Friday, July 08, 2011

Friday Fragments

Mommy's Idea

Its Friday... right?  Taking Monday off work has thrown me for a loop... not to mention, its the first of the month, which in my accounting world, means bills are rolling in & its hectic for me.  So I'm going to take a little breather from "hectic" & frag... that always makes the day a little bit better... so let's not waste another moment... Let's Frag...


Big Brother has officially started.  While I was excited about Jeff & Jordan coming back, I was equally disguisted when Rachel & Brennan came back.  And then she said it in the first episode "Nothing comes between me & my man"...  I screamed a scream of sheer horror... who are the sick people who voted them back in?  Also love Evel Dick - can't stand his whiney daughter, Danielle... I just wanted Dr. Will & Boogie in.  That voting was rigged... guaranteed!

Harry Potter ... almost here!!!  Every time I see a preview, I literally 'sshhh' everyone around me & I gasp like its the first time I seen the movie clips.. its gonna be Potteriffic!!!!

I love Dairy Queen commercials.  The latest with Mary Lou Retton coming out of a pinata?  Who has these warped minds to think of such things?  Whoever it is... we could be buddies... I love you...

My favorite commercial that I cant get enough of?  The one with Criss Angel & the popcorn... "He turned the bag into bowl!! How did you do that!" ... I literally laugh at that every time & then have to say the line 100 times - or at least till Ricky says, "Shut up!"... so that would be a total of 2 times...

Official Countdown:  12 days till New Kids on the Block & the Backstreet Boys ... I'm trying to find a stonewash mini skirt for the occassion. 


So I'm a little sad.  The Disco Dash 10k has been canceled.  Apparently there were issues with shutting the streets down that day... I was really looking forward to my first evening race... not to mention, I was loving looking for costume ideas.  I was on the road of a "Solid Gold Dancer" idea... complete with gold knee high socks - think Beyonce as "Foxy Cleopatra".... sigh... maybe I'll just wear it anyways & run around the park.  Think anyone would think anything?

SPAT OF THE WEEK:  Medicine ... I hate to even post a spat because its been a bad, BAD week for Ricky.  He hurt his back at work Tuesday... I mean REALLY bad.  He can withstand pain like no other human I know - but yet, he was rolling on the bed in such severe pain. Ends up, he has a lumbar sprain after lifting heavy air condition compressors.  Remember - he's like 145 lbs & these things are like 350lbs.  He's like an ant that can carry double his body weight.  Anyways, the doctor gave him some medicine... well, he wont take it like he's supposed to.  And then he took it on an empty stomach & barfed everywhere.  So he was like (again) a 5 yr old refusing to take anymore medicine because "it'll make me sick"... I kept telling him it wouldnt make him sick if he ate first... I think I had better luck with my nieces when they were 2 years old then with him.  The pain was too much though - & after 2 hours of arguing - even having my mom on speaker phone telling him to EAT & TAKE THE MEDICINE (he cant argue with his mother in law, right?) he took it & slept through the night...whew...  when will he learn he just needs to listen to me all the time (if he reads that, he'll totally laugh... I actually did myself)

Pinterest Picture of the week:  This just made me laugh... not sure if its offensive or not... if it is, I'm sorry... I just think its funny... it doesnt offend me as a knitter, so I guess its OK.

Source: via Rebecca on Pinterest

And now, so you also can say the line with me... "How did you do that?"

Happy Friday Everyone!!!!


  1. It was a 10K? Hm, I'm still working to a 5K. If I get there, we'll talk about next summer.

    Big Brother. I do not get this.

    Add that to my list of things I don't get.

  2. We were talking about that Dairy Queen Commercial at work yesterday!! Haven't seen it yet, haha!! :)

  3. Dr. M & I were laughing at the Mary Lou Retton commercial last night - too cute :)

    I actually OWN an acid washed denim not quite mini-skirt. There's a picture of me wearing it in this post:

    It has a really wide waistband. It's a size 13. And if you want it I will loan it to you :)

  4. I'm cracking up over the denim mini skirt search. I hope you find one! Sorry about Ricky's back. And I love the sign! It's probably offensive, but that's what makes it funny!

  5. My favorite commercial is the one for State Farm Insurance. The husband is on the phone at 3 a.m. and the wife thinks he's cheating on her. She grabs the phone:

    Wife: Who is this?!?
    Husband: It's Jake, from state farm
    Wife: What are you wearing (in air quotes) "Jake from state farm"
    Jake: Uhhhh. Khaki's.
    Wife: She sounds hideous
    Husband: We'll, she's a he, so...


    And if you're wondering, that makes two of us because I have no idea how the brussel sprouts will come out of there either. More to come on THAT one.

  6. Criss Angel weirds me out! LOL Good thing I haven't seen that commercial :)

    Poor Ricky! Having back pain is the worst!! Glad he finally listened to someone.

    That knitting sign made me LAUGH SO HARD!! That is the best thing I've seen all day. HA!

  7. My Harry Potter meter is tipping over ... I'm not sure I'm going to make it until next week ;-)

  8. Knitta Please! I love it. And I'm allowed to laugh at that without feeling all bad. I can also say "That's so gay" and no one gasps!
    Love your Frags. They are too much!
    Now I need to go check out that Mary Lou commercial. But maybe I should go pee first before I piss my pants laughing.

  9. I love that Criss Angel commercial...and the Cheez Its commercial where they're waiting for the cheese to mature...we ALL say "Click, check, click!"
    Love the Knitta Please thing!

  10. I must be either really square or too tired b/c I don't get "knitta please." Explain?

    Poor Ricky. Did you have to fight with him to take the next dose after he got a good night's sleep?

    Best commercial I've seen lately is a Kotex commercial. Will see if I can find it and post it to my blog.

  11. Whoa...Big Brother started? Rats. Gotta go find the first episode and set the DVR. Thanks for posting that!


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