Thursday, July 07, 2011

Siesta Scripture ... love when I can add Justin Timberlake to it

Its funny because I picked my scripture for the beginning of July at the end of June... have it sitting in front of me on my index cards & on the board behind me so I always see it.

And then the Casey Anthony trial has happened - as well as just life in general - & it really showed me how much I need to be reminded of this... we, as humans, like to point fingers, dont we?  Like to point out everyone's faults & failures... big & small.... from Casey Anthony, to even someone who made a simple, small mistake.  We like to judge them all...criticizing is like a sport for us sometimes.  So I love this scripture...

Don't pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults.  Unless, of course, you want the same treatment.  Don't condemn those who are down;  that hardness can boomerang.  Be easy on people - you'll find life a lot easier.
-Luke 6:37 (The Message)

For me, I love this idea to just be easy on people - making life easier.  Hello?  Who doesnt want an easier life?  Don't people write books & make MILLIONS on trying to show how to do this?   But its right there for us...Its taking the focus off looking at everyone else's faults & start looking at the things I need to work on myself... after all, how is my life going to get any better when I have some faults & failures I'm not working on because I'm too busy pointing out other's faults to them...which, by the way, goes over like a lead balloon.

And I also love it because it holds the idea of "what comes around, goes around"... & not the Justin Timberlake version - though I do like to get my groove on to that song... this is more of a Biblical Karma, if you will.  So this should really ease our mind in having to feel like we NEED to point fingers... its going to "boomerang" back anyways - right?

....I just think we need to get Justin Timberlake to write another boogie-down song with this scripture in mind... life at least would be a little easier in the "groovin'" department :)


  1. While I'm pretty private about my relationship with God I have printed this off and put it on my computer.

    Now that I work for a state run university (compared to a private for profit), I often feel like I'm the one who is criticized, and in turn, start to pick up that bad habit and put it on others.

    THANK YOU! Great verse!!

  2. I don't know. This is a tough one. Because I believe that Casey Anthony is connected to the death of her daughter, I'm afraid I have to judge her. Not her soul, mind you. That's not my place. But I can judge her actions. I judge people's actions all day long. And I can tell the difference between making a mistake and doing something wrong/bad on purpose. And because I understand "what comes around, goes around", I'm all for people to judge what I do. Have at it folks! What do I care?
    Your Friend, m.
    p.s. Am I gettin' on your nerves yet? Give it time. Give it time.

  3. totally agree. love this!

  4. Good scripture. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Glad you find the right things to think about in these post.. Have a great weekend..


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