Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Celebrating our day....

First of all, thanks so much everyone for the great comments & well wishes you sent Ricky & I yesterday during our anniversary.  We loved & appreciated all the comments... every single one.

We had the best day yesterday... seriously the best...

Ricky sent me white roses the day before we got married (my fav roses)
so for our anniversary, he got me another dozen white ones..
look at my romantic man! :)

We both said that we love that we take our vacation during our anniversary - a for sure thing to know that we can be off work & enjoy the day & each other... more often then not, we have to work on our birthdays & can't celebrate when you have to get up at 5:30am & do all the fun things work has in store.  Our anniversary?  Nope - we're gonna do it right.

We ended up going out for lunch... headed to Red Robin.  We've never been there before (probably because the closest one is about 40 minutes away from us)... & I was glad to see they had a veggie option.  We were confused on the "Bottomless Pit Fries"... when they brought out the fries, we noticed the container was 'bottomless' & that's why we figured they named them.  We started noticing that they were bringing out fries to tables around us... so you can get more... huh... who knew? But we didn't catch on the trick at the end to get a box of fries to go.  When we left, we saw tables ALL had huge boxes of fries to take with them... We know that trick for next time.

But we didn't leave before dessert.  A day of celebration calls for dessert.  German Chocolate Cake Brownies with Coconut Cool Whip... OH MY GOSH... perfection...

Look at Ricky with his spoon ready to dig in....

We ended up going around the mall.  Its always good to go to the mall on a Monday afternoon.  No crowds... even able to skip around & no one is there to judge.  (Like I care if anyone judges me any other day when I skip... please...)

The best part of the mall trip?  We went into a Brookstone & sat in the massage chairs for 30 minutes... no one else in there & the lady didn't care... we left feeling so relaxed... & wanting to buy a massage chair to take home.  Seriously, that was the most amazing chair in the WORLD!!!!

Found this skirt while shopping...
I said if I was skinny, I'd wear this EVERY.DAY!!!!!

We made a Starbucks trip & I was bummed .. come on East End!  They didn't have any Peach Green Tea Lemonade.  Out of peach.  Really?  ... that's OK... I'm all for new experiences & got just plain Green Tea Lemonade.  (A little too tart)

Ricky really wanted to head down to our spot last year that he put our initials in the concrete on our anniversary.  We were shopping, found wet cement & he put the initials in.  I have pictures of him doing it.... we searched & searched... & we even knew where it was at, but thought we may be wrong... because they're gone...

I told Ricky to get out a permanent marker... we'd WRITE it back in :)  Determination!

Made a trip to Kohl's ... another experience I'll probably talk about in my Vlog Friday ...(Yes, the Vlog will probably become a Friday tradition)

We wanted to go to dinner, but we both weren't really hungry enough for a dinner... so we just said we'll do the anniversary dinner later in the week.

so we just came home & took it easy....

After all, love is knowing I have to be home to watch Dancing with the Stars! :)

It was just a fun day.... we laughed together, shopped, ate chocolate brownies... it was a perfectly GORGEOUS warm day... it couldn't have been more perfect....

Monday, October 28, 2013

18 years.... a love story in the making...

October 28th....

This day 18 years ago, I was up as nervous as a bug under a magnifying glass...

I got no sleep the night before.  I was an excited bride anxious for my wedding day.

Rebecca Jo Vincent's photo.

Someone asked me how me & Ricky met.

Its really a neat story - kinda long... so I'll actually try to shorten it.  My romantic movie reel probably wouldn't entertain everyone.  Though I do think it would make an EXCELLENT movie.  Where's Rob Reiner when you need him?

Ricky & I have actually crossed paths our whole lives... its true.  Its like one of those corny things you hear about, but it really happened.

When I was young, I was a roller skating FOOL.  So every Sunday, one of my parents would take me & my friend Julie who lived down the street up to Champs Rollerdrome.  It was always on a Sunday... only for a few hours.  Not the whole session.  I was probably between the age of 6-8...

Well, Ricky is 10 years older then me.... gasp... I know... he doesn't look it... doesn't act it either... so Ricky was probably around 16-18 & he was the skate guard then.  How do I know for sure?  He was good friends with a guy who also worked at the skating rink that knew my brother.... so Ricky was probably one of those people who yelled at me to SLOW DOWN!  ... no actually, probably telling me to GO FASTER!!!  I've never been the dare devil.


Fast forward a few years.  I'm now 16 & working in the local grocery store.  The one right down the street from my house... & turns out, right down from his house.  Yep, we lived a few streets apart our young lives....

