Monday, December 23, 2013

Weekend Wrapup...

... pant... pant... pant...

Nope - that's not one of our dogs taking over my blog... that's me trying to recover from this weekend.

Whew!  Last weekend before Christmas = insane running... & not loosing one pound for all the running!

Here's some highlights of the weekends

* Target needs some serious phone assistants... I checked my account & have a weird charge on there so I have been trying to call them about it, ONLY to get disconnected EVERY TIME you call.  I even sat on hold - when I called at 5 am - the only time I could get a line... sat on hold for 30 minutes & then it hung up on me.  They've got some serious troubles on their hands.

* I did take advantage of their extra 10% off on the weekend though

* I won't complain at all... but it was in the high 60's Friday & Saturday.  I can dig that kind of weather... I even opened the door to the enclosed porch (where the dogs like to lounge) & wrapped presents while watching & listening to the rain fall, watching Claymation movies on ABC Family. 

* That rain fall turned into a Panic Attack for me.... we were at Ricky's Christmas party & got a phone call from my dad that Tornado Warnings were happening at our house.  We have Harvey locked up outside.  Not really outside, but kinda.  He's teethered where he stays in the enclosed porch room - has a kennel he can get into... but the side door is open (it has a covered porch over that open door) - but he had never been through a storm before.  This was his first & I wasn't sure how he was going to react... run into it?  Freak out & have a heart attack?  Not care but get blown away?  ... I was FREAKING OUT... I just wanted to get home.  So the Christmas party ended & we ended up driving home in this CRAZY storm.  I mean, the rain was intense... the wind was insane... my nerves were destroyed.  It was the longest ride of my life.

... Harvey was totally fine - didn't even care about the storm.  Bruno, on the other hand, was a shaking nervous wreck.

* Speaking of Bruno - say a little prayer for my grumpy man.  He's going to the vet tonight.  He's hurt his back leg so bad, he can't walk on it at all.  He's on 3 legs. So he can't jump up the steps to go in & out.  We're having to carry him in & out of the house to go to the bathroom. He's pitiful.  He can't even stand long enough to eat & he gets frustrated trying to sit & eat... tonight was the earliest we could get him into the vet.  Anxious to see what they say it is...

Poor boy can't do anything but try & squeeze in beds too small for him
... this is how I feel trying to fit in my jeans lately....

* Our table at Ricky's Christmas party came in 3rd place for Christmas trivia... out of quite a few tables, that was pretty awesome.  We got $150 to split between the table.  I'll take $20 for going to a Christmas party any day.  Ricky benefited too & got $20 for his wife knowing useless information.  One question & we would have been in 2nd place (we only missed 4 out of 45 questions!  We missed What the name of Bedford Falls would have been if George had never been born... & we missed the name of the Federal agency that tracks Santa... (NORAD was the answer...what?)...
but we proudly got the 12 days of Christmas gifts... & we also got the name of the Polka Band that John Candy was in from Home Alone!  YES!

* Ricky & I got in an argument about me being "too dramatic"... you can imagine how dramatic that conversation went :)

* Had the most amazing coffee Sunday morning... added Coconut Milk that is Mint Chocolate to my Starbucks coffee... yum!  ... but afterwards, my stomach was in knots & rethinking the drink.  Its a trade off - a chocolate yummy drink, or 10 fast trips to the bathroom?  ...hhhmmmm.... decisions decisions...

* Headed to my Sister in Laws for our Vincent Christmas.  She always makes the most amazing feast... & even called me a few days ahead to double check the vegetarian thing & make sure I wasn't vegan. She had me so many amazing choices. Brussel Sprouts, carrots, green beans, mac & cheese, mashed potatoes... it was a FEAST!

* I love playing games... we had the best time with a "Head's Up" sorta game.  It was a knock off of it, but it was free... & still as much fun...

My Brother in Law killing it in Sports Legends
...I of course, killed it in Disney Characters :)

* Had to pick up Zoe.  Who knew Pet Smart did grooming on Sunday, LATE?  We dropped her off before we went to my SIL's & had to pick her up on the way home.  They called & told us, "She doesn't want to be here at all"... apparently she was a nervous wreck & was "being anxious" - they wouldn't go into details.  She's a nervous dog anyways ... but the groomer said that about 90% of the dogs were acting that way for some reason that day.  They were super busy, so maybe the commotion was getting them riled up.  She looked fantastic though.  I got Zoe a new bed for her troubles & she loved it instantly.  I put it in the front seat of the car & she rode proudly in it.  She sleeps in a queen size bed all by herself (the smallest dog in the house gets a queen size bed) but we put this small dog bed in the middle of the bed & she was curled up sound asleep in it when I left work this morning... she loves it...

* Sound of Music... I still love that movie...The scenes always crack me up when the "love scenes" instantly look like Vaseline has been spread on the camera.  I need to put Vaseline over my eyes when I look at Ricky.. or maybe I need to put it on his eyes when he looks at me to make me look soft & blurry

Here we go... Christmas week...I'm swamped at work where everyone is on vacation & I have to pick up the slack.. so I'll be good to get through the next 2 weeks... let's do this...

1 comment:

  1. The weather has been so whacky everywhere lately! I think that's part of the reason it's so shocking that Christmas is here. Doesn't feel like a "real" winter!


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