Sunday, August 28, 2011

Project 365... 2011: Week 35

OK - these are going to be quick & unedited... I am so busy right now - have over 75 pictures to edit, have a house to clean, have chiropractor appointments, have to train for the next race I'm running, have a practice & a worship session for a children's program... I cant breath right now in other words... so here's a quick run through of my week

Sunday - August 21 - Back in the trailer... The jr high got to move back in our trailer.  It was cleaned out & set with lights & it looks fantastic now...

Monday - August 22 - Happy 8th Birthday Bruno...

Tuesday - August 23 - Beautiful storm clouds... it didnt even rain - just got cloudy & looked like it was going to... but isnt it beautiful

Wednesday - August 24 - Part Family Dinner... my dad had to pick up my nieces after school so he took them, me & my sister in law out to dinner.  Its always great when we can get together.

Thursday - No Pic

Friday - August 26 - Belle Surprise!!! ... Look what I got in the mail today for a surprise.  Lauren, You are adorable - Thank you! :)

Saturday - August 27 - Jordan Session - I took one of my favorite people in the world out for a 4 hour photo session... these pictures are going to turn out amazing... here's just a sample.  Keep an eye out for more.


  1. I hope this week is a little calmer for you, but as always your pictures are great.

    Hugs & love,

  2. I feel ya, sister. Busy times are good, but man, are they ever tiring and stressful?! Your photography business should be booming, that's how amazing the pictures look...seriously.

    Take care, and good luck with your big to-do list!

  3. I've really been enjoying your Jordan pics - you're pretty good at this picture taking thing aren't you?

    Oh, & happy birthday to Bruno!

  4. My power just came back on. Damn you Irene!
    How about this. I'll just email my photos to you, you edit them and send them back to me all prettified! Okay? m.

  5. praying for a productive and smooth week for you!!

  6. I LOVE that picture of the clouds! It's beautiful....

  7. Awww, I just love you!!! :) Glad I could make your day a little brighter!!!

  8. Looks and sounds like you had a great weekend. Can't wait to see those pics!

  9. Love the guitar photo! Wow!!! Amazing color and clarity.

  10. It is wonderful at times to have moments filled to the brim where you don't have time to breathe - you wouldn't enjoy the time to breathe as much!!! Loved that storm picture - I so want those clouds over my house! Have a blessed week! (sweet pictures!)


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