I can remember someone coming through my line every time that had been through an accident.  Would be wearing the jobst gloves & mask.  I can remember making conversation with this person, trying to show that different doesn't bother me... come to find out, that person was Ricky.  That was the time of his accident where he was in a trailer fire.  He said he can remember going to places & if someone made him feel comfortable, he would always make a point to return back to that place - to that person...


Its weird because I honestly remember him then... I mean, you don't see many people who have been through a horrible accident come through the grocery line...
He remembers someone always being kind & friendly to him...
Fate was stepping in...


Fast forward about another 5 years - I was always with my best friend Stephanie & she was dating a guy (now her husband) Brian.  He had the most incredible Camaro.  Beautiful car... the car everyone knew when it was driven around town.  We always loved to ride in it... & then one day he sold it.  Guess who he sold it too?  Yep... we saw it around town a few weeks later & there was the guy I remembered from the grocery story!  I knew that guy... he bought my friends car...


Me & my wonderful ROCKIN' Hubby!!! <3  Love my Rock N Roller!!!! <3

Fast forward another 2-3 years & I am dating someone & their family is going to Champs rollerdrome to go skating together.  We pull up & what do I see?  The Camaro in the parking lot... This guy is going to be in there... I saw him but didn't say anything...

Fast forward a few months... I'm dating another guy who works at the skating rink.  I had been laid off of my other job, so I end up getting a job at the roller rink.  Well, there's that guy... he works there as well... part time.  His best friend is the guy who owned & ran the rink...

Found out his name... Ricky Vincent...

I couldn't go into the cafeteria in the morning due to the dreaded C-word breakfast food... so Ricky sat outside with me <3  My love <3

Next thing you know, the guy I'm dating - we end up spending a lot of time with Ricky... the 3 of us were always together...

It takes a weird turn because this guy I was dating was the WORST.. I mean the worst... I don't even like to think about him... but if it wasn't for him, it wouldn't have brought me & Ricky together...

Ricky ended up getting me out of this horrible relationship...

& as they say, the rest is history...

Ricky told me how he felt about me... & I knew the feeling had already started for me as well... & we instantly started dating...

though it didn't feel like "instant"... it felt like we were together for so long anyways...

& we kind of were...

If I sat down & really wrote out the details of everything, I'm telling you, producers would be knocking on my door...

A love story in the making..

So we've been together 21 years... married 18 years today...

Our story keeps on going... lots of chapters, lots of stories... all headed to the Happily Ever After

Friday, October 25, 2013

Five on Friday... VLogging it like a Boss! BAM!

Look at me... combining my two favorite Friday events...

& yes, there's my face & voice after so many years of blogging...

Blame Ashten & her Vlogging movement...

Always Ashten
Click the button & join all the other new Vloggers
... or at least check them out...

I learned a few things doing this...

1. I need a mic - the sound quality is awful
2. Put my computer higher - my chinS look horrible at this angle
3. I say 'mmm' a LOT
4. I still don't know where I'm supposed to look
5. Started off hard, but the more I talk, the more comfortable I got... I could get used to it...
6. And yes, like an amateur who doesn't know what I'm doing, I went to 'trim' the video in YouTube & I cut it too short so it just randomly ends... da-ta... my media skills at its finest!

so drum roll..........welcome to my VLOG

Links mentioned

My Five on Friday
1.  Nosebleeds
2.  Virtual Races
3.  William & Kate
4.  Age spots
5.  Grandbaby is a ......

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Speedbumps & Stop signs....

Country roads & country towns...

We don't have a stop light in our town.  One blinking light that is on when school lets out.  Other then that, our main road is just smooth sailing.

This is what its like driving down country roads

The country side roads?  Windy & long & busy.  It's funny because every now & then, you'll find a random stop sign.  I mean, RANDOM.  You come over a hill & right in the middle of no where, a stop sign.  Why?  There's no other street around.

My dad said they must have had extra stop signs laying in a storage area & said to someone, "let's just go place them around"... it seems like that in some places...

When I come up to these stop signs, I'm going to admit something here.  I don't really stop.  Now, I do slow down, but a complete stop?  No way.. don't have time for that...

Same thing with our local grocery store.  In the parking lot, there are speed bumps as you make the turn into the shopping area. 

I will do anything & everything to get around them. 

I know they are there to slow me down, but I usually keep my speed & just weave around whenever possible.  So what if it looks like I'm going to drive up on the sidewalk? 

