Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Why my husband is cooler then yours...

Today is the Hubs birthday...

& I know that you ladies think your husbands are pretty cool... & I get that... but I just want to show you why I think I have a good case on why my husband MAY be a tad cooler :)

So here's the list of reasons....

* Let's state the obvious - his birthday is on Christmas Eve!!!!  & he never complains about it.  I'd be throwing a fit.  Mine is in 6 days & I don't like it being that close to Christmas.  We need to throw a birthday party for each other in the middle of summer.

*  He can make it through a Color Run without getting ANY color on him...

OK... this is Ricky AFTER the race... & yes - he DID the color run... there are actually little speckles of green on his shirt & he was like "do I need to put blankets down in the car for me?"... seriously?  Look at me... look at him... he wouldn't give me a hug after either... not cool :)
He's THAT fast that color won't stick to him

* He has red hair... & not like me, its natural.  My red headed dad raised me right in knowing red haired men are just plain cool guys.

* He has stepped up in the Youth Group the past 2 years & is making great relationships with the kids.  Love seeing him step out of his comfort zone & being blessed for it.

Greenville Christian Church YOUTH's photo.
There we are in the back row at Merge Camp this summer

* He walks between 13-15 miles a DAY at work... a DAY people... & busts his butt to provide for our family.

* He never gets too old for Super Heroes & has passed on the love of it to his grandsons... & me.  Quiz me... you'd be surprised what I know about super heroes.  I never thought I'd know this much in my life about them...

Steve & Julie got Ricky a fantastic gift...
Big boys like their super hero toys too

* He is quite the Second Shooter in photography when I need help.  He's very particular & has seen enough of my work that he knows what I look for.  I'm actually impressed with his pictures he captures.

* Speaking of pictures... he's a great sport at hearing me say, "Come here & look at this picture!" ... or "Which one looks better?" when its like the most subtle change.  I trust his opinion too...

* He understands my love for Steven Curtis Chapman... & even kinda likes the guy himself :)

* He came out of the crowd & held my hand when I did my best race ever... it was such an amazing moment for me & to have him run across the finish line, holding my hand, cheering me on saying, "you're going to do it" - it was honestly one of the best moments of my life!  I'm so thankful he was there

My Hubby running the finish line with me <3

* He deals with my moods...enough said on that one... I SAID ENOUGH! ;)

* He never gets too old to ROCK OUT!!!... especially to KISS.... He'll be in the KISS ARMY until he takes his last breath on this earth

*  He's the most generous person I know... if you don't expect anything from him, he'll want to give you more then he has.  His heart for compassion is something amazing & rare.

* He loves his grandsons more then anything... & they think he's pretty cool too

I adore this picture... we were shopping in the maill on Black Friday & the boys all were sticking together <3

* He can eat 20 candy bars & not gain a pound.  He doesn't like that fact, but I know it amazes me & I know most women will drool in jealousy like I do.

* His heart for animals is something that makes him pretty amazing.  I've seen him go out in the cold grass in the middle of the night & sleep with Buffy when she was getting ready to pass away.  He didn't want her to feel alone...

* He proposed to me on Christmas Eve during a candle light service at my church... he can have a romantic side to him when he wants :)

* He debunks the myth of what the "Middle Child" is... I'm not sure what that is, but its never good.  This Middle Child is everything good.

I love every person in this photo <3

* He should have been a lawyer... the man can argue for hours about anything... trust me on this one.

* He is Mr. Pro on skates... I always say I fall in love with him all over again when he puts on his skates.  The man has moves... let me tell you...

Don't attempt this move unless you are a pro like Ricky...not good to crush a child

* He will dress up for Halloween even though he doesn't want to.  He even lets me braid his hair for Halloween costumes.

He's going to be even more excited that I posted pictures of it ... again :)

* He doesn't mind... too much... when I have to stop & pee every 30 minutes in a car ride

* He is genius when it comes to numbers & all things weight/pounds ... I'm the accountant in the family but don't ask me a question unless I have a calculator around.  Ricky is like Mr. Wizard with the answer... roll eyes & BAM, the answer is ______ .  His brain is amazing.

*  He's a corn hole champ.... unless I'm on his team

We still have fun though

* He has a spiritual gift of discernment ... I've never seen anything like it.  He can read people pretty amazingly spot on right from the beginning.  It's actually something that has to be God-given because I will tell him he's wrong so many times about a person & he turns out right.

I could go on... & on... & on....

I think he's pretty cool... in so many more ways... so I just wanted to stop for a minute when everyone celebrates Christmas & just celebrate my husband...

Happy Birthday Honey... I love you FOREVER


  1. What a sweet post! Enjoy this holiday filled week, two birthdays and an even more remarkable birthday to celebrate. How fun for you all!

  2. Happy Birthday to your husband!!! This was the sweetest post ever! And I was very impressed with is skating skillz!!!

  3. Happy Birthday, Ricky! This was a great post, RJ....I even teared up a bit (seriously!) Have a great Christmas! :)

  4. What an amazing post dear girl!!! The pictures of him with those grand boys just made me want to cry, and the story of Buffy.....Oh.My.Goodness.

    Happy Birthday Dear Ricky!!! And thank you for taking such good care of Rebecca!!

    PS The boy has some mad skating skills.

  5. So beautiful!! I hope he has a very happy birthday and a year filled with many blessings!

  6. Oh, that part about Buffy and the picture with her in the background made my eyes water.

    You are a fortunate woman, and he is a fortunate man. You complete each other.

    Happy Birthday, Ricky!

  7. Such a sweet post... you're such a good wifey! :) Happy birthday to him and merry Christmas to the both of you! :)

  8. Happy Birthday to your husband and Merry Christmas to you!

  9. gotta admit, he sounds like a keeper! I love S.C. Chapman too. :-) Merry Christmas!


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