Friday, November 01, 2013

Vlogging again.... Count how many times I say the word 'poop'...

I'm back... vlogging again...

Always Ashten

1. Still have issues with saying 'mmmm'
2. Be prepared for puppy appearance
3. Told you my hair wouldn't look as good as last week
4. Ricky said I look like something is wrong with my eyes... I need to do vlogging during day so the light is better in the kitchen... shadows are not my friend

So without further ado...

Five on Friday

1. Vacation!!! YAHOOO!!!
2. Neil Patrick Harris & Halloween idea (BEST EVER)

Did I tell you or what?  ADORABLE!!



Halloween 2013 ... I want a make up artist as a friend

Last Year...equally adorable!

3. Poop Patrol... count the times I say poop... its quite a bit
4. Medal & Bling Snob I've become
5. Hallo-istmas ... clearance candy!!!

Happy Friday everyone!!!


  1. Did you see the photo of what they did for Halloween? That was just for their party the weekend before. They had a whole new set of costumes for yesterday.

  2. I LOVE NPH watches your vlogs! You must be like a freakin' rockstar or something! :)

    In all seriousness, you are hilarious.

    Keep vloggin!


  3. You are seriously a good vlogger. The camera loves you.

  4. Yay for vacation!! You are adorable and I love your accent :) I counted 6 poops. Cant wait to see your REAL medal!! I saw the Christmas decorations at Kohl's this morning...and I almost didn't go in! I bothers me so much that Thanksgiving is totally skipped over after Halloween it's straight to Christmas...oh, well! Happy Friday!

  5. Oh girl, I love seeing your beautiful face!!! And yes you have the sweetest accent. People say I do to, but of course I don't :)

    So now I want to do a five on Friday vlog :)

    Love you girl ~~ dawn


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