Bus Speed Bump
This is what happens to people in my back seat when I hit a speed bump

The funny thing is, I know these things are put there to slow me down.  Make me pause for a moment... but I know my life, my schedule & I say to those stop signs & speed bumps as I drive around, "gotta keep moving"

Doesn't life in general feel like that?

No time to stop... got lots to do... my schedule is filling up faster then I can keep up with it...

But we are supposed to have time to slow down, even stop, & spend time with God.

Do I drive right by him & say, "Gotta keep moving"?
Do I find ways to weave around & avoid Him?
Do I just tap my brakes long enough to act like I'm going to slow down, but keep sailing through?

Do you?

Those stop signs & speed bumps are there for a reason... to make sure I get to my destination safely...

My Bible is right here in front of me for a reason as well...

So I'm here to be a speedbump for you today...
to remind you to stop...

spend time with God today... somehow, some way...

That time with God is going to make sure you get to your destination safely as well...
Psalm 62:1-2
“My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.”

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


1. When it comes to good manners, what two top your list of most important?

I love a good "please" & "Thank you" ...

me being a germaphobe, I REALLY appreciate a covered sneeze... the RIGHT WAY.  Not in your hand!  In the crook of your arm!  Don't touch me with snotty, sneezy hands please.

But my biggest one that ranks high for me... Please.. PLEASE don't chew with your mouth full..  I'll probably throw up on you & that right there is NOT good manners.

Such bad manners... & I'm talking about her elbow on the table!

2. Let's open a proverbial can of worms...Common Core.  Are you familiar with the term (talking education reform in the USA)? If so, care to share your thoughts? In your opinion, what is one of the biggest issues schools (in your home country) face today?

I watched too much Biggest Loser I guess last night because the only thing I thought about when I heard "Common Core" is this...

Work that core!!!!!

Never even heard of it before...

3. Name a celebrity whose fashion sense you admire and share why.

I love everything about this girl... Emma Stone

She always looks so adorable... dressed up or casual.  Blond or red.. (I prefer red on her)...

but if I was that size, or that age, I think anything would look cute on me too...

A girl can dream

4. How are you affected by the changing seasons?

I hate winter coming... I really struggle with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) ... when its dark at 5:00 & cold & I don't want to go outside.  I just want to hole up & do nothing until Spring.  It really does get me every year...

School... work... all the same... all in the dark....

5. Scariest book you've ever read?

I'm not much of a 'scary book' reader... but I do love Frank Peretti & Ted Dekker... separately and together... its the kind of intense books that have you on the edge of your seat.

6. What time of day are you most hungry?  What's your go-to snack?

I'm usually hungry most between lunch & dinner... that late afternoon...

Let's get real... this is actually  more the truth...
I usually try to keep a piece of fruit near me... but my snack of choice lately?


The bad thing?  I can eat the whole bag in like 10 bites...

7. Do you lean more towards being too needy or too independent? Which do you find harder to deal with in others?

I don't think many people WANT to say their too needy...everyone wants to say they can handle things on their own...

I also think there's a fine line in seeing it in others.  I don't mind people needing my help... but I also don't like it when people take advantage of that help.  Same with being too independent.  Sometimes people need help but they refuse it because of stubbornness....

Walk the middle of the line people...

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I'm getting excited about all the Halloween episodes coming up.  I've always been a fan of dressing up for Halloween & love to see the elaborate costumes that people on TV wear.  Halloween specials?  Love 'em ... Kelly & Michael?  Can't wait to see their costumes.  I always love to see what the ladies on The View wear too. 

Kelly & Michael last year... can't wait for this year's show

The TV shows that do up Halloween always make me smile too.  I still love to catch all the old "Roseanne" Halloween shows on Nick at Night... good stuff!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Back to the puppy days...

We have had 4 dogs for the past 7 years.... I mean, we've had at least one dog since Ricky & I have been together... but 4 at one time, a constant in our house for 7 years.  Anything less then 4 feels odd to us now.

& the last 2 that came into the house weren't really puppies.  Bruno was almost 3 & totally potty trained.  Zoe was about 6 months, they figured (we found her stranded & snow covered... pitiful)

So its been 12 years since we've had a puppy... I mean, PUPPYYYYY in the house.

The teeth
The claws

Why did God make them so sharp?

Shark Week has nothing on this
Animal Planet needs Puppy Week!!!!

