. I'm going to print this off and give it to OS...he could use it right about now!

  7. I decided to do this earlier this year, the siesta verses, and then I just lost it...So I'm glad you're doing it and I can read and grow from what you choose.

    I found I stink at memorizing things, and it stressed me more than soothed me. Maybe I should try in the summer...

  8. I so needed this message last week, but I will hold it close - I really need to put it on my bathroom mirror!

    Blessings to you:)

  9. I have loved this verse for a long time....and it is great to see a little "fresh breath" breathed into it by reading it in a different version and really focusing on making it more personal. That is awesome.

  10. What a marvelous scripture. I love it..and you're like me..I also like "the message" translation of the bible. That, and the amplified.

    Thanks again!

  11. RJ,
    I LOVE this verse and just what I am needing RIGHT NOW!! He is growing me and streching me and it is a GREAT reminder that is with me ALL THE WAY!!!

    I love you friend,


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