Tuesday, December 31, 2013

One Word - 2014

So last year, I did the "Word of the year" ...  The word was "Focus" & it was from Phil 3:13-14

I focus on this one thing; forgetting the past & looking forward to what lies ahead.  I press on to reach the end of the race & receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us

I still love my word... I repeat it to myself over & over to focus on the right things...

It also really spurred on my LIFE verse, which is the same... but PRESS ON is my theme in life now... I have it on a bracelet I wear every day - I put it everywhere. 
Mandisa even did a song off this verse called Press On that is A-MAZ-ING!   She even made a remix version for working out - my favorite song to run to.

So what do I need in 2014?

I knew what I needed in my life right now, for 2014... new beginnings... fresh starts.... a different attitude about things & life.

Then the word RENEW came to me...

One Word 2014

It fits perfectly...

I looked up the word in the Bible to find scripture that has that word & came across this..... & I've heard this verse over & over...

seen it on MANY a shirt during races...

But its just hit me so differently... it is hitting me in the soul... as it should

but those who hope in the Lord
will RENEW their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run & not grow weary,
they will walk & not be faint.
-Isaiah 40:31

Hope in the Lord... yes!  That's what causes the Renewing!
I need strength... more every day... in every sense of the word...
Run & not grow weary... I know what it is to run & be VERY weary... I know what it is to walk miles & miles & want to just give up... faint... lay down & give up..

No more... I'm going to be renewed with a strength that comes from my hope in the Lord...YES!

That just excites me to no end...

The coolest things of all... I picked out my word for the year... & yesterday, on my tablet, it has the verse for the day.  On my birthday, guess what the verse of the day was?  Yep... Isaiah 40:31...

It was like God just said, "Yes, this is your verse"

I'm going to write up my resolutions in the next few days... but today as we close out 2013 & keeping my focus in check, I'm looking forward to what God has in store for me, RENEWING me every day....

Happy 2014!!!


  1. What a great reminder and great word for 2014. We all need times of renewal.

    I haven't made my post yet, but I picked my word the other day after reading my morning devotions by Joyce Meyers. My word is relationship. My desire is to work on my relationship with Jesus. I have a tendency to be more of a rule person which to me is more religion than relationship. I'm tired of religion and definitely want a deeper, more meaningful relationship with Christ. So that's my 1Word.

  2. I love that verse! Happy New Year!


  3. A great verse and a great word! Looking forward to seeing where our words carry us this year. :)

  4. Love your new word and the scripture...I haven't picked one yet!

  5. I love your word, and the verse that goes with it.

    Happy 2014!!

  6. I love this verse and word Rebecca Jo.
    I haven't really thought I will do a word this year.
    We will see.

    I love yours and the meaning behind it for you.
    Press on dear one, press right on!

    I love you ~~ HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

  7. Not only is your word a great one, but your writing of this post is beautiful.Happy New Year, Rebecca.


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