We've already lost a dozen pair of socks... 3 pairs of shoes because the shoe laces are gnawed off... one of my favorite t-shirts has a hole where a puppy tooth jabbed through it when Harvey grabbed it & pulled while I was trying to put it on.

And back to the world of potty training.

He's actually getting it down decently ... it helps when dogs have other dogs to watch...

Let me start again - we THOUGHT he was getting it down decently.

I was 15 minutes late getting to work because I was cleaning up spot after spot after spot.  The problem is, once Harvey squats, I scream NO!!!!!

I even do a head shake with the scream

He freaks out & takes off running... all the while running while peeing.

Hey, that would make a race a total mess if people did that... (there probably are people that do that in a race)

Off topic... anyways...

He's a nervous pee'er ... you yell, he pees.... you yell about the pee, he's going to pee more. 

You can't say, "Don't pee pee" in a easy voice & not get your point across...

No No
yeah... that would work GREAT.. I can tell...

Oh man... I forgot about these puppy days...

But I also know they will pass.  Harvey will be growing up quickly.  We'll train him & he'll learn.  It takes time & patience.

It took time for Sydney to learn... it took time for Buffy to learn...
Buffy's life went by so fast...
So when I think about going through this puppy stage, I know its frustrating, but I know time goes by fast...
& it makes me want to try to cling to patience so I can enjoy the other things that comes with the puppy stages.

The timid that makes him want to run to only me or Ricky for protection
That soft fluffy hair they have
Those cute little legs
That curiosity of learning everything new .....  A bug?  What's that?  The vacuum?  It sounds like the devil!
The puppy snuggles... is there anything better in the world?

So here we go again...

Good thing he's cute...

Any new puppy advice that I should know?
Any new tricks or advice on potty training?
Anyone just craving puppy snuggles now?

Monday, October 21, 2013

Puppies & weddings...

That doesn't sound like a bad weekend at all, does it?

Here's some highlights of the weekend

* We met the awesome lady that drove down to Lexington Thursday to rescue this little puppy ... she handed him over to us... & you could see butterflies, rainbows & unicorns floating over out heads.  Instant love.

Our Gotcha Day....

* We took this little fellow over to the park & played with him, letting us get used to him, letting him get used to us... which took all of 0.4 seconds. 

* Puppies attract attention.  Sitting in the park, we had all kinds of people walking by, "Can we pet your puppy?" ... Puppies can help World Peace... I believe that

* A name... how to come up with a name.  We asked all the strangers that were coming by & they all agreed on the one Ricky wanted.  Harvey Dent.  If you're not a super hero fan, that may mean nothing to you, but Harvey Dent is "Two-Faced" in Batman... & since this puppy turns his head & one side you see ONLY white & the other mostly Black, Ricky wanted Two-face.  I said we're not naming him a villain's name... so we went with the good side of Two-Face...

The ironic thing with this Two-Face?
... I wanted to call the puppy Chance because he got a second chance with us ...

* With those puppy teeth already destroying a few pairs of shoes & socks, maybe the villain name would have fit....

* The new home reunion went as expected.  Zoe went & hid, but she hides 90% of her life anyways... Bruno was Mr. Bully saying, "I'M the man of the house"... & Sydney could care less.  But that's exactly what she's done with every new addition in the house.

Oh.... just be prepared... for the next few months, you'll probably see nothing but puppy updates & puppy pictures

* I had a wedding Saturday... & woke up to rain & temps that were about bone-chilling... yippee!!!!

* I love a laid back bride & groom... the bride literally just kept her black ugg boots on all day long & wore them in the ceremony.... the most comfortable bride ever!

* So, the wedding was at a beautiful orchard ... outside... you'd think it would be breathtaking, right?  It ended up being PITCH DARK!  They scheduled it earlier in the year not thinking of time change... AND they had family coming up on a shuttle bus from Ohio & the bus broke down!!!!!!!!!!!!!... it was pretty much all of the guests... so we had to wait.  So we did an outside wedding at 8:00pm... in 50 degree weather...
Did I not tell you?  There were NO LIGHTS OUTSIDE EITHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was actually funny... the bride & groom didn't care... it was a great service & they ended up married... all about that anyways
Here's a picture of what it looked like
... no... your computer is not messed up
... it was really that dark!...
(No... this isn't really my picture - I got great pictures)

* Just a side note - to tell you how dark it was, the flower girl was afraid to walk down the aisle because it was just a black straight way, that you could hear people ohhh & ahhh on the sides.  I'd be freaked out too.
AND, the groomsmen?  In their picture, the moon is right over their shoulder shining down... a night time wedding.. that was a new experience

* Chasity obviously had to be out of town for this wedding with the loss of her sister in law so I had my husband & my nephew step in.  Cool to have back up... but nothing like having Chasity.  She can read my mind by me just looking at her.  I think its girl power.  My husband can read my mind too, but that's not usually a good thing when I have to give him a 'look' :)

* I was on my feet at the wedding for about 13 hours... don't tell me wedding photography is easy... people have NO IDEA how hard it is on you.  I always read, the wedding photographer is the ONLY person who is working the entire day.  Caterer?  Just for the reception.  DJ? A few hours.  Florist?  Drops off the flowers & goes.  Cake decorator?  Same thing, drop off & go lick the icing that remains... wedding photographer?  With the bride & groom all day long, doing everything - counseling, seamstress, gopher, comedian (gotta make 'em laugh in pictures), comforter when the nerves hit, decorator... it really is a unique job... good thing I love it. 
My feet may not like it too much though.
My low back DEFINITELY doesn't love it.

* We took Zoe & groomed her ourselves Sunday after church.  I think we did a pretty darn good job this time... not without some spats of, "you're doing it wrong - give me the scissors"... Zoe got a new sparkling pink collar out of it.  Poor baby was exhausted & slept the rest of the night

Oh dang... that ONE hair in her eyes... I gotta snip it

* Loving on the puppy!  I kept Harvey up from 5:00 - 10:00 so he would sleep through the night.  He was getting so frustrated with me.  Its my job to bother everyone when they're tired.

* Bonus: This morning when I left... look at these two...

I hate leaving my fur babies...
especially because Harvey get's crated until he can learn the ways of potty training
AND not chewing every thing that is below waist level

BONUS BONUS... video of our cute little boy...

Friday, October 18, 2013

Five on Friday


{ONE} Fostering

Today at 4:30, Ricky & I become foster parents...
to that little fur-face above.
A fellow running buddy is a huge Australian Shepherd advocate.  She works with rescue centers to help save them.  She currently has a house full of Aussie's... I fall in love with all the pictures of her babies.
She got in touch with me yesterday morning & said, "Can you help?"... this baby is 3 months old & was going to be put to sleep in 2 days if no one took him.
How do they put down 3 month old puppies?  I don't understand...
He was in Lexington, KY... I was headed to Dale, IN for a funeral...
But my friend said she'd go down & get him ... which she did... & I pick him up from her today after work!
We're supposed to only have him for 2 weeks...
I'm laying money that Ricky & I fall in love & this puppy won't be leaving our house
That's my wish anyways... send us good vibes that this puppy loves us & our other fur babies...
& it makes me want to spread the word on Animal Rescue Fostering... save these babies
{TWO} Respect
We went to the town my dad grew up in yesterday.
Our cousin died.
It's such a small town.
They have a hardware store, a lumber store (which I'm not sure was even open), a taxidermy store (which every small town needs) & two places to eat - a Subway & a Mongolian BBQ Buffet - WHAT?... random...
When we left the church to go to the cemetery, the cars coming from the opposite way pulled over to the side of the road & sat & waited for the funeral procession to pass by.
Respect is something that takes my breath away when I see it
... it doesn't happen as often anymore...
{THREE} Book
This just came in the mail yesterday.
I'm SOOO excited to read it.
I think Jefferson Bethke's way of thinking is amazing.
Hoping his book reads as fantastic as he speaks.
Think you don't know him?  You probably have heard him & not knew his name


{FOUR} Obamacare

Anyone else lost & confused?

I've been very vocal here through the years how much I LOATHE health insurance, being self insured for the past 5 years.
I got a notice from my health insurance company saying my policy has been removed due to the new Affordable Care Act.
They offer something similar, & surprise, its more expensive...

So do I look up insurance through the Obamacare program & see if its cheaper?
If I get it, will doctors not see me?
Will I get shunned because I use it?
Is it best to pay more & stay away from it?
I need answers...
I don't understand except I know I keep paying more for less

{FIVE} Wallets

Does anyone carry a real wallet anymore?
I can't find them.
They all are just small things to put credit cards or cash
Nothing to hold change
& DEFINITELY nothing to hold a check.
A check?  What's that?
I use a debit card so I like to write it down in a check register as soon as possible. 
But find a wallet that lets you hold a check register.

Am I just dating myself?
Do all the cool people not carry a REAL wallet?

When I pull out a huge wallet & everyone else has a slim hand sized money holder