Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday Fragments

Mommy's Idea

Friday... & the world is still going crazy....
I'm sitting here watching the results of last night's chaos...
one Boston Bomber dead... the other on the run
just sad...
All I can see is a 19 yr old BABY that got taught wrong things in the world

Jesus come today
I'm headed to see my nephew off for prom tonight
I'm excited... but can't believe it
He was just a baby yesterday
& tonight, he's venturing to his Jr. Prom Ring Dance
How did I get so old without noticing?
Storms rolled through last night
How do I know?
Not because the weather is colder now -
not because the grass is greener
But because Ricky & I have scratch marks all over our heads & faces from Bruno
who freaks out at the sound of thunder or the sight of lightning
For the record, on top of someone's head is the safest place to go for a storm
Anyone ever try one of those Thunder Blankets for dogs?
Ricky says he refuses to pay that much for a gimmick
I keep hearing they actually work though
Anyone?  anyone?  Bueller? 
I was out on my run yesterday...
I screamed & ran out in the street & fled like my life depended on it
... I didn't care the snake was dead & not moving...
& then, running home, a boxer & a fellow dog were playing
(I see them all the time - they're friendly dogs)
This boxer must have thought I was up for a good romp
because he jumped up behind me ON MY BACK
... it made my legs almost buckle...
He thought it was fun, so he did it again
Whew... I got away with dog scratches on my leg
...only to have to run by the dead snake again...
Its a tough run some days
TV Time:
Survivor:  If you're not watching Survivor anymore - & I get it, its on like season 135 - you missed it.  The BEST TRIBAL COUNCIL EVER happened this past week.  One of those that I was gasping, & cheering & pumping my fist like I lived in the Jersey Shore!!  Good stuff!  GO MALCOLM!!
Arrow:  We love this show... superheroes always rock!!!  ... & when he started jumping over building on his own, in daylight, I said, "This may be edging on the line of corny"... Ricky said, "nope - this is what makes superheroes awesome"
Dancing with the Stars:  Thank you America for not voting for DL & sending him home
Real Housewives of Atlanta Reunion:  Good to see Kim come visit.  I think she held her own, even though she was nutso in this season - before she walked out.  I know she had to do good PR though since she has her own show coming out.  Best part of her appearance - Andy saying, "Kroy is like a bailiff"
Hope everyone has a great weekend & A FABULOUS FRIDAY!


  1. I agree. That was the all-time best tribal council ever! Did you see the looks on their faces? Priceless!!

  2. Bombers. I just wish I understood what causes this. Is it a lack of nurturing? Is it resentment? What causes such deep anger and rage?

    Dogs. Hilarious!!! Wish I could see a picture!!! Hahahaha

    Snake. Oh.Good.Lord. I would have panicked.

  3. Wow. Snake and dog while running. Now I know why I gave up running. Seriously I jogged over a snake once. When I returned down the same path the snake was gone, so I assume I treaded quickly over a live one. Be careful!

  4. I have a couple of friends who swear by the Thundershirts. Sara Bowyer (the P365 host) used one on her dog recently & said that it worked perfectly!

  5. I ordered the thunder shirts for my two anxiety ridden dogs and they did nothing......the dogs stood like statues and wouldn't move but then got just as crazy as ever. Sent them right back! Of course, Prozac and Xanax doesn't work either or even calm them down. They weigh 11 lbs and 8 lbs. you would think Xanax would put them out. NO!

  6. Oh man!! I would give up running if I ran across a scary snake and got tackled by a friendly dog whilst out running. Although I probably would have screamed like a girl at the snake, which would have scared the dog - so you are much better than I. ;)

    You know, I have not tried those Thunder Blankets for dogs - we have one dog who's scared of thunder, and the other one gets mad and barks *at* the thunder (probably telling the thunder "No barking!" like we do to him). :) We've got storms coming in now - so if you hear barking from our neck of the woods, you'll know why. ;)

    That picture is hysterical!!

    We LOVE Arrow, too! And I love that Ricky pointed out that his jumping over buildings in daylight is what makes superheroes awesome - Amen! :)

    Have a great weekend! :)

    Spring has Sprung, Princess Nagger’s Newest Obsession Chibi License, Dung Beer and Winemaker’s Competition: Friday Fragments

  7. I wonder if you could make a thunder shirt? The reason I say that (not only because of the cost), is because in our town, there is a group who make weighted blankets for kids with sensory issues (not necessarily autistic kids, but for kids with other sensory issues, too). They buys the weights and sew them into the blankets they make. So, I wonder if you could do the same for your pups? Buy the weights and sew them into the shirt/vest/wrap.

  8. Sounds like quite an adventurous run you had.

    Loved Survivor! So glad to see Philip finally gone! Greatest tribal council ever!!!

  9. While the bombing was a despicable crime I couldn't get past the fact that one of the bonbers was just a 19 year old kid. What made them turn on a country that gave their family asylum?


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