Monday, December 30, 2013

Why I'm cooler then you are (... not really)

So all year, I've done posts called "Why my ____ is cooler then your _____" - insert husband, mom, step daughter, brother...

& today is my day... My Birthday!!!

But I know I'm not cooler then you all...

unless you count some of these as cooler:

* I can gain weight faster then any person alive
* One stupid tendon in my arm can ruin lots of normal activities causing extreme pain
* I have an extreme talent of worrying about everything little thing
* I get to work on the most stressful day in the world at work

If things like that make me cool - then I MAY be cooler then you...

otherwise, you win.. you're cooler then me

But today, it is my birthday...

My watch tells me so...

& I already took advantage of Starbucks & their free drink.  Who doesn't get at LEAST a Venti on a free drink day?  I need this much caffeine to get me through this day anyways.

Please note my beautiful red scarf my friends gave me for my birthday too

What are my plans?

Survive work today... & probably be exhausted & ready for bed when I leave

Fun stuff huh?

That's what you get at 42 years old

WOW... I can't believe I'm 42

I always used to automatically say when people asked how old I am - "I'm 18" - without even thinking... it had moved up to automatically saying 24... don't ask me why those numbers popped out of my mouth... subconscious?

Now I automatically say, I'm 85...

doesn't that tell you anything?

For the record, I DID NOT wake up like this
It was more of a moan & a "oh my back hurts"

But this year, my 42nd year.. its going to be awesome...

I'm going to feel better - I'm going to BE better ... I'm going to make it happen!




  1. Happy Birthday to you! Hope all your wishes come true : )

  2. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope it is your best year yet!!

    Love you dear one ~~ dawn

  3. P.S. You are DEFINITELY cooler than me!

  4. Happy, happy Birthday!!! I think you and I are on the same side of the coolness scale.. much of the same "cool" qualities are mine Have a great day and enjoy it to the fullest. Birthday Blessings!

  5. Happy Birthday and I hope Steven Curtis Chapman does throw a birthday tweet your way!!

  6. Happy happy birthdayyy! I hope it's the amazing one that you deserve! :)

  7. Happy birthday! I turned 40 this year, but I swear I don't feel that way! My husband (who is only a month older than me) actually acts like he's 40. I said to my daughter the other day, "Look at Daddy and look at me. Daddy is 40. So how old am I?"

    Her guess was 26... so I guess I have to buy her a car now